So I beat D3 a long time ago. Can someone explain what seasons do in the game/should I care about them? I've been thinking about doing a run here soon.
Of course I will improvise as I'm getting drops. This is purely theoretical to know what I should roughly aim for. Seems without languish I should really look for some more defense options.
Also, do converted lengedaries stay available to me, so I can swap them around or are they completely overridden?
So I got a couple of question.
I come from 1.x Diablo 3 (stopped with the rep cost patch), without any experience with seasons, rifts, loot 2.0, useful non-rare items, paragon, kube and the like, so talk to me like I'm five.
I played WD with Hex [heal], Dart [splinters], Firebomb [roll], Wall [+slow], Grasp [+slow] and Spirit Walk [heal] with Pierce the Veil, Blood Ritual and Spirit Vessel. and enjoyed the (at that point absolutely required) kiting playstyle.
At first, I tried the Crusader and leveled him to 18 or so to test him out. Afterwards I leveled my WD to level 61 to test Piranha and watching a video of Piranha-Tornado in action, I decided I play WD again. I fooled around some more and tested all the skills here is on what I plan to use:
Piranha [Tornado] to group them and then melt them with
Wall of Death [Firewall] and
Grasp of the Dead [Desperate Grasp]
Spirit Walk [Jaunt] is obviously a must
Pierce the Veil
Spirit Vessel
Confidence Ritual
That leaves me with 2 active slots and 1 passive. From the little footage I watched, it seems that you fight large group of enemies most of the time, and that single champion packs don't pose the danger that they used to, so I thought about Firebomb [Roll the Bones] and primary attack. The last active slot could either go to a big cooldown like BBV or Fetish Army or to Hex [Increased damage] against tougher enemies or [Angry Chicken] for the quick AoE burst. Alternatively, Acid Cloud [not sure] for more AoE pew pew, but I ran oom pretty quickly (with level 60 gear from vendor, mind you).
I hate keeping up with buffs, so I would rather not use Soul Harvest. I also hate pets, in particular if they die the whole time. A single large one like Gargantuan is ok tho.
For the passive slots Fetish, because I guess you would have a ridiculous amount of them or Grave Injustice, seeing how many enemies die around you. That 1 sec CD reduction could be abused so hard. Tho, I fear my mana will not be able to keep up with that.
I've also read in the Season 7 primer that you get "Helltooth" (for free(?)) during the season [how does that work actually?] and it reads absolutely bonkers with what I plan to use. This would also make Firebomb a real good DPS and slow spell due to Necrosis. Firewall sounds like it will become ridiculous and primary source of damage.
Is this semi viable? Are there better skills to use that I don't realize? I don't need to compete at the very top, I just want to farm some loot with my friends. Now, keep in mind I have no knowledge of how to add passive legendaries, which gear actually exist apart from Helltooth and the like.
Any pointers? Where can I about all the gear and gems? What would be some beneficial effects to have passively around?
Speaking of which. Is attack speed useful here? Does it increase the proc frequency of Firewall and the like?
I was just looking for legendary rings that I could use (apart from SoJ I found them very lackluster tho), and stumbled upon the set rings Restraint + Focus. Wtf, how is that balance in comparison?
My question is: The "resource generating" part seems rather difficult for WD to incorporate unless you take Mana Spiders or Mana Darts or do "primary attacks" that don't cost mana trigger it anyway? (e.g. Firebombs)
Everyone starts from scratch and you have a scoreboard how you perform (not sure how it's measured, I think by the highest GR you beat).So I beat D3 a long time ago. Can someone explain what seasons do in the game/should I care about them? I've been thinking about doing a run here soon.
That's good to know. Makes swapping builds much much easier.Converted legendaries go into a big panel of all the possible options your class can possibly unlock, so once they are added to your Kanai's Cube you can go back and switch them at any time in town.
The damage multiplicator does take a while to kick in, making kiting / running around a lot rather punishing. With Focus + Restraint, I don't have that problem. At the very least I ALWAYS have *1.5 damage at any given time, and another *1.5 whenever I use a single mana gainer.Travelers pledge and Compass rose are better fit imo, make you no need of using mana generator, depending of build. It give you defence boost when moving and attack boost when standing still.
So I beat D3 a long time ago. Can someone explain what seasons do in the game/should I care about them? I've been thinking about doing a run here soon.
Which do you guys like more? Empty slots means I have no idea what to take there yet.
That manes all I have left is decide which build and
-1 remaining active skill (for compass build)
- Weapon (Really no clue what's good and helpful for me - I have eyed with Devastator due to the +fire damage)
- Offhand (if not 2h, probably Henri tho)
Advise really appreciated and thank you for your help.
edit: IAS is of no concern to me, isn't it?
Isn't firewall enough as main DPS source (+tornado + grasp).Your weapon will likely end up being Scrimshaw/mojo and taking zombie charge or whatever as your primary damage dealer, or Suwongs diviner and using acid blob, just a primary skill won't get you very far, you need a big damage mana spender. I'm concerned it won't feel very fun to play with ring of emptiness like you're looking at though. If youre spending time haunting mobs to get the buff up, you aren't spending time actually killing them. With a normal rig of emptiness build you'd be haunting while your gargs killed stuff.
Something like this would be a pretty solid casual build, though without soul harvest + lakumbas you'll be pretty squishy, there's really no way around it. You could swap COE in the cube for double unity for DR though if you wanted.
Isn't firewall enough as main DPS source (+tornado + grasp).
I only plan on using Haunt against champion packs / bosses / guardians etc, where I actually need the damage increase. I figure most trash mobs die rather soon anyway. If casting it takes too much time against packs, I could use the 2-haunt passives.
I can't judge how much defense options I need obviously. So far I have the necrosis buff (60% less damage), the fetishes as meat shield, if 1h Henri (-80% damage on first hits) and potentially the defense gem. With the gear you've posted, which uses Focus and Restraint, I could also use hellfire with swampland. Still not enough?
If zombie chargers, why the cold bears and not zombie bears?
First things first: what do you mean by "beat D3" and by "a long time ago"?
Was it before the expansion? Have you ever tried Adventure mode/do you know what it is?
What we tell you will mostly depend on your answer to these questions.
Went through after the expansion released up to, I believe Torment 2. Don't remember if I played Adventure mode much.
Think of a number between 1-100 and I tell you which char you gonna play.Seasonal character. Demon Hunter, Monk, or Wizard. Have not played any.
Still cannot decide.
Seasonal character. Demon Hunter, Monk, or Wizard. Have not played any.
Still cannot decide.
Think of a number between 1-100 and I tell you which char you gonna play.
Wizard! Personal opinion, i just hate both dex classes in D3, dont know why, they just dont kick in for me.
You gonna play wizard. (digit sum of your number. 1-6 DH, 7-12 Monk, 12-18 Wizard). 69 = 15.I imagine they must have been something else before their mainstat gave armor.
So I just picked my Wizard back up that I haven't touched since beating RoS and doing a little of the rifts back when you needed the keys.
Right now I'm doing T2 difficulty but I'm not sure what I should be doing. Currently my focus is blood shards for Kadala. I have 2 pieces of Firebird, but I still feel really lost about what I should be doing.
I'm wondering if I should do the season 6 chapters to get a set for my main. You can only do it once per season right? I would most likely give it to my Wizard, or should I just focus on gearing my Wizard for now? Can you do the chapters to get the gifts once each season?
::edit:: Nevermind, there is currently no season. I'm dumb. Still learning how all this works.
Its looking like this will be the first season I'm not the only WD o.0
How good is the Grin Reaper effect? How much damage increase can you see? How often do they cast firewall?
Just another reminder that we have a GAF NA Diablo 3 clan and that it isn't actually full. All you need to do to join is to post your Battle tag ID in this thread.
Just another reminder that we have a GAF NA Diablo 3 clan and that it isn't actually full. All you need to do to join is to post your Battle tag ID in this thread.
15 mil for a GR65 seems really low considering it was expensive as hell prior to that.
I was in the clan way back when it was first formed and would love to get back in. All my other friends have long since vanished...Just another reminder that we have a GAF NA Diablo 3 clan and that it isn't actually full. All you need to do to join is to post your Battle tag ID in this thread.
At 61-69 if you even pay attention to what stats should be on your gear Torment 1 is generally pretty easy anyway.I hate the game already and I haven't even started yet. lol Gargantuan is way too broken. I just fiddled around on torment 1 with my level 66 witch doctor in yellow gear and he pretty much soloed diablo and didn't lose a single health point. Like what the fuck. I feel like it's mandatory to have him around. Mask of Jeram cubed flat out doubles my entire DPS, according to simulations on d3planner. He does 98.62% damage, despite +fire damage and firewall bracers... urgh. And that's without ring of emptiness stuff.
Really would have wished they left pets out of the Hellfire set.
The game isn't really balanced prior to 70 to begin with. It'd be such a waste of time to try to balance it when you spend so little time there relative to end-game.
Yeah. Especially if you find something powerful like Mask of Jeram while leveling, at that point stuff like Gargantuan will easily beat your other options.
I used the d3 char planner with end-gear equipped there. I wouldn't mind playing something "sub-optimal", but the damage increase Gargantuan yields is comparable between a firecracker and a full blown nuke. Like, a difference between 250billion+ DPS kind of difference. ._.Yeah. Especially if you find something powerful like Mask of Jeram while leveling, at that point stuff like Gargantuan will easily beat your other options.
Another good one is nagelring. Man.. finding that while leveling is amazing. Makes 60-70 a breeze and then launches you directly into T2-T3 farming. Just stack the EHP gear and wait for the nagelring procs to one shot packs
Btw, what is the best starting difficulty for a new level 1 character? What solo and what in a group of 4?
I was in the clan way back when it was first formed and would love to get back in. All my other friends have long since vanished...
I hate the game already and I haven't even started yet. lol Gargantuan is way too broken. I just fiddled around on torment 1 with my level 66 witch doctor in yellow gear and he pretty much soloed diablo and didn't lose a single health point. Like what the fuck. I feel like it's mandatory to have him around. Mask of Jeram cubed flat out doubles my entire DPS, according to simulations on d3planner. He does 98.62% damage, despite +fire damage and firewall bracers... urgh. And that's without ring of emptiness stuff.
Really would have wished they left pets out of the Hellfire set.
Not for the first seasonal tho, right? They start with everything as if it's your first character or do they keep paragon level and access to stash too?Most people at lvl 70 can solo Torment 10 without much of a problem with decent gear, and many builds that are easy to gear for allow you to just speedfarm T10 rifts and bounties. T10 has become so easy and efficient for people that this new patch brought T11, T12 and T13 to make up for it.
That gives you an idea of how difficult T1 is considered to be, i.e. not at all.
For a lvl 1 character, as Wallach said, Hard is the best solo. In a 4-man group, assuming people have normal gear, expert or master. If you've got a good group going, you can attempt T1.
Note that many of the benefits from your other character can serve your rerolled character. For instance, once your new character gets access to socketed items, you can just put marquise gems in them and dramatically increase your damage, armor and HP. You can also craft rare items that are just right for your character (or legendaries, if you have any crafting recipes for those). If you have paragon points, those can be used too. And you can run rifts at any level.
When you get the gem of ease with your main character, you can socket that into a weapon and get rid of its lvl requirement, meaning you can have a lvl 70 weapon on your lvl 1 character.