My mailbox was acting weird for a long time. I could only see four friends all yesterday, but now I can see all my friends that have the game.Do I need to unlock anything to send mail? A friend is playing but I can't see his name on the mailbox so I can send something to him.
It's casual as fuck. The console version even moreso than the PC version. Stat comparing is a breeze on consoles, show you nice little green or red triangles for easy reference. I love navigating the UI with a controller. Settings items for "Junk" status for easy selling was a stroke of genius.
Don't want to go back to PC.
Hmm...will check again when I get home if he's still playing since it's 1AM.My mailbox was acting weird for a long time. I could only see four friends all yesterday, but now I can see all my friends that have the game.
Is there a reason random people from my friends list are sending me legendaries or are they just being nice? I started up the game to two of them in my mailbox from two different people.
It's a console version feature. Sometimes you will find "gift" legendaries that you can't open but are able to send to someone on your friends list.
It's useless once all you care about are legendaries.I would just say that comparing stats through the green/red arrows while fine between 1-70 becomes less and less accurate and often extremely misleading at the top end. It can show you a downgrade or upgrade but it can very well be the exact opposite.
That's because sheet stats matter less at the top end. It's very possible a 700K sheet DPS character could be doing 3-4 times more damage than a 1.2 million DPS character in this game.
My ice wizard build is coming along nicely
Yo, let's be friends so we can send nemesis enemies to destroy each other, lol. My gamertag = kittens dx. I just followed you.If anybody wants to throw some weapons my way I would appreciate it. Proposed Law on Xbox One. I just started playing this game and it's great!
I'm assuming you guys with lvl 70 wizards are playing on Torment? I'm playing Act V on Master, then I'll start a fresh run on Torment. How are you doing in regards to survivability? My DPS is only at 250k, but my health and armor are double what I'm seeing from most other wizard builds.
I haven't had these drop yet, how often do they drop?
I know that im pretty good in terms of survivability, but things get hairy when there are a group of elites and i have to kite them around a for a bit.
That's because sheet stats matter less at the top end. It's very possible a 700K sheet DPS character could be doing 3-4 times more damage than a 1.2 million DPS character in this game.
Yep, this can't be stressed enough. My barbarian on PC only has 400k sheet damage but I completely crush T6. I'm not entirely sure how it is handled in the RoS console version but a lot of stats are not factored into your sheet values on PC. I assume it works similarly though because you can't really give a general idea of your DPS if you are stacking say +fire damage but all your attacks are lightning.
Is there a reason random people from my friends list are sending me legendaries or are they just being nice? I started up the game to two of them in my mailbox from two different people.
Also, is there a way to check how long you've played so far?
With the exception of 4K screens, are they identical as 1080p graphics go?
We are the same paragon level. Hmmm you do like 300k more damage but I have 1000k more defense and 7k more regen. You must melt, that is if they get to touch you!![]()
My ice wizard build is coming along nicely
Haven't found one either between my L30 Barbarian and L26 Monk. Xevren sent me one earlier, though, so my plan to mooch heavily is going forward as planned.
I heard you always get one when killing a Nemesis, I'm not sure if that one can only go to the guy that was killed by that Nemesis though or if you can still choose.
Can you explain this?
Im not that knowledgeable so what would make you have a lot more damage than what is on the sheeT? is that because of say critical hits? or like if you are stacking cold damage like my character so the end damage is way more than it says i can?
Haven't found one either between my L30 Barbarian and L26 Monk. Xevren sent me one earlier, though, so my plan to mooch heavily is going forward as planned.
I heard you always get one when killing a Nemesis, I'm not sure if that one can only go to the guy that was killed by that Nemesis though or if you can still choose.
Can you explain this?
Im not that knowledgeable so what would make you have a lot more damage than what is on the sheeT? is that because of say critical hits? or like if you are stacking cold damage like my character so the end damage is way more than it says i can?
Had to recruit some help to beat[Act 2 boss] on expert. Holy hell.Belial
It's a very high risk high reward build but it's loads of fun. Everything is centered around cold damage and stacking within it. One the absolute zero black hole hits I'm getting between 2-3 million damage crits with my blizzard arcane orb.We are the same paragon level. Hmmm you do like 300k more damage but I have 1000k more defense and 7k more regen. You must melt, that is if they get to touch you!
He beat me five times! It was those damn green laser column things. I tried my best to dodge them but they got me every time. :-(Ugh, yeah, not looking forward to that.
Had to recruit some help to beat[Act 2 boss] on expert. Holy hell.Belial
He beat me five times! It was those damn green laser column things. I tried my best to dodge them but they got me every time. :-(
Act 2 boss definitely has odd behavior compared to the pc version. All he did after a few attacks was the one where he stuck his hands in the ground to make meteors gave everywhere. I could definitely see some newer players struggle with something like that.
Someone else mentioned that earlier in the thread. It sounds like Belial's enrage timer to me; same as on PC, he just does the ground explosions forever after fighting him for too long. For some reason I thought they restricted this behavior to Torment difficulties on PC at some point, but I dunno how it works here on console.
I haven't had these drop yet, how often do they drop?
if im level 70 and my mate is level 60 and we want to tackle some adventure together tomorrow, should he invite me or i invite him?
if he invites me and enemies are level 60..will i get any drops at all?
if i invite him and enemies are my level..will he be able to survive?
It's a very high risk high reward build but it's loads of fun. Everything is centered around cold damage and stacking within it. One the absolute zero black hole hits I'm getting between 2-3 million damage crits with my blizzard arcane orb.
Post a pic of your build like I did man i wanna see.
If you invite him, it will scale up his stats to level 70, but still drop his loot at his level.
sorry, what do you mean "scale up his stats" - does this mean its better for him to play with me as the lead player or better for me to join his game. If i join his game will i get level 70 loot or only level 60?
I'm not going for any particular build, and yeah for whatever reason my current equipment has no sockets.Looking at your build vs mine - you have a LOT more vitality and armour - but your DEX is about half my INT so i think that would account for the disparity in damage vs the fact that your guy is a lot more survivable. Do you need more slotted items for emeralds or is that just the build you want?
They call it "Apprentice Mode", and from what I understand it only works if the higher level guy creates the game and the lower level guy joins that game.
Basically it boosts his power level up - likely in relation to the quality of his gear at his actual level - to where he'd roughly be stat-wise to the level of the player that created the game. I don't think it works the other way round - if you join a game he creates you'll just be a lot stronger than him and will likely receive loot scaled to the zone (which will be scaled to his level since he is the creator).