NA GAF Clan still open?
Invite if still open: theEnemy#1243
I started playing again...
It's still so damn good.
I tried Witch Doctor but I think I want to play Crusader - anyone want's to help me get to 70 real quick? ;D
Diablo GAF
After more than 3 years away from Diablo, I'm back. Im changing countries and jobs and I'll have to rely on my laptop for gaming.
Can someone point me to a ressource of what's new in the latest patch? Where's the new meta.
Last I was playing was after Reaper of Souls, after the introduction of the rifts, gems, new ancient(?) legendaries and such.
Thx for the help.
Edit: My profile is jayhayabusa 2672 if someone can take a look and see if all my set items and legendaries are woefully out of date!
Man, this game.
Diablo 2 is one of my all-time favorites (#4 on my top 10). When Diablo 3 came out i was disgusted by it. No skill trees and the AH ruined it.
A few weeks ago, I wanted a game to play after everyone went to bed and I could just chill for 30min or an hour. I decided to boot up Diablo 3 again.
The feel of the gameplay in this game is so fucking perfect. Fuck me, in some (most?) ways this might be better then D2, and I NEVER thought i would say that.
Do you have the expansion? Blizz really turned this game around. Reaper of Souls is absolutely great.
i dont actually. was planning on buying it when i get home today.
i think im going to reroll a demon hunter on hard or expert as normal is laughably easy (got my witch doctor up to around 30 on normal over the last week or so).
The feel of the gameplay in this game is so fucking perfect. Fuck me, in some (most?) ways this might be better then D2, and I NEVER thought i would say that.
i dont actually. was planning on buying it when i get home today.
i think im going to reroll a demon hunter on hard or expert as normal is laughably easy (got my witch doctor up to around 30 on normal over the last week or so).
I am trying to get back into the game after playing around ROS launch. It is super frustrating to me that I cannot find a wizard build that other than archon that can do what demon hunters do.... which is pretty much solo vast numbers of t10 mobs in an instant.
Can anyone suggest a non-shitty wizard build?
The top speed-farming build for t10+ is Tal Rasha with Wand of Woh
Are the graphical improvements in the game already or is that still only in PTR?
PTR and they aren't much of an improvement outside of stability and better SSAO support.
The top speed-farming build for t10+ is Tal Rasha with Wand of Woh
Are there any viable Wizard builds that don't require a very specific weapon? I have several really sick weapons with well over 3k dps, but all my weapons that are for the sets I see are garbage.
There are almost no end-game builds in the game that don't require a specific weapon.
Season 8 will be ending on the following dates and times:
North America: Friday, December 30 @ 5:00 p.m. PST
Europe: Friday, December 30 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
Asia: Friday, December 30 @ 5:00 p.m. KST
Season 9 will begin about one week afterward on these dates:
North America: Friday, January 6 @ 5:00 p.m. PST
Europe: Friday, January 6 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
Asia: Friday, January 6 @ 5:00 p.m. KST
ded game is ded, season 8 end and season 9 start has been announced
Anything actually changing between seasons?
ded game is ded, season 8 end and season 9 start has been announced
How many console players in this OT community?
Man , I never even got my Crusader to 70 this season, thats how little I played D3 for S8, lol. And from the looks of it nothing really new for S9 either, except for the 64 bit client. The game really has stagnated now, hasnt it?
Im curious to see what the S9 portrait and rewards will be, if their nothing special then I might just skip S9 too.
ded game maybe but I'll spend all of next weekend on it as usual
edit - I guess that's just season end, whatever you know what I mean
* a significant chunk of it sorting inventory as usual
Anyone in US want to help me power level a season character to max? Let me know.
I could do that relatively quickly despite my inebriation, are you in clan? Give me a few minutes to log in.
I am. I'll be on tomorrow if you're still interested.
sorry yeah I got... sidetracked
I'll be around for a couple hours tonight, and if not I'll catch you tomorrow evening
ded game maybe but I'll spend all of next weekend on it as usual
edit - I guess that's just season end, whatever you know what I mean