Managed to score Johanna's Argument on my crusader, jesus christ is it fast. Wrath gets drained in seconds.
You're gonna want to get Gabriel's Vambraces to help sustain your wrath.
Managed to score Johanna's Argument on my crusader, jesus christ is it fast. Wrath gets drained in seconds.
You're gonna want to get Gabriel's Vambraces to help sustain your wrath.
Question, which of the Traveller's Pledge amulets are better for me, the one I'm currently wearing with my Witch Doctor, or the one I just got with 10cc, 100 chd and rerolled 20% cold damage to it.
Tried checking with D3Planner, but if I read it correctly, the one I'm currently wearing is still better, plus the fact that I can augment that. Right?
Got the shield and working towards the bracers now, how long is the season anyways? This is my first.
If you're dealing Cold damage primarily, 20% cold damage will always be better than int, especially with those otherwise perfect rolls. That's unless your new ammy has no socket of course.
Even if you augment your current ammy, I doubt it's gonna make up for the 20% cold dmg. Again, assuming your build does cold damage primarily. If not... Reroll the cold dmg to whichever element is more important for your build.
So, the 2.4.3 is up on the PTR, and here's the small blog post of changes. Nothing really special, just quality of life changes, like Vault portal closing after 60 seconds of Greed kill, thus letting us do multiple vault runs on single session.
You can at least do puzzle rings in between rifts as a palette cleanser and by the time you finish the next rift you can use another puzzle ring w/o restarting.60 seconds is actually a bit longer than it was taking us to restart via quitting to menu from town last night, but this is still better since it lets people do inventory management instead of sitting through load screens during that time.
Edit: There are a bunch of new legendary effects in there now - maybe it was updated. Looks like the usual set of new effects to create some new builds for next season.
"Fixed an issue which caused Wave of Light to sometimes fail to deal damage when players were under the effect of Epiphany"
- Finally!
"Rabid Strike - Spirit spenders that teleport you while Epiphany is active are also mimicked on a distant target for free"
- Sounds awesome. This should be really strong.
Some screenshots:
with different weather:
Wow, I had to try the PTR to check out the new 64 bit client and DX11 support. It's an enormous improvement. I just played Rakkis Crossing at 144 fps. With my i7 5820k at 4.5ghz and my GTX 1080 the current client can't even play that section at anywhere near 60 fps, and even then there are huge frame drops into single digits.
The best part is that the engine actually supports frame rates over 60hz now. It's so smooth. Eek5's screen shot comparison is also spot on. It's like a layer of vaseline has been removed from the game. I wonder if Nvidia will also give us a driver tuned for Diablo 3 DX11.
Man, why would they not mention a 64 bit DX11 client update on that stream? So weird. That's a bigger deal than the D1 rift.
Anyone seeing better load times with that version? It might be able to make better use of the available RAM for caching things now.
Man, why would they not mention a 64 bit DX11 client update on that stream? So weird. That's a bigger deal than the D1 rift.
Anyone seeing better load times with that version? It might be able to make better use of the available RAM for caching things now.
Darkening of Tristram fucking sucks, what the fuck is wrong with Blizzard? You had one job. Just remaster Diablo 1 or Diablo 2. God damn.
Darkening of Tristram fucking sucks, what the fuck is wrong with Blizzard? You had one job. Just remaster Diablo 1 or Diablo 2. God damn.
Damn Kripp went HAM, CHEESE, CROISSANT on Diablo 3...
video of the anniversary dongon
dunno if bad joke or troll
Damn Kripp went HAM, CHEESE, CROISSANT on Diablo 3...
His main problem with this was that not only did Blizzard make a big deal about it at Blizzcon but they actually took crucial development time out of adding new content to the game to make this (and did a very barebones job).From what I saw in Kripp's video in any other game this would be like a quick flavor mod someone did and uploaded to some fansite. Then you fiddle with it for about an hour, go: "neat", and move on. Kind of ironic considering Diablo 3 is completely unmoddable. If it was, I'd reckon we would've seen something like this (and better) long, long ago.
I understand it's free and basically a quick thematic thing as a thank you, but I still expected better from Blizzard.
Hey folks, out of curiosity, anyone mind helping me level my non-season characters to 70? I have all at 60+, wouldn't mind a boost![]()
i'll level you seasonal characters lol
i don't think i have any characters that are set up in NS
Some people do. I mean your season stuff gets transferred over at the end of the season and you have all your paragons so some people do push leaderboards there each era or whatever. I usually just have my characters holding all their gear and it's all old outdated setups so it'd take me a while to go on and set everything up versus just PL someone 0-70 in 5-8 mins on seasons.Are seasons the real endgame? Do people even play non-season?
Are seasons the real endgame? Do people even play non-season?
Some people do. I mean your season stuff gets transferred over at the end of the season and you have all your paragons so some people do push leaderboards there each era or whatever. I usually just have my characters holding all their gear and it's all old outdated setups so it'd take me a while to go on and set everything up versus just PL someone 0-70 in 5-8 mins on seasons.