Man, I'm already kinda burning out. I think it's because I'm playing a Monk this season — my mains in past seasons were either Witch Doctor or Demon Hunter, so I forgot how annoying playing a melee character can be. I get jealous when I party with Demon Hunters because they can aoe the entire screen and clear mobs before I even get to them lol.
SWK wave of light clears quicker than any demon hunter build or has that somehow changed in latest patch?
So what would you say is the best way to get the Skull Grasp ring? Kadala or the cube?
Wiz gets Tal set right? All you need is Wand of Woh and you're set!I really hate this season. I can't boost my magic find and have been stuck on T8 for far too long. I'm past paragon 430 and at that point in previous seasons I would be comfortable farming T10 with a Demon Hunter.
Maybe it's because I chose wizard this time, I don't know. But I'm far too weak for the time I invested.
I have it already. But if I really want to start doing some serious damage I need an acient Wand of Woh, and for that I'd need to farm bounties like crazy... not very motivating![]()
Upgrading rare rings is the "cheapest". The fastest would probably to do both upgrading rare rings and gambling from kadala on a level 57? barb
No, i'm level 70. Does level matter?
Im doing a Thorns LoN barb
How much DPS is more or less what I should have?
After rerolling everything I could to torns damage and putting diamonds on gear and topaz on weapons my DPS is low as hell, does the damage doesnt come from that at all?
I dont get it, also aint a Undisputed Champoin could be a better alternative in this build?
No, i'm level 70. Does level matter?
Kadala loot tables are based on level so gambling on a 57 barb gets you item level 60 rings and under whereas gambling on a 70 barb gets you item level 70 rings and under.
It's probably not worth it to level a second barb just to gamble but that's probably the absolute fastest way to get a skull grasp. I would personally just upgrade rings though.
I played one last season. Sheet DPS won't matter since your damage is all from thorns (which doesn't show in sheet DPS), but you still need strength and attack speed (but not crit since it can't affect thorns).
Undisputed Champion isn't used because the Frenzy runes other than Maniac don't make enough of a difference.
Check out this old thread on the barb forum - it still applies:
For some reason, reading this I was suddenly reminded of how item levels used to work in vanilla D3. Remember ilevel 61-63? Remember mobs dropping sub-60 items?
"Good" times.
Very good stuff here, his DPS is on the 187k lol thats how more or less mine is and seeing Monks and DH gets to the 2500K DPS in comparison thats what I was wondering.
Haha getting stuck in A2 because you couldn't get i63 drops...
Farming aspects with Tyrael in A3 so you could get blue i63 weapon drops which were so much better than any i62 weapon you can get.
Good times indeed ;_;
I still get this weird sense of nostalgia that makes me wish there were pirate vanilla servers to relive some of the frustration for about an hour :lol.
And the glory of my dear Wicked Wind wizard.
For some reason, reading this I was suddenly reminded of how item levels used to work in vanilla D3. Remember ilevel 61-63? Remember mobs dropping sub-60 items?
"Good" times.
How the heck Im suposed to reach 400k Thorns?
Im barely at 150k and I have Thorns in pratically everywhere.
Is it the Gem? Needs to be 50+?
Kadala loot tables are based on level so gambling on a 57 barb gets you item level 60 rings and under whereas gambling on a 70 barb gets you item level 70 rings and under.
It's probably not worth it to level a second barb just to gamble but that's probably the absolute fastest way to get a skull grasp. I would personally just upgrade rings though.
Gem + topaz + gear + passives + the vit to thorns chest or whatever. Everything adds up then multiplies to it gets high pretty fast.
Post your profile so we can see maybe?
Gem + topaz + gear + passives + the vit to thorns chest or whatever. Everything adds up then multiplies to it gets high pretty fast.
Post your profile so we can see maybe?
It's better to drop Rubies to Chest instead of Amethysts, as str scales the damage better even knowing that Heart of Iron chest gives thorns damage with vit.
Eh, it will go fast. I have a lvl 25 gem of ease...will take a few minutes to get up to 60![]()
There are only two level 70 rings so it isn't worth it IMO.
Yea, just meant having the chest in general. I haven't played crusader in a while but it does give you actual thorns stat right?
Anyone know if the cow level makes the avarice conquest fairly easy? I was thinking of disabling pets and killing/opening everything first than looting all at once.
I got it this way. TXIII with maxed hoarder, 50% gold find Paragon, and helm emerald.
I am ranged with nados so I was able to group cows with ranslor's folly. Did about 65% of the map before I couldn't avoid the gold mountains anymore and then switched in teleport and the pet and made it.
It looks like some of the early gold drops disappeared so you need to be on your A game to do this.
EDIT - Just need that 4 minute rift for Guardian. Hopefully I get lucky with some burners in public.
Anyone know if the cow level makes the avarice conquest fairly easy? I was thinking of disabling pets and killing/opening everything first than looting all at once.
Ugh the flashbacks of trying to survive on Act II on Inferno just so I could get those iLVL 61-62? items. I think iLVL 63 started dropping on Act III?
The real MVPs push through Act 2 into Act 4 and farm the purple event mobs for iLVL 63 to sell on the RMAH.
I don't have Diablo 3 yet but when I log into my Blizzard account online it lets me download the client; how much of the game would I be able to play if I run that client?
You can only level up to 13 and can only play the campaign until you kill the Skeleton King which is like 15-20 minutes of gameplay.
Alright thanks for the info.
Managed to find a retail copy for around $16 so I quickly ordered it from XP
Currently contemplating getting Diablo 3 on PS4 too so that me and my brothers could play when during family gatherings etc.
Whatever you do, get the expansion, so D3 + Reaper of Souls if on PC, or D3: Ultimate Evil on console - I think that's the only available version on PS4 anyway.