I played the crap out of Diablo 3 PC immediately after vanilla and RoS launch, but shortly lost interest because of the grind. I'm more interested in this because I've got more friends on PSN than BattleNet, and the couch co-op is definitely a plus.
Bought it today at Saturn. Can't remember, when was the last time I bought a game for full price (69,99). Better be worth it!
(I already played Diablo 3 on PC and liked it very much - pretty sure, it's worth it!)
Which town? Looking for a copy in Hamburg today.
Cheers for the feedback - sounds awesome. 2 hours till i can play.
How long did it take the game to update and install for you after you put the disc in?
Did you export any characters from the PS3/X360 version?
Saturn Hamburg (mönckebergstr)![]()
No, the option is there to do that but I never bought either of the last gen versions. I was going to get the PS3 version but the amount of screen tearing in the demo I played put me right off it. I was understandably delighted when I found out it was coming to PS4 and XBO.
Would have been awesome if I could have imported my PC characters though...![]()
Not only did it just immediately lock me out of the game at launch, but now it's not even purchasable on PSN.
Was gonna say New Zealand starts in about an hour and a half. Then I remembered that guy with both a physical copy of this and Metro. So incredibly jealous.
Edit: It's worth noting the change they made is that they changed the US preorder to "Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (English)", whereas the NZ version doesn't include the language in the title. So NZ still gets it early, it's just that they now have a different version than the US does, so it can correctly identify which version releases when. I'm about to find out how a digital preorder is cancelled when no payment information is attached to an account.
So is the PSN version confirmed to unlock at 12 AM PST? That's what my countdown seems to show.
How much is this game on the US PSN store? I loie in UK but made a us acct to get Last of Us cheaper than the uk digital price. Diablo is £60 on Ps4 PSN store when it releases this Friday. That's way too much! Is it cheaper if I get the US version digitally?
Also will I have any problems patching / updating it in the future doing buying the US version from te store like this? Like it might not even update or something and might be region specific?
How much is this game on the US PSN store? I loie in UK but made a us acct to get Last of Us cheaper than the uk digital price. Diablo is £60 on Ps4 PSN store when it releases this Friday. That's way too much! Is it cheaper if I get the US version digitally?
Also will I have any problems patching / updating it in the future doing buying the US version from te store like this? Like it might not even update or something and might be region specific?
HeheI got confused with Doctor Hades and Conker with the avatars @_@
It was worth a try, NZ
I'm fairly certain it has something to do with me not having payment information attached to my NZ account, and the game officially being released now. It's not worth dropping $95 or whatever amount of dollars on this game in order to get it 19 hours early. I'm disappointed this didn't end up working out, but oh well.Yeah I tried to buy the game as well, it gave me an error message of "You are not eligible to purchase or download this content."
Yeah, that's the official release time for the US unfortunately.So is the PSN version confirmed to unlock at 12 AM PST? That's what my countdown seems to show.
It's $59.99 US.
I looked at my clock and thought you were planning on sleeping from now until release. Was gonna say I don't think I could ever sleep for nearly 20 hours straight.Guess I'll just need to take a nap and wake up then. I was hoping it was 12 AM EST and I could start at 11 my time.
Thats a good deal cheaper than the uk price. Will I have any probs updating the game if I use my normal uk region profile and can I coop with anyone in the world still? It's not region specific is it?
I'm getting both games on ps4, how's Metro!??![]()
Ready to go!
I'm getting both games on ps4, how's Metro!??
I'm getting both games on ps4, how's Metro!??
does anyone know - if i import my level 60 wizard, will my enchantress/templar be fully equipped with the gear that they had in that game? or do i have to remove their stuff and put it in shared loot?
9h37min. till unlock on PSN. Anyone knows a trick so that I can play earlier ? ^^
Shouldn't have problems playing co-op with anyone in the world, and no problems updating. There are some here in the UK who purchased the US version, and they actually buy things off the US store most of the time for cheaper prices with no issues.
9H? wait, what region are you
I think we broke the NZ version altogether. It's not purchasable from the store.So, the NZ account doesnt work, damn.
I think we broke the NZ version altogether. It's not purchasable from the store.
Thanks for the info this is great news. Deffo getting the us version digitally then. Good deal smaller too 20gb vs 60gb!
Unfortunately.Wow, Sony ninjas act quickly.
I have a UK version. Comes with a code for infernal pauldrons and some blizzard ring for linking your battle.net account to your xbl accountQuick question:
Are there any XB1 UK pre-order items? (of the ingame variety?)
I can't seem to find information either way about it, everywhere talks about the PS4 pre-order stuff and all GAME seem to have is a hoody?
I have a UK version. Comes with a code for infernal pauldrons and some blizzard ring for linking your battle.net account to your xbl account
How do ranged classes feel on a controller? I'm trying to decide between a male crusader or female wizard to play first as my main.
I've previously played a demon hunter and crusader on pc version. Wizard looks a lot of fun!
Pillars of Eternity Beta and Diablo III on the same day? You're too kind to me, RPG gods.
Pillars of Eternity Beta and Diablo III on the same day? You're too kind to me, RPG gods.