wow didn't expect them to tease part 3 already.
Thank you, gd.5,6,7,8 - it's a ova/movie so it's the second of the 6 to be released.
Moving on, was that tai in weird digimon kaiser/emperor esque clothing at the end?
Also, do we know what that white digimon is - the one that's caped in the first movie - I think that's it's evolution in the trailer.
Also there's the obligatory anime shrine visit scene as well it seems.
Thank you, gd.
Just wanna say, I appreciate this thread and all of you in it. Even though I am going to be a quarter century in 5 days, I am not ashamed of being a digimon fan.
youre a damn youngin bruh! I turn 25 a day right before you turn 23.Our birthdays are pretty close, I turned 23 back on Wednesday.
I finally got around to watching the first OVA. That first fight had me yell "hell yea!" out loud. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
How does digivolution work in Cyber Sleuth? I'm kinda worried since I always got Numemon back in Digimon World as a kid.
Evolution is all done manually in Cyber Sleuth. It's nothing like the World games.
You have a location you can go to called the Digilab, where you can evolve and devolve your Digimon at will, to whatever Digimon they can evolve or devolve into. Excluding babies, most Digimon can usually evolve into 3-4 Digimon (sometimes more, for example Agumon has six different possible evolutions if I recall correctly).
In order to evolve a Digimon, you need to meet the evolution requirements. These can include minimum level (the level only pertains to the current evolution, so each Digimon when it evolves is Level 1 again (eg, you evolve a Level 16 Agumon into a Level 1 Greymon)), needing various stats to be at a certain level, having friendship at a certain level (increased with each battle), having potential at a certain level, or having completed a specific quest (this mostly just applies to the Royal Knights). Armor Digimon also require the specific Digimental, but there are only three Armor level Digimon in the game. All evolution requirements are specifically laid out on the evolution screen, with the screen also showing you which ones you currently meet and which ones you don't.
For devolving a Digimon you just need to have encountered that Digimon before. Devolving is useful for a few reasons. First of all, it lets you take the Digimon down a different evolution tree. And since Digimon maintain all moves they've learned, this is useful for getting a variety of elemental attacks on a Digimon. Devolving your Digimon also increases its potential, which is important for later evolutions, many perfects, and almost all ultimates, require a specific potential level before you can evolve to that Digimon. Potential also increases your Digimon's maximum stats. Devolving a Digimon also increases its maximum level.
So there's a lot going on, but it's all laid out in a straightforward manner, so it's pretty easy to pick up on. There's no real risks at all, so just play around with it.
Patamon just can't stand being seen with Takeru and his awful hats any longer,
Our birthdays are pretty close, I turned 23 back on Wednesday.
youre a damn youngin bruh! I turn 25 a day right before you turn 23.
I finally got around to watching the first OVA. That first fight had me yell "hell yea!" out loud. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
How does digivolution work in Cyber Sleuth? I'm kinda worried since I always got Numemon back in Digimon World as a kid.
I'm ready for Rosemon and Vikemon to whoop some ass.
Anyone know how well the Blu-ray/DVDs for Reunion sold?
tri. Part 1 had week 1 sales of 6,074 copies on Blu-ray and 1,748 copies on DVD (charting 5th for anime BDs and 10th for anime DVDs that week.)
Since then, up through January 10th, it's total sales are 11,455 for the Blu-ray and 3,588 for the DVD, nearly doubling it's week 1 sales in it's month on the charts (tri. part 1 came out at the tail end of a week, so it's been out as far as sales are concerned for a month.)
In the most recent anime sales charts (through January 10th) the Blu-ray is still placing 13th and the DVD is 12th (on their respective charts.)
We don't know if sales numbers include the Amazon Exclusive versions of the DVD and BD, and it seems unlikely that the theater exclusive version of the Blu-ray is included in these numbers.
And since tri. part 1 appears to be fully removed from theaters now, we know what tri. part 1 grossed during it's run (these numbers don't take into account the last few days of it's theatrical run where it was doing 4 screenings a day between 2 theaters.)
tri. part 1 grossed 229 million yen during it's theatrical run.
Hpy Bltd Bhdy!I just turned 27 on the 14th just a few days ago![]()
Hpy Bltd Bhdy!
Crazydude, I misread your post. I thought you said you were turning 23 next Wednesday. My birthday is on the 19th.
I was intoxicated :\Yeah I could see why you made the mistake. It looks like Digimon fans are more likely to be born in January.
I was intoxicated :\
and yeah, we got a buncha capricorns in here w00t w00t
ah well to hell with astrology huh!I was born on the 27th tho. :\
I was born on the 27th tho. :\
thanks for all the info, man!Evolution is all done manually in Cyber Sleuth. It's nothing like the World games.
You have a location you can go to called the Digilab, where you can evolve and devolve your Digimon at will, to whatever Digimon they can evolve or devolve into. Excluding babies, most Digimon can usually evolve into 3-4 Digimon (sometimes more, for example Agumon has six different possible evolutions if I recall correctly).
In order to evolve a Digimon, you need to meet the evolution requirements. These can include minimum level (the level only pertains to the current evolution, so each Digimon when it evolves is Level 1 again (eg, you evolve a Level 16 Agumon into a Level 1 Greymon)), needing various stats to be at a certain level, having friendship at a certain level (increased with each battle), having potential at a certain level, or having completed a specific quest (this mostly just applies to the Royal Knights). Armor Digimon also require the specific Digimental, but there are only three Armor level Digimon in the game. All evolution requirements are specifically laid out on the evolution screen, with the screen also showing you which ones you currently meet and which ones you don't.
For devolving a Digimon you just need to have encountered that Digimon before. Devolving is useful for a few reasons. First of all, it lets you take the Digimon down a different evolution tree. And since Digimon maintain all moves they've learned, this is useful for getting a variety of elemental attacks on a Digimon. Devolving your Digimon also increases its potential, which is important for later evolutions, many perfects, and almost all ultimates, require a specific potential level before you can evolve to that Digimon. Potential also increases your Digimon's maximum stats. Devolving a Digimon also increases its maximum level.
So there's a lot going on, but it's all laid out in a straightforward manner, so it's pretty easy to pick up on. There's no real risks at all, so just play around with it.
all the cool kids are born in the beginning of the yearI turn 25 on the 26th lol.
I just turned 27 on the 14th just a few days ago
Well you've already had a description of the evolution system so no need to explain that but I will say, if you want the trophies, you'll need to digivolve to everyone I think for the encyclopedia.
Also you WILL want PlatinumSukamon (and later PlatinumNumemon) unless you enjoy a lot of needless grinding. Embrace the shit! EMBRACE IT!PlatSuka is a Champion, PlatNume is a Mega. They both have the same special ability to up exp gained when used in battle (and they STACK with each other and with EXP USBs that you can equip onto your Digimon later in the game) and are from the same line.
Does anybody know if Cyber Sleuth has the same DLC deal for EU as in USA? As in if I buy the game in February/launch month I can still get the DLC? Im not sure if I can buy the game withing first week, so Id like to know.
Yeah, it does. The DLC is day-1 rather than preorder, so it'll be in physical copies until they get rid of the day-1 versions.
So wait, does it only last 1 day in EU? In USA Ive heard the deal lasts the whole month. Is this the case in EU aswell?
The digital dlc will be avaialble for the whole of February like in the USA. The physical edition's of the games will come with the dlc until the first batch of the game is sold out, which can take any amount of time(it depends on how many day-1 editions are made/sold, it can be a few weeks after release - forever(if they made too many of the game and don't bother releasing a non-day 1 edition - it has happened before) . It's similar to how the Tales games are released. The difference between a day-1 bonus is that it can be sold after the release, pre-order dlc implies that it's only going to be given out to pre-orders/people who buy around release.
Ah ok it should last whole month.
Too bad EU Vita wont get physical, so Im getting Digital. Not a a problem, since the game's size is surprisingly small.
New Cyber Sleuth trailer, English dubbed for some reason.
Oh,hey at least the game as deemed worthy of the playstation channel pushing it. This should give it a nice publicity boost.
Oh yeah, this are great news! I love Seven.
Chapter 1 - OP: Butter-Fly, ED: I wish
Chapter 2 - OP: Butter-Fly, ED: Seven
Chapter 3 - OP: Butter-Fly, ED: keep on
Chapter 4 - OP: Target~Akai Shougeki~, ED: Ashita wa Atashi no Kaze ga Fuku
Chapter 5 - OP: Target~Akai Shougeki~, ED: Itsumo Itsudemo
Chapter 6 - OP: Target~Akai Shougeki~, ED: Re-Fly or a brand new song altogether
Sounds a lot like Digimon World 2 with various tweaks.Evolution is all done manually in Cyber Sleuth. It's nothing like the World games.
Next Order website updated. It says there will be over 200 Digimon. Cyber Sleuth said it would have over 230 and ended up with 240. I wonder if some got cut?
What's the point in collecting a whole line? Just collect the cool stuff.
The GEM figures look better for the kids, imo, so I'd just stick to them, if it were me. They aren't in Tri form though.
What's the point in collecting a whole line? Just collect the cool stuff.
I don't like this though.
3rd trailer for Next Order. I totally called Holydramon! Gematsu also recorded the gameplay part of the stream.
3rd trailer for Next Order. I totally called Holydramon! Gematsu also recorded the gameplay part of the stream.
I like that Digimon blink now. It will make death scenes less horrifying.
GoldV-dramon and Rapidmon(Armor) Digimental of Fate buddies
I think I saw other subspecies, but I am too lazy to count at this point.
Not long till Digimon Cyber Sleuth get released, though I am thinking of canncling my pre-order with Play-Asia and just get it digitally so I can get Beelzebumon: Blast Mode DLC as I really want to use him on my team.
Don't know if I should open my 15th anniversary Taichi Digivice. Never had a Digivice as a kid, so this past Christmas I paid an absurd amount for this and the first print pin on eBay (I'm Canadian, so yeah...). Part of me wants a goddamn Agumon and another part wants to keep it new forever. Gah
That was a pretty awesome trailer. This game keeps looking great.
Aside from those, I also saw Growmon (Orange) briefly at the start of the trailer. Maybe some others as well, but I couldn't tell.
I wonder if that 200 estimate is lowballing things. We've seen a decent selection of new Digimon, and even Rapidmon (Armor) is back.
Rapidmon (Armor) getting in doesn't surprise me. No doubt they had the animations for Rapidmon (Perfect) already. That's probably why we are getting a bunch of recolors in the first place.
For the 200 number, idk. If it's over 250, I feel like they would have said over 250 instead. Nevertheless, it's still more than Decode.
It's more that they're including armor Digimon at all, given that it's a World game. I figured we'd probably get Magnamon as an Ultimate, but that would be it, with maybe Fladramon or Rapidmon (Armor) as NPCs somewhere. But if they're actually going to be obtainable partners, that seems to open up even more possibilities.
I think he was in decoded, with the whole veemon & veedramon line, no Fladramon thoughWasn't Magnamon in Decode as a regular evolution? I might be thinking of someone else. I hope they handle it as straight-up Armor evolution in this, but if they do, Fladramon wouldn't be very viable.
I would, unless you're planning on selling it, you can put it back in the box and display it when you're done with it. As Sparrow said a lot of shaking unless you clip it and walk around with it like it was intended.Don't know if I should open my 15th anniversary Taichi Digivice. Never had a Digivice as a kid, so this past Christmas I paid an absurd amount for this and the first print pin on eBay (I'm Canadian, so yeah...). Part of me wants a goddamn Agumon and another part wants to keep it new forever. Gah