Preloading as we speak!!! Woot!!
You can link your PSN/XBL accounts to Battle.net to get a Legendary Ring
This game might actually be good with move. Too bad they don't patch controller support for the pc version. Then I'd use a move nunchuk with a mouse or something like that. Seems we haven't found the best way to control this game yet.
Can you transfer you PC progress to consoles?
Can you transfer you PC progress to consoles?
But its optional and does not prohibit netplay or access to the game. You aren't required to sign up to Battle.net to play Diablo 3 single player or multiplayer online.
Fuck this shit.
Female Wizard it is.
I picked it up day 1 for PC, played the shit out of it for (almost) all of May '12, played it once in a while in June, and gave it up in early July. Farthest I made it was Act 3 Inferno with my Wizard. Never played Reaper of Souls.
This is going to blow my mind, I expect.
Can we name our characters or are they named after our PSN accounts?
Female Demon Hunter named jon isn't... the coolest thing in the world.
Can we name our characters or are they named after our PSN accounts?
Female Demon Hunter named jon isn't... the coolest thing in the world.
Yeah you can name your characters whatever you want.
If it's the same as PC version, it will show your account name in game instead of the characters name. Dumb, I know.
If it's the same as PC version, it will show your account name in game instead of the characters name. Dumb, I know.
It's probably been answered before, but will I be able to sign into my account and play couch co-op with someone else who's on their own PSN account?
Will we both need PS+ in order to play online?
It's probably been answered before, but will I be able to sign into my account and play couch co-op with someone else who's on their own PSN account?
Will we both need PS+ in order to play online?
It's probably been answered before, but will I be able to sign into my account and play couch co-op with someone else who's on their own PSN account?
Will we both need PS+ in order to play online?
It's probably been answered before, but will I be able to sign into my account and play couch co-op with someone else who's on their own PSN account?
Will we both need PS+ in order to play online?
It's probably been answered before, but will I be able to sign into my account and play couch co-op with someone else who's on their own PSN account?
Will we both need PS+ in order to play online?
So I never picked up the original D3 due to issues I had with Auction House function and I held out on the expansion because I was going to pick this up on PS4.
Have this preloading right now and reading posts in here to satiate my hype. People keep mentioning they are going to roll a female x or male x; can I customize the look of my avatar or is it preset depending on the class you choose?
Just do it, then you can play with BitmapFrogs and I until Destiny drops!Man, the temptation is getting to me. I have $46 in my PSN wallet just sitting there. It won't take much more to get the PS4 version...
Well. That's a bit scary actually. :|Just killled my first Nemesis enemy on Expert. Thing was a beast the battle lasted about ten minutes and it tracked me all over the map. I have no idea what nemesis tier it was but if they are all like that its gonna be tough. Lovely loot though and 20K gold.
Playing the 360 version now, picking up for ps4, trying to find at least one more legendary before I export over
How many people are file transferring?
Just do it, then you can play with BitmapFrogs and I until Destiny drops!![]()
Dude, HEAPS of DGAF are playing - what do you think is tiding us over until Sept?!Oh man, some of Destiny GAF is playing? I know a couple others...
Have this preloading right now and reading posts in here to satiate my hype. People keep mentioning they are going to roll a female x or male x; can I customize the look of my avatar or is it preset depending on the class you choose?
Oh man, some of Destiny GAF is playing? I know a couple others...
Dude, HEAPS of DGAF are playing - what do you think is tiding us over until Sept?!![]()
I have a question about loot drops. If you're playing on Inferno, does the specific difficulty you're playing on (Easy, Master II, etc) have any effect on the quality of the loot, or is that all determined by magic find?
Magic find no longer exists as a stat. You will find good gear without having to have magic find.
Inferno is gone, been replaced with Torment, which has 6 additional difficulty levels from 1-6. There are certain legendary and set items which will only drop in Torment 1 and above.
Magic find no longer exists as a stat. You will find good gear without having to have magic find.
Inferno is gone, been replaced with Torment, which has 6 additional difficulty levels from 1-6. There are certain legendary and set items which will only drop in Torment 1 and above.
Add me on PS4: Kurt-NiisanYup! I'll be playing too.
To expand on that, does torment level 6 drop things that, say, torment level 2 won't?
I'mma be a Witch Doctor
It's about to pop