For the main story, minimal grinding is required.Scalpel Knight said:Do I need to grind a lot for this game or can I just play it without being a stat whore?
Post game and extra content though.........Massive grindfest
For the main story, minimal grinding is required.Scalpel Knight said:Do I need to grind a lot for this game or can I just play it without being a stat whore?
Scalpel Knight said:Do I need to grind a lot for this game or can I just play it without being a stat whore?
Sqorgar said:I believe they said in their forums that they weren't doing new guides for the foreseeable future. They've done a couple (expensive) print-on-demand guides and a few PDF-only guides, but for all intents and purposes, they no longer exist.
Which is a shame, because the Brady guide for 4 is probably worse than the original Disgaea guide (which is BAD), and it is filled with errors. I tend to like Brady Games guides too.
Scalpel Knight said:Do I need to grind a lot for this game or can I just play it without being a stat whore?
TommyT said:Ugh... Can't. Stop. Item World.
I just completed Chapter 4 and I've been in the Item World for hours. I've item level 12 (and no matter what I'm buying it isn't raising...) and at this point I'm just grinding my guys, reincarnating some, getting better items, making those better, levelling, getting better skills, on and on.
BobM said:arent you worried you will be overpowered for the story? I mean, I like kicking ass as much as the next guy...but i dont like it to be tooo easy either. there is plenty of time for leveling in postgame
lljride said:...but the D4 guide is somehow both the most bare bones guide possible AND incorrect half the time.
Dedication Through Light said:If one feels over powered for the story they can always just pass Stronger Enemy topics? I imagine that would shoot the enemies late main game to the hundreds levels.
Daichi said:Not sure if anyone really cares, but I'll take a second to plug the Spreadsheet and Wiki I started for this game. Currently between the spreadseet and wiki is item data, evil symbols, and bills.
It was supposed to be a collaboration project, but it didn't seem like many people on Gamefaqs were all that interested in contributing. And I don't have quite as much time as I did when the prior games had just come out. What kinda things would people like to see?
Dedication Through Light said:If one feels over powered for the story they can always just pass Stronger Enemy topics? I imagine that would shoot the enemies late main game to the hundreds levels.
Scalpel Knight said:Do I need to grind a lot for this game or can I just play it without being a stat whore?
I think that's a bit beyond what we can do with a spreadsheet. Might need a separate program all together. I think I read that you can edit the evil symbols that you upgrade anytime. So it might not be a big issue. (I could be wrong.)Nista said:Those spreadsheets are pretty useful, though of course there's a few things to be translated/updated still.
What I'd really like to find is some sort of optimizer for doing cam-pain evil symbol layouts to maximize character gain. Though I'm guessing that could be very complex to solve for when you go adding extra squares to them in chara world.
Daichi said:I think that's a bit beyond what we can do with a spreadsheet. Might need a separate program all together. I think I read that you can edit the evil symbols that you upgrade anytime. So it might not be a big issue. (I could be wrong.)
BobM said:Can someone help me understand the "stats up when close by character levels up" effect? I have no idea how to take advantage of those benefits...
scy said:Do you mean the Cabinet bonuses? If so, they merely grant a percentage bonus to the level up gains to the person in that position and every person in every single one of their Evil Symbols. They also all stack.
Here's the breakdown:
All+ - +5%
All++ - +10%
Stat+ - +12.5%
Stat++ - +25%
I'm not 100% conclusive on the values (might be 10%/20% on the single stat bonuses) but they're "close enough" to get a feel for it right now.
So you can put, say, the President (All++), Education (All+), Trade (ATK++), and Judicial (ATK+) in Training Grounds; when any one of those characters levels up, that character will get +52.5% Bonus to their ATK growth and +15% to all their other stats.
The only other bonus I can think of is that the Leader of an Evil Symbol gets a percentage of the stats of the others in the Evil Symbol; it's not permanent, however, and has nothing to do with the level gains. Just merely put someone in the Leader position and then they get a boost to their stats; remove them and they immediately lose it.
BobM said:aha! ok that makes sense. Good info! SO when the cabinet bonuses talk about "someone levels up close by" It is referring to location in the cam-pain board, not the locations on the actual game field....i was thinking it was talking about proximity in the game field
Trojita said:Don't do what I did.
I was facing off against thefor the first time. I was trying to level a Prinny so I magi-changed it onto Valvatorez as a bow. I went up to two of them with and used Valzy's ultimate skill. Becuase of the 100% Defense Geopanel, which was going to be destroyed when the two enemies are hit, the skill wasn't going to kill the enemies completely. The two enemies blew up and my Valvatorez dissapearedbio suits
At first I didn't even know what happened. I was like how the hell did the explosion kill Valvatorez? He's not that weak. And then I realized what happened......
I even read the description of the enemy beforehand too....
Lain said:Received my copy today! I'm going to try to start playing it later.
I hope this means the other DLC is planned to be released soon.Luigi87 said:HD Asagi is on PSStore for free
Luigi87 said:HD Asagi is on PSStore for free
cosmicblizzard said:For a limited time or forever?
Akselziys said:I need Prier!
Also, an HD La Pucelle or HD Marl game in general would be amazing <3
You're not missing much. Seeing where everyone's favorite Demon Overlord got her start was fun, but like you said, the game isn't as good as Disgaea. Of course, that's because it came before Disgaea. It's fun to connect the dots between Pucelle's systems and Disgaea's.Luigi87 said:If only... I've never played La Pucelle, but damn I want to, even if it isn't as good as Disgaea.
Also, I am going to guess that HD Asagi is free forever (mentioned Free in the PS Store update blog).
I am guessing they have possibly stopped taking in donations in regards to relief.
Master Milk said:I hope this means the other DLC is planned to be released soon.
Almaz? Ewww. They released him in Japan?Dedication Through Light said:I hope they put Almaz up as fast as humanly possible and Kurtis (non Prinny)
Not important at all.nicoga3000 said:Whelp I'll be getting a PS3 this week along with Disgaea 4. How important are the stories of the other games?
Master Milk said:Not important at all.
Throwing, maybe. Probably fist skills, too. I just used tink in 3, and I'll be using Desco in 4, though, so I could be wrong.Trojita said:Why is the Masked Hero preferred over the Moth for Item World?
Master Milk said:Throwing, maybe. Probably fist skills, too. I just used tink in 3, and I'll be using Desco in 4, though, so I could be wrong.
I hate using monsters. They tried to make them relevant with Magichange, but I still prefer the human characters.Diablos said:I'm currently in the middle of Episode 3, and really have no problems. This game is so fun. I'll admit, I am neglecting my monsters; I have a Prinny and a Cat. I never use them except for being sacrifical lambs. AM I DOING IT WRONG?
No, srsly, should I be leveling my Prinny and maybe adding a monster? I never feel all that compelled to use Magichange.
Diablos said:I'm currently in the middle of Episode 3, and really have no problems. This game is so fun. I'll admit, I am neglecting my Prinny and cat. I never use them except for being sacrifical lambs. AM I DOING IT WRONG?
No, srsly, should I be leveling my Prinny and maybe adding a monster? I never feel all that compelled to use Magichange.
Aww crap, I should have got this. I didn't know if I'd like the game or not (this is my first Disgaea). OH WELL.BobM said:On a side note, i saw pics today of the trading figurines that come with the super premium edition. I am SOOOO mad i didnt know about them and didnt special order that edition. They look AWESOME. I am going to have to look into buying them online. I am scared that people will be charging an arm and a leg for them though. I RALLY want those figurines!
Hahaha.Trojita said:Magichange is fucking awesome when the monsters are on par with other characters.
Evil Symbols, Magichange, and Fusion have made leveling easy as hell.
Level Valvatorez to 500 having people leach EXP and Mana from him via Evil Symbols. Equip low level monster to him via magichange. Wreck motherfuckers till the monster is level 500. Reincarnate Valvatorez to level 1 and magichange the level 500 monster to him. Wreck shit again.
With Magichange and Fusion each character gets 100% of the EXP and Mana!
This is actually the first Disgaea that I'm actually seriously leveling the monster characters.