you can't put a price on sparks
is it still worth playing Diablo II at this point? I never played that game.
is it still worth playing Diablo II at this point? I never played that game.
This time with native duping!Wait for the remaster IMO. They started hiring for it like what, last year? They are clearly going to relaunch it. Im not replaying it until then.
Wait for the remaster IMO. They started hiring for it like what, last year? They are clearly going to relaunch it. Im not replaying it until then.
This build is fun and simple with the wizard!
Let's see if i can get GR70 with it at least it is faster than magnum opus.
I take it that Xbox one saves can't be transferred to PC? I don't really want to grind to level 70 again if I don't have to.
I take it that Xbox one saves can't be transferred to PC? I don't really want to grind to level 70 again if I don't have to.
It is always worth playing Diablo II.
It's happening...
If you have a friend with you it would only take a few hours.
I thought about opening up the game so people can join. On the console side I know they can ruin your game with mods, is that also possible on PC?
This build is fun and simple with the wizard!
Let's see if i can get GR70 with it at least it is faster than magnum opus.
I thought about opening up the game so people can join. On the console side I know they can ruin your game with mods, is that also possible on PC?
Want me to join you? I can get you up to P100 quickly
can u power level me to p1000 too? added
This one is a lot more fun but has trouble scaling with higher GR post high 50s.
Cleared GR65 yesterday on my DMO mage. Its wild how different things get as you push higher. Not only do the map tiles matter quite a bit, but now I'm starting to figure which mob types are good/bad for me and learning when to cut and run from an area because the density/positioning is trash knowing that killing those mobs wont be worth the progression timewise.
I also went from hating the spider cavern map tile to loving it. The density is stupid, the pathways widing and narrow and I can kite so easily because of all the chokes, its great.
Finally get an In Geom for my Monk..no socket and rolled Strength. Thanks Blizzard !!!!
That's what augmenting is forAre you sure? Do you see a natural +1000 int roll? I don't see a natural +1000 int roll.
Link your gear?
i think im finally winding down this season. i just leveled all of my spare legendary gems to minimum of lvl 30 and i still have like another 20 or so levels to go before bothering to use any for the despair enchant.
i'm finally getting some ancient gear for the DMO set but hands and feet are not even getting rolled through kadala, let alone ancient versions. the ancient triumvirate i got is worse than my normal one, unfortunately. I might just go back to my older one until i get a better one rolled. the normal has 197% on the leg affix vs. the 165%.
not sure how far i'm really trying to get before i quit. i got an ancient twister sword so i can try out the energy twister DMO once i tap out on arcane orbit
Yeah I'm probably nearing my end for this season too. I think I want to clear GR70 solo. So I'm still hunting for Ancients and whatnot. But once I have done that, I'm going to have to decide if I'm going to level a class to 70 on HC and try to finish one more conquest, if I do those three things I finish the final remaining achievements for this season. I may not bother since I have the stash tab; but Ill decide later.
Start playing HC and keep losing your char because you're an idiot is one way to keep this season fresh. Two crusaders gone to arcane sentries already, one even with full invoker set (minus the damn belt that I didn't manage to loot).Kinda bored of season 5 now.. ; ~ ;
Haven't played during Season 5 yet and probably won't start. I'll likely just play with my non-season character here and there....
But I'm wondering. I haven't played since season 4 and am wondering how the new Demon Hunter builds play out. Have they evened out the MaraudersNatsUE sets? Are there other builds that cropped up that are worth playing now? There are a lot of new item changes and I can't begin to think of all the potential combinations right now.
EDIT: Holy crap, people are up to GR80+ now? Yikes. They must have introduced a ton of power lately. I just can't keep up with this game anymore![]()
Haven't played during Season 5 yet and probably won't start. I'll likely just play with my non-season character here and there....
But I'm wondering. I haven't played since season 4 and am wondering how the new Demon Hunter builds play out. Have they evened out the Marauders\Nats\UE sets? Are there other builds that cropped up that are worth playing now? There are a lot of new item changes and I can't begin to think of all the potential combinations right now.
do you have an aether walker with similar damage stats? you'd be much better served with either an aether in hand an the twisted sword in your cube or visa versa. oh and forget the convention; unity will get you farther. unless you don't have enough for the pair.
Ill work towards this. I dont have an aether walker. I have one but its terrible and non ancient. I had thought about Unity but worried about the loss of conventions damage increase. I do however have a great unity with 15 elite damage on it. So I might be able to make that work if I can get an ancient Aether
I had a lot of fun doing the GR45 with no sets, good ole tasker and theo with 3 wolves and sentries.
That one was so hard for me lol. I had a bunch of trash legs and I was just trying to salvage something, ANYTHING that could kill stuff. It was humbling having that sort of difficulty in a gr45 since I absolutely stomp that tier in my set gear hahaha. It gives you a really good look at how powerful sets can be.
I feel like I burn out on the game fast every season, I don't give a shit about grinding GRs for the longest time, once I'm past an objective I set gave myself at the beginning I lose all will to play the game longer
My goal was all conquests and GR70, did that in like a week and a half and then lost all interest, currently waiting for next patch
My goal was all conquests and GR70, did that in like a week and a half and then lost all interest, currently waiting for next patch