I tried to get 50m at ruins of corvus and got it on my second try with my DH
. Would have got it on my first try if I hadn't died, was at 48m when I got killed which sucked.
I had boon of hoarder (lvl 50), max paragon gold find, royal emerald on my helmet, leorics helm in cube, amulet with 80% GF and some more GF on my other gear without sacrificing too much dps. In total I had 8800% GF according to stats.
I had my 6p Marauder set and my pets were helpful picking up gold along the way.
I think I could do it again, didn't feel too hard when you have the right gear.
Only achievement left is to do G45 without set items. Are there any good DH builds to do this? I couldn't find anything on diablofans.com
I had boon of hoarder (lvl 50), max paragon gold find, royal emerald on my helmet, leorics helm in cube, amulet with 80% GF and some more GF on my other gear without sacrificing too much dps. In total I had 8800% GF according to stats.
I had my 6p Marauder set and my pets were helpful picking up gold along the way.
I think I could do it again, didn't feel too hard when you have the right gear.
Only achievement left is to do G45 without set items. Are there any good DH builds to do this? I couldn't find anything on diablofans.com