Just got this off AU xbox one web store for $60au. Is that the right price?
People who have put some time in with both PC and a console version. Does the controller work? Or will I be kinda bummed?
T minus 1 hour folks on PS4.
Dont know where the hype came from all of a sudden with this game..lol
Same timezone in Montreal. This blows. At first glimpse when I bought it, I thought it was the time remaining for my download, then almost a hour later I went to see how my download was going..
I still don't get how they can't release games at midnight for all timezones.
I live on the wrong side of the U.S :<. Why does Blizzard always have to do this?
The vanilla console game and the vanilla PC game were pretty much different games though (both had their positives and both had their flaws). They're pretty much the same thing this time around, though. The console version isn't superior at all, the only meaningful major difference is the controls which means it just comes down to personal preference.
Is this available day 1 digital download for XB1? I want to pick it up but don't really want to wait for shipping D:
Damn this thread. I went out and bought a PS4. Downloading now.
Do what?
Mission accomplished!Damn this thread. I went out and bought a PS4. Downloading now.
How big is the XB1 patch?
Damn this thread. I went out and bought a PS4. Downloading now.
Mobs are different too, this is overlooked despite comparison and topics on the web showing how or even blizzard mentioning this.
The preference point is spot on and blizzard is milking both ends in a way that opens the game up to variety of consumers rather than locking them out as other devs in the industry do.
All games are day 1 digital on all next Gen consoles. Should be on the marketplace in 45 minutes.
Does anyone know if the pal release on xbox one is multi language (MULTI 5)?
English speaker living in Spain so not sure whether to buy locally or from a UK site.
this may sound stupid but is there a "map" button? or are you only restricted to the small minimap? i cant seem to remember if there is one
Sure, there's obviously minor differences but I was just speaking in a general fashion. Original vanilla D3 and PC games were widely different (difficulties, stats on items, no AH, etc.) those kind of differences are extremely minimal or non-existent this time. This is a very smart decision on their part since it will eventually allow them to release patches on the same day for the games (which is something they've said they want to accomplish at some point).
Basically you can't really say one is objectively better than the other, it's pretty much a control preference which even then is not an objective thing either, just preference.
this may sound stupid but is there a "map" button? or are you only restricted to the small minimap? i cant seem to remember if there is one
Damn this thread. I went out and bought a PS4. Downloading now.
I know what you mean monster power vs the vanilla inferno system or even torments. Seeing what blizzard is trying to give console users more of the experience pc users are in to has me very happy they aren't watering it down. They have done a good job of tweaking certain classes and skills to be controller friendly where as doing nothing would make them a pain.
as a new diablo player should I start on easy or medium? (I usually always start games on medium or occassionally higher difficulty but a friend told me diablo was different in this respect)
Down on the d-pad
as a new diablo player should I start on easy or medium? (I usually always start games on medium or occassionally higher difficulty but a friend told me diablo was different in this respect)
Like i started on Expert on my level 60 wizard beginning with Act V. Its challenging but fair - really solid and doesnt feel cheap.
If you are literally starting from scratch as a new DIABLO player it may be worthwhile to start on normal then up the difficulty as and when you get better.
Start on Hard for best lewtz!
as a new diablo player should I start on easy or medium? (I usually always start games on medium or occassionally higher difficulty but a friend told me diablo was different in this respect)
Start on at least Hard. The game is way too easy to start.
as a new diablo player should I start on easy or medium? (I usually always start games on medium or occassionally higher difficulty but a friend told me diablo was different in this respect)
Well, you only played sparingly.![]()
It was blatant. It was also incredibly simple to dupe items, so it kind of cheapened the loot in the first place since people would just drop dupes of ridiculous gear whenever they joined a new game. These weren't one-off situations either. It was far worse than Borderlands in my experience.
I get that some people like offline play -- they can play single player games then. Loot-based multiplayer games need to be online. That duping even exists (and it so goddamn easy) really cheapens the game for me. I'm still gonna play it because I enjoy running around with my buddies online, but man. As soon as Destiny launches I'll probably never touch D3 again.
In the case of Diablo 3 higher difficulties make enemies have more life and do more damage but you get more exp and gold in return.
The Console versions of RoS are based on the PC difficulty, in fact outside a few slight differences there is almost no difference between the current versions of RoS and the PC outside controls and some features.
Refer to the chart in the above link. At default you can only pick from Normal, Hard and, Expert. Beating the Story mode once will unlock Master, and reaching level 60 unlocks Torment.
You can change the difficulty at any time. So as the game gets "easier" you can ramp up the challenge to get average things out and get progressively better and better rewards.
There is almost no reason to play Medium considering it offers the least amount of rewards for effort.