Reached level 70 during early Act 3 in a 4 man group on Torment 1. 2nd day I was already in full class set, ancient weapon, had the furnance cubed, and cleared level 50 or so solo. Wtf the progression speed is insane. If that goes on, I'll have best gear possible within a few days.
The bulk of the progression is the fine-tuning, honestly. Getting those last 10% of gear progression is what will take you time if you're invested enough. Is all your gear ancient? Is every piece optimized to make your build work (e.g. does it have, say, a lot of cooldown reduction if it's a CDR-based build)? Have you reached Paragon 700+ so you get all the main paragon upgrades capped out? Have you used the Caldessan recipe to boost your gear stats by sacrificing high-level legendary gems? Can you do GR70? 80? 90+?
No? Then you're not done, unless of course you're not interested in any of that.
I've got 3 questions:
Fuck Death's Breath. What's the fastest way to go about it? I ran a couple of Torment X normal rifts, but it still feels too slow. Can you use the cube to transform something into it?
I run into mana issues sometimes. Having Spiirt Attunement feels great, but I'm not sure which passive I should leave out for that? Short Finger ring means that for pushing Midnight Feast seems almost mandatory. The pets actually don't do all that much, except against rift guardians. I'm doing way more with Acid Cloud and Firewalls (with jeram bracer) against your normal enemies / elite packs.
Can't help you with that, I'm not familiar with witch doctors. But you can check Diablofans to see some good witch doctor build guides. It's really the go-to site if you need to know anything about how to do a particular build:
Do rift guardians count as "elite"? What about yellow champions?
Yellows do, RGs I'm not sure. Good question actually. Don't know about purples either.
Honest question: how in the ever living fuck do some of you guys progress so fucking fast? Paragon level 215 in the first night!? What, how is that possible? If I'm not getting powerleveled it takes me quite awhile (around 7-8 hours) just to get to level 70. What EXACTLY are you guys doing to level so fast? I just don't get it.
I've played around 650 hours of Diablo III too, so it's not like I'm new to the game. It's just that it takes time to kill shit and level up, and I just don't understand how you guys are cutting that time out.
People just get on the game as soon as the season starts, play constantly in 4-man games, which is honestly the biggest thing. Of course it's gonna take 7-8 hours if you're doing it entirely on your own

. Just being 4 players means you get bonus XP from grouping, more loot, and you can bump up the difficulty to Master at least.
Then they do the season journey as quickly as possible to get a full set, and then there are probably ways to optimize your progression early on. Like doing bounties maybe, so you can get started with a ring of royal grandeur, or putting/cubing a Leoric's Crown with a ruby in there + using Cain's set to get more XP before lvl 70, etc.
What really gets me is people who manage to do the more difficult conquests like GR45 solo without any set in like a day, but honestly it's mostly that they just play the game non-stop, even at night.