If you linked outside of game already, your ring should be in the stash, you can ignore the in-game prompt (it would just tell you the same thing anyway).
You should identify your legendaries as you find them. Their stats will not change based on when you identify them, they're determined at the time the item drops.
Defeating the Skeleton King with each class. That was as far as the original PC beta from 2012 went.What is a reasonable time frame to "test" a few characters before settling on one?
I am so damn vexed!
Considering rolling about an hour each with demon hunter and then crusader and then deciding.
Is it worth getting the official game guide for this game? I only played an hour or so of the PC version and just jumped into the Xbox One version. Never really played any of the previous Diablo games.
It's showing a mix of people who are online and people who aren't for me. Weird!Maybe the friends have to be online playing
I have like 20 gaf heads on so I have 20 people in my mailbox
Is it worth getting the official game guide for this game? I only played an hour or so of the PC version and just jumped into the Xbox One version. Never really played any of the previous Diablo games.
I had a staff that would randomly summon 4 cows with spears. It was hilarious every time it happened.I love how specific some of the legendary bonuses are. Like I got a axe that summons a spirit to fight with you randomly.
I love stuff like that.
Only for Zelda games.Do people still buy physical game guides?![]()
So beat the main campaign on expert with my new crusader (fresh start, didn't have anything to transfer), think I'll up it to master for the expansion but yeah, Blizz did a fantastic job with the current gen ports, very happy and with the confirmation that they will receive further patching I think D3 on PS4 will be my platform of choice for now. I loved the pc version but damn the controller feels good to play with.
Did they change thefight? I don't remember it being like that.Belial
Did they change thefight? I don't remember it being like that.Belial
I didn't see anyone answer thisAnd another question: what do I do with dice?
What do you think they changed? Going to be tackling that act tomorrow.
Guys think this is worth double dipping or wait for Destiny?
i bought D3 PS3 a couple weeks ago to get a head start. Played it up to the minute I switched my character over to PS4 and the changes are incredible. All of a sudden instead of playing on Mastery 2 or whatever and still getting loot with the same level range meant for normal i'm now getting loot that is actually my level. Finished the game and adventure mode is great. So many great changes they've made since the early PC days.
I'm literally just running around on Expert as a WD casting Haunt on everything. Best class.
Two things; One, how do you salvage items/craft stuff, and two, how do two-handed weapons work? Is the damage literal, i.e. if a two handed sword had a damage number of 16 and then you had two one handed clubs for 16 damage a piece, the dual wielded clubs would be doing double the dps?
Edit: also are maps supposed to re-fog every time you visit them? Not really a fan of that one
Did they change thefight? I don't remember it being like that.Belial
Sorry if this has been asked a bunch of times, but how do you get the shadow of the colossus armor? I had something for it in my inventory for it and used it, but nothing happened.
Expert should be the base difficulty lol.
I'm having a blast.
Yes been playing all nightAnyone able to do multi on xbox one?
Hmm no, I have my stash after I imported all characters, only thing is I have to start at act 1 with all my high level characters to even do adventure modeWow, so importing your characters from other systems completely wipes out all of your characters, stash, etc that your current save file has before importing.
Played to level 35 on Crusader, so i refuse to wipe him.
I'm playing with two other guys on the XB1 version right now if you wanna join. Gamertag = kittens dx.Finally done with work! Gonna login and join a random GAF lobby. Lvl 26 crusader.
I've been playing with two friends tonight and this is the first time I've used the microphone on my ps4 gold headset. They say they can just barely hear me. Is there a setting somewhere for the mic volume?
Level 15 Sorceress playing on Expert. Just beat the Skeleton King. God this game is so good.