you don't care about trophies at all? that's a firstI disabled trophy notifications as soon as I could. Sometimes I almost wish I cared about them -- they seem to give folks lots of satisfaction -- but I'm just incapable of it.![]()
you don't care about trophies at all? that's a first
but hey yo, to each their own, you know
like I said you crazydude, to each their own.I don't either, they do nothing for me.
you don't care about trophies at all? that's a first
but hey yo, to each their own, you know
most of the time i don't actively pursue trophies when playing games, however, it is a nice feeling when earning them. Mass Effect 2 was the first time in a game when I decided to ump the ante (is that what they call it) and beat it on its hardest difficulty and get the platinum.I also have no real interest in trophies. They don't really serve any purpose for me.
I don't see the point in grinding 100 hours for any of them though
should we expect lots of grinding with cyber sleuth?Yeah, I don't like going for them unless the game's fun, I don't see the point in grinding 100 hours for any of them though, if they add on to the game I'll go for them. Having said that, I do check the guide out before if a game seems like it'll be fun. I'm going to try for cs' but all star rumbles were boring af so I didn't bother.
holy moley forreal? you're only platinum and the one time you cared? that's makes two of us xDOh snap, Artisan, you got me on Mass Effect 2, actually, come to think of it. I got my only Platinum on that game, haha. It was the one time I cared.![]()
Sometimes it helps stop the temptation to buy other games when you're trying to save money![]()
I dunno Ill look when I get the game, Stuart can probably answer this lol,I've only played like 30mins in japan on a display thing.should we expect lots of grinding with cyber sleuth?
I dunno Ill look when I get the game, Stuart can probably answer this lol,I've only played like 30mins in japan on a display thing.
Oh, thanks I only cared about missables anyways. Hopefully battling is fast, I wasted too Many hours on the ds games devolving etc so I doubt I'll get burnt from platting this, the vita +ps4 crossave is such a great feature, props to Sony +bn for implementing it. I like challenges as well, I've heard about the demon Lord dlc, not looking forward to it ><. The quizzes seem interesting /fun.Haha, well I got a lot of trophies (not all but a lot) and the most grinding I did was when I was evolving/devolving Digimon but that becomes trivial by the end of the game. PlatSuka or PlatNumemon + EXP USB equipment along with items to increase friendship (ie meat you can feed them on the farm) and it's quite simple to get most any Digimon you want. Only a few are locked behind certain things (DLC, Digimentals (Digieggs), beating the Digimon that you want to evolve into (The Royal Knights))
Like I posted before this guide is pretty good for getting the Platinum and the only missables is the medal collector since Victory Uchida gives you a unique item every chapter he appears in and a few of them are medals iirc.
Also, I noticed it hasn't been up for pre order on Amazon UK - for a couple of days at least - anyone knows wth is up with that?
i did lots a grinding in dmw2. i hated it, and i loved it.I dunno Ill look when I get the game, Stuart can probably answer this lol,I've only played like 30mins in japan on a display thing.
i did lots a grinding in dmw2. i hated it, and i loved it.
I agree man, that game was extremely fucking flawed but for some reason I kept on going back to it over and over again, over the ages.I wanted to love Digimon World 2 so much but some of the later dungeons are extremely annoying with all the traps. I might try playing it again if my disc still works.
I agree man, that game was extremely fucking flawed but for some reason I kept on going back to it over and over again, over the ages.
speaking of DMW2, I hope some of the game mechanics are retained. We (others in the thread) spoke about it before.
endless grinding got you endless bits too. the problem was how annoying the traversing was. the digibeetle shit was cool, but all the traps - the spores, bugs, amount of levels in the domains and the digimon following you for fights all put together made it over the top fucking annoying to play the godforsaken game.I liked how breeding and leveling worked but catching anything above champion was so expensive. Think I'm gonna plug in my PS1 after Cardinals-Panthers ends and see if my disk still works. My team if I remember right was Metalseadramon, Piedmon and Metalgarurumon.
I wanted to love Digimon World 2 so much but some of the later dungeons are extremely annoying with all the traps. I might try playing it again if my disc still works.
As a European I had no idea that Digimon World 2 existed heck we even got Digimon World 3 but it was aptly renamed to Digimon World 2003 giving no hints that it was a sequel, I only found out when I got the internet.
Not too cut up about it since it was a dungeon crawler and I am not too fond of that genre.
ram domain and bug domainFound my copy of Digimon World 2 and it still works. My current team is:
Level 38 Seraphimon (capped)
Level 32 Pukumon
Level 26 AeroVeedramon
Level 33 Metalgarurumon
Level 23 ShogunGekomon
Have no idea which dungeon I should grind in.
ram domain and bug domain
np. there's a glitch with the ram domain in that on one of the sub boss levels after you beat him, you can go and fight him again and again (or catch the digimon if you wanted to).Thanks. First one I picked had rookies in it but the second one I picked was the bug domain.
np. there's a glitch with the ram domain in that on one of the sub boss levels after you beat him, you can go and fight him again and again (or catch the digimon if you wanted to).
pukumon's attack lowers the defenses of everyone? I'm pretty sure you're thinking of okuwamon. Pukumon did hit everyone but I don't remember him lowering defense.Interesting. Might head there next time I play. On my team, I combined Metalseadra and Piedmon into Magnaangemon who's now Seraphimon. Pukumon I can't remember but he was originally Gekomon and has a great offensive movepool (has an attack that hits everyone and lowers defenses). AeroVeedramon I'm confused with because he's named Veemon but only has attacks from Veemon, Veedramon and AeroVeedramon. Metalgarurumon I caught as him and only has 1 or 2 more levels before he's capped. ShogunGekomon I didn't really check.
pukumon's attack lowers the defenses of everyone? I'm pretty sure you're thinking of okuwamon. Pukumon did hit everyone but I don't remember him lowering defense.
As for magnaangemon, I'm not sure how you got him from metalseadramon and piedmon because it's vaccine + data = data, data + virus = virus, and virus + vaccine = vaccine
yeah you definitely bred an okuwamon somewhere in there to get it. i believe the attack is called duo scissor claw, yeah?Pukumon's hits everyone but someone I bred him with had that. He also has an attack that hits everyone and lowers speed as well.
I might be wrong on Metalseadramon but I know for sure Piedmon was one of them since he has Trump Sword.
yeah you definitely bred an okuwamon somewhere in there to get it. i believe the attack is called duo scissor claw, yeah?
&&yeah, maybe your magnaangemon has some metalseadramon lineage but you probably got him from a vaccine with Piedmon.
giga destroyah!Will need to check what other mega level attacks he has. Only other attack I recognized on him was Metalgreymon's who sounds like Arnold Schwartznsomething.
that doesn't necessarily mean you need more, you can just dna the capped ones that you have unless you want to keep them separateShit I need to get more Digimon. Four of my five are capped. Took me awhile to figure out how to do it and then I tried throwing an A grade item at Skullgreymon but didn't have another turn for another. Forgot they take multiple even though you get a guaranteed Metalgreymon for only one.
Mirei is back for Next Order
I guess she's just going to be appearing in every Digimon game going forward?
every digimon world game or just every digimon game overall
hm, interesting. so are the digimon game series a shared universe?Well, she was in both Reigitize and Cyber Sleuth, despite those being two different series. So I imagine that they're looking at Mirei as being a character they can reuse in whatever Digimon game they make, especially given that she already has a penchant for dimension hopping.
hm, interesting. so are the digimon game series a shared universe?
lol, alright fine.No, the only link that's been made is well... it's a spoiler for Cyber Sleuth. You'll know when you get to it.![]()
lol, alright fine.
but anyways, there's like over 10 digimon games though, bruh. isn't the jijimon from dmw1 the same one in dmw2?
arite. i played dmw1 very briefly as a kid and there is a jijimon on file island (isn't there also one in the tamers season?) and there's also one on file island in 2, so I think it's likely they're in the same universeNot played it and I have no interest in it from what I've read on it. So I don't know.
grundy, lolNah he's not, but I thought the same until later in the game. Dw2 isn't as bad as 4 but is grundy and I wouldn't play it again.
arite. i played dmw1 very briefly as a kid and there is a jijimon on file island (isn't there also one in the tamers season?) and there's also one on file island in 2, so I think it's likely they're in the same universe
Is Shoutmon in Cyber Sleuth?
Damn, there goes my Imperialdramon Paladin mode x X7 x Dukemon Crimson mode dream party.Nope, he's in Next Order if we get that though. But that depends on CS.
This is true, however, I expressed before that that's something that I never really liked; how they've been separating all the damn universes. And it's not just with Digimon, I don't like when any sort of fiction does it. Just a personal preference.Nah, Digimon are Digimon. They can be different ones in different universes quite easily.