Better show of celebration of the Metroid anniversary than Nintendo.
As my friend said: "And then you try logging in tomorrow only to discover that Diablo 3 has been taken down by a C&D from Nintendo."
Happy 30th Metroid
Better show of celebration of the Metroid anniversary than Nintendo.
yes. spectrum exists too.
you need to run whimsyshire to get it though so most people don't grind those transmogs for seasons
They should make those transmogs transfer over to season just like the other special transmogs like Reaper Kiss. Actually they should just make all transmogs account-wide and not separated by season.
Anybody playing the LTK speedfarm monk ? aka quin's build on diablofans
Is there any way to make the fireball from the helm not lag behind you or even just not shoot sometimes ? Shit's annoying, I feel like every other fireball just doesn't shoot or shoots behind me, what the hell
Agreed, elite minions are a pain in the ass
Fortunately, nemesis bracers make low elite density rifts alright
I don't know if it's that squishy too, main problem for me is the fireball lag (I think it's because of the boots) and sweeping winds stacks
Sounded like he was just having fun/not being serious.
THIS on the other hand...
Diablo 4 hype?
Sounded like he was just having fun/not being serious.
THIS on the other hand...
Diablo 4 hype?
Honestly I think I'd rather see another expansion for D3 with a new class or two and a level 80 cap. The game is still very fun to play, and it feels way too soon for any thoughts or announcements about a D4 yet. Although most likely all we'll get is season 8 details or some relatively minor patch coming up.
It's still "fun", but the hype is long gone.Honestly I think I'd rather see another expansion for D3 with a new class or two and a level 80 cap. The game is still very fun to play, and it feels way too soon for any thoughts or announcements about a D4 yet. Although most likely all we'll get is season 8 details or some relatively minor patch coming up.
I tried LoN out and didn't like it too much. It's different but definitely wasn't as fast as my F+R setup.LoN LTK Monk is a BLAST.
I hated Sunwoko LTK, keeping up Sweeping Wind stacks was a pain and frankly, not a fun build to play. LoN keeps the fun of kicking dudes in the face while removing the housekeeping of maintaining SW.
Diablo Fans LoN LTK Monk Build
This is the build I've been running with a few changes. Since I'm on console, Corruption shoulders are bugged and don't spawn after you give the mats. I've been using Lefevbre's Soliloquy for the added defense boost. Also, since I'm using this build for mainly T13 clears and up to GR70 speed clears, I switched to Spinning Flame Kick for my LTK to give me a little more distance on my main attacks. Luckily, I had some old pre-patched Magefists which were well rolled as well. I think the only thing I would add if I wanted to start pushing GR levels would be a Crystal Fist instead of my current In Geom for further defense boosts after Dashing Strikes. Really enjoying this one.
Playing Monk for real this time and it seems weird compared to the other classes that it seems to be the only class with an extra layer of resource management which feels like a burden to manage when you stack up set bonuses. Especially if you want to keep up. Like no other class has "spend sweeping wind charges for damage, btw if you lose sweeping wind you will probably die" and "these weapons give you bonus damage when you have max spirit but it also drains your spirit when you have max spirit" even taking into account you can stack IAS like crazy and rely solely on generators. Other than Barb which I've also spent the least time with this is crazy. Tell me I'm not crazy. And I thought Crusader resource management was bad enough...
I mean Monk and Crusader are the only classes IIRC that only grant resource on generators only when you hit. Everyone else can kinda just fire off a generator into the ether and still get it back.
Man, trying to master the Unhallowed Essence set dungeon for the demon hunter and I'm having a terrible time doing it. I always either end with 5 of 6 20-shot multishot groups, or I end up down a couple monsters killed total, OR I run out of time by just a few seconds. I can get super close but just not quite there. My gear is good, I think it's just a matter of getting lucky with the monster group spawns.![]()
Seems like the season is dead already on the EU side.
Got a SH on my WD, finally! got my Cru a set of Akkhans, but want the Roland/Shield bash set.
Man, trying to master the Unhallowed Essence set dungeon for the demon hunter and I'm having a terrible time doing it. I always either end with 5 of 6 20-shot multishot groups, or I end up down a couple monsters killed total, OR I run out of time by just a few seconds. I can get super close but just not quite there. My gear is good, I think it's just a matter of getting lucky with the monster group spawns.![]()
what sneaky stuff are they hiding
While you will be able to copy your existing characters, we will also be activating the 2000% Legendary Find buff to encourage participation. As a reminder, any progress made on the PTR does not transfer over to your live account.
I've kinda stalled at TX (barely) for a while now and I'm not sure what I can really do to move past it. This is my Monk at the moment and I have no idea how exactly I meant to gear up. It's mostly luck in terms of drops sure but what I should be looking out for and what to slot spend shards or rares to upgrade.
I have basic versions of all four monk sets but not really any of the extra legendaries to make it work.
I've kinda stalled at TX (barely) for a while now and I'm not sure what I can really do to move past it. This is my Monk at the moment and I have no idea how exactly I meant to gear up. It's mostly luck in terms of drops sure but what I should be looking out for and what to slot spend shards or rares to upgrade.
I have basic versions of all four monk sets but not really any of the extra legendaries to make it work.
Do locations such as the watch tower in the Southern Highlands and House of Curios in the Fields of Misery spawn only in adventure mode or can they appear in the regular campaign mode as well?
Pretty sure they can, it's just more rare. I remember people were happy when they made it possible for some of them to be marked as bounties because it made it easier to complete those collections.
Get rings with sockets for 2 more leg gems for starters.
Run some GRs and get gems. You want simplicity strength and bane of the trapped if you're going to run rainment. These are HUGE damage increases. TX is around GR50. A level 50 Simplicity strength with heal you for 4% of your max health per hit and increase damage of primary skills by 50%. BoTT will increase your dmg by 30% straight up. Multiplicative on top of all your stuff. Definitely worth it to drop whatever on your rings to socket these two.
I think mangle will give you slightly better QoL in terms of killing stuff since it hits AOE.
Since you're using 2H weapon I want to say that dashing strike with atk speed will give better QoL for you since it'll help you proc flying dragon faster.
I would drop SWK set if you want to go this route. Gamble for shoulders and get a Lefebvre's Soliloquy (50% DR when you cyclone strike). This will make up for the 50% DR from sweeping wind. You can use blinding flash faith in light in place of sweeping wind. I would drop Unity passive for relentless assault when you do this (20% more dmg to enemies that are blind) Dash->Blinding Flash->punch for massive dmg.
Get a better amulet after you drop SWK. Dex/CC/CHD or Fire/CC/CHD will be a nice upgrade.
After you get the shoulders you will want to gamble belts. String of ears (melee dmg reduction) or witching hour would be very good.
For regular rifts goldwrap or something like harrington would also work.
tldr: gamble shoulders, gloves (rainment gloves), and belt; get BoTT and SS gems, upgrade rare on monk fists to try to get shenlong fists
Thanks for the tips. I was apprehensive about rolling for sockets on the rings because these are my best rings even with the poor stats.
Yeah, I guess binge-playing during my holiday, finishing the journey and reaching 1st place on the EU clan leaderboards for a short time temporarily killed my interest for the game. Plus knowing that stuff is coming at Blizzcon.
Not for long! Soon![]()
So i got "The Tall Man's Finger" and I'm not sure if its actually better or not with my zombie dogs.
I had 4 dogs which I thought were doing great, dealing ok damage, blocking enemies, damaging multiple enemies.
Apparently this item combines the the damage of all 4 x dogs, but I just feel it's actually worse than before.
Am I going crazy gaf?
I think its better since the big dig kills enemies faster instead of chipping away small damage like small dogs do
If you need 4 dogs to tank, there is some other issue
So i got "The Tall Man's Finger" and I'm not sure if its actually better or not with my zombie dogs.
I had 4 dogs which I thought were doing great, dealing ok damage, blocking enemies, damaging multiple enemies.
Apparently this item combines the damage of all 4 x dogs, but I just feel it's actually worse than before.
Am I going crazy gaf?