Looks like my copy will be here tomorrow.
If you would have actually read my post you'd know I was talking about the actual game, not the dressing it was tied up in (because that is a deep rabbit hole full of even more personal preference related things, not facts). There is nothing in the current version of the console game that makes it objectively better than the PC version, they are pretty much equal now unlike the original versions of the games (same difficulties, same damage values on abilities, same stat ranges for armor and weapons, etc.). It just comes down to the preferences you have about the 2 versions.
There is literally millions of people that don't care about the whole online only thing, as evidenced by the millions of people that bought the PC expansion and play it every day. You're trying to twist facts until they meet your weird image of how everyone wants to play offline and there would be a mass revolt to quit the PC version if you could transfer your characters from it. Honestly I find it hard to take that seriously man. You said most people would quit the game if they could transfer their characters. Do you honestly think that MILLIONS of people would just drop the PC version and go and get the console version? That is nuts man. I doubt a lot of the people even playing on PC have next gen consoles yet even and there is no incentive to buy the 360/ps3 versions when they aren't getting updated.
Like damn, I love the console version of D3 a lot, but let's try to keep things in reality here.
Diablo 3 is downloading on my Xbox One at home as I speak. This is going to be a loooong work day. Does anyone know how big the day one patch is?
Unacceptable, not everyone wants to be or can be connected all the time for the sake of you not getting legendary envy when you see a random with crazy gear..heck, it's the online only nature of the PC version that is a big part of why people are double dipping into the console versions at such a massive rate, if blizzard allowed PC to console saves, barely anyone would play so let on PC so they were wise to stop the buck there.
You're the same person who said with absolute certainty that the console versions possibly being better than the pc was false and came down to preference to controller. when you didn't mention being able to play the game you bought offline if you so choose, your bias was obvious. With blizzard refusing to ad controller support and an offline option for single player only accounts, progress paragon 400 and higher players not wanting to start from scratch is the only thing keeping console owning PC owners who still play, pc bound.
If you bought it digital, I believe the Patch should come with it. And no need to download separately.
I posted this on the last page, it worked for me on PS4:
Read my last paragraph again, then ask yourself why you're in this thread, you're exactly my point.
Protip: II'm referring to next gen console owning PC gamers who still play diablo 3 regularly, you just bought the game again after being one of the original 3 million. My logic is sound. But bash it if it amuses be wrong!! J/k
I'll stop so as to not derail this thread.
Fresh article about xbone framerate
" They're not game-breaking, and many players may not even notice"
"But for a game of Diablo 3's action-focused design - and having played both iterations - we would probably take the locked 60fps at 900p over the less consistent 1080p, given the choice."
I mean, obviously.
what's the best thing to do with excess loot? "junk" it?
Does the PC have greater mob density compared to the XBO/PS4 versions?2. Cannot be stated enough, mob density and behavior had to be adjusted so that pad players wouldn't be overwhelmed. Just like fps games this is something that will keep it from being superior considering the difficulty is literally adjusted for a lesser input and not it's not the amount of buttons that are a problem. I can tell some in here don't use nemesis bracers, warzechian armguards. homing pads and other items that are hot swapped during certain instances. Good luck doing this with friends or quickly on a pad in the same fashion pc player do. Console and pc have pros and cons in variety of areas so yes it's largely preference and what experience you would like. You talk about bias but I think you're showing your own.
Yeah it's on ethernet. I also have glassfiber 100MB up and down. Remote play always works really awesome.
Even played on my phone-hotspot for a while today, but I used 400 MB data within 10 minutes. Whoops![]()
I made it a point to include the words "single player" only PC players for a reason, they don't care about your backed weapons or duping. Kinda like how career masturbators aren't tripping about getting crabs or herpes.the rest is trivial.. I thought mob density was a memory limitation thing for consoles.. but keep on thinking blizzard did it for the slow witted Controller users, it's a harmless fallacy.Ok lets address some of these things.
1. PC version still allows players to modify the graphics with sweetfx and ambient occulsion to give the game a nicer look. Lets not forget console players are still locked to 1080p max and the older consoles with a lesser resolution.
2. Cannot be stated enough, mob density and behavior had to be adjusted so that pad players wouldn't be overwhelmed. Just like fps games this is something that will keep it from being superior considering the difficulty is literally adjusted for a lesser input and not it's not the amount of buttons that are a problem. I can tell some in here don't use nemesis bracers, warzechian armguards. homing pads and other items that are hot swapped during certain instances. Good luck doing this with friends or quickly on a pad in the same fashion pc player do. Console and pc have pros and cons in variety of areas so yes it's largely preference and what experience you would like. You talk about bias but I think you're showing your own.
3. Offline play has resulted duping and item hacking, just like the previous pc versions. Blizzard made the pc version the way it was to protect integrity they will not even risk pissing off their fanbase by mixing the the console platforms with pc, just look at how the game nearly died to auction house abuse issues. It's unreasonable to want or expect this considering how it would vastly effect a meta of millions of players. Nice assumption too love how some people just assume what millions of others would do despite the obvious reality of choice before them.
No need to restart, you can change the difficulty on the fly at any time. Just adjust it til you feel you are getting a challenge you can deal with.
Dude, stop, I mentioned all of those reasons as to WHY,I'm saying you neglecting to mention one important reason to some players was disingenuous at best. PM me if you'd like to debate further!Your logic isn't sound because you seem to be convinced people double dipped because they wanted to play offline. People double dipped for a variety of reasons and offline play was only one of them. Some people double dipped because they didn't want to deal with the AH, some people because they wanted to play with a controller, others because they simply loved the game and wanted another version to re-experience the magic with.
I would bet there are some people in this thread that got the PS4 version exclusively for remote play which is a unique feature only the PS4 version can offer.
There is a shit load of reasons to buy this game man, I dunno why you are hung up on the very specific one.
Why oh why did I pre-order from Amazon? They still haven't sent my code yet. (I pre-ordered on the 12th of this month)
eh i wish this game WAS online only for consoles. i'd rather have no cheaters at all in my game.
I made it a point to include the words "single player" only PC players for a reason, they don't care about your backed weapons or duping. Kinda like how career masturbators aren't tripping about getting crabs or herpes.the rest is trivial.. I thought mob density was a memory limitation thing for consoles.. but keep on thinking blizzard did it for the slow witted Controller users, it's a harmless fallacy.
Does the PC have greater mob density compared to the XBO/PS4 versions?
Single players mang, single players don't care. And I'm not sure you know what you're talking about with that mouse speed thing.. this isn't an fps.They do care about hacked weapons otherwise they wouldn't have made an update to curb it severely from what letting bs rolls happen on items. You can argue degree all day but to say they don't care at all is bs lie that the patch notes show otherwise.
Mob density is partly performance reasons, it still chokes pcs and considering the consoles have weak cpus which is what the game needs so they had to curb it. Considering the game isn't a memory hog don't know why you're bringing it up when the only platforms it affects are 360/PS3 vs 3 others ones that are doing fine with what they have.
Also I never said controller users are slow witted way to miss the point. Analog compared to a accurate mouse pointer limits your mechanical speed it has nothing to do with your phsyical reflexes. As I mentioned a good example of them balancing things is them making the demon hunter have snap like aiming like in action titles where as pc users have to manually aim all their shots. The same could be said for how marauders sentries are placed on console vs pc. You just did a strawman so I wouldn't be talking about fallacies.
Resolution isn't trival how about you look at the 1080p vs 900p topic that came up for this game at the forum and dredge that issue up with some users here.
Anyone know if the pre-order codes are in the game case? If I didn't pre-order but I buy from Futureshop today could I still get a copy with the codes?
Hoooo boy, your info is very outdated
Single players mang, single players don't care. And I'm not sure you know what you're talking about with that mouse speed thing.. this isn't an fps.
Both consoles are 1080p..
Does the PC have greater mob density compared to the XBO/PS4 versions?
Single players mang, single players don't care. And you have no idea what you're talking about with that mouse speed point, this isn't an fps.
Both consoles are 1080p..
Diablo 3 is downloading on my Xbox One at home as I speak. This is going to be a loooong work day. Does anyone know how big the day one patch is?
Single players mang, single players don't care. And I'm not sure you know what you're talking about with that mouse speed thing.. this isn't an fps.
Both consoles are 1080p..
Or at least make it like D2 with separate character for online and local play. I know that it's not ideal for people who want to play both online and offline, but I think it's the best compromise to make things fair for everybody.
Does the PC have greater mob density compared to the XBO/PS4 versions?
Should the Infernal Pauldrons be in my inventory or my stash? I had the ring in my stash from linking by account, but I can't find the shoulders even though I have the add-on d/led.
Does the PC have greater mob density compared to the XBO/PS4 versions?
How do the CG cutscenes look? PC was compressed and ugly. I'm curious.
They look much better. No stuttering or artifacting that I could notice.How do the CG cutscenes look? PC was compressed and ugly. I'm curious.
Just as compressed and ugly as the PC version. I was a bit annoyed at that.
They look much better. No stuttering or artifacting that I could notice.