I wish Disgaea came in a can so I could drink it at work.

Hecatonchires Custom said:So after downloading HD Asagi, how do you get her?
Nose Master said:I can't get fusion magichange to work? Do they have to be at full SP or something?
Also, will I spoil anything by looking at a trophy list? Why are they all hidden?![]()
Luigi87 said:No, as long as they have any amount of SP left (which of course means they're still fused) they can Magichange... As long as the one they've fused into a giant is on the Fusion Weapons Lab symbol.
Android18a said:Lets say my Big Banger has a lot of statisticians in his armour. And, I magichange him with a giant monster. Both monsters also have armour full of statisticians. Do all three sets of statisticians then stack or does it only count the ones on the Big Banger?
I haven't changed mine yet, but I was thinking about the roller coaster stage. Or maybe I'll just do a custom one. If I had more CP to buy things, that'd probably be even more fun.Android18a said:Ah ok, cool.
What home base is everyone using? I've claimed Mt Ordeal 2 as mineShame you have to place every single NPC down, though, it looks a bit cluttered.
Nose Master said:Fuka is the worst character ever. Thank god Val/Fen make up for it. The president's son is pretty bad, too.
Dedication Through Light said:After watching this video (lvl 1 to 9999 in 2mins), is the only real benefit of the magichange fusion just wider range, it didnt seem Vals stats change as a result of the magichange?
Nose MasterNose Master said:Fuka is the worst character ever. Thank god Val/Fen make up for it. The president's son is pretty bad, too.
RetroGamer42 said:Would I be correct in assuming you're pretty early in the game? I thought they were both horrible at first, but they grew on me significantly by the end. (It doesn't hurt that my Emizel is a tiny God of destruction.)
Trojita said:Nose Master
I have bad taste
(Today, 03:42 PM)
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Nose Master said:Yeah, only Chapter 3. I think Emizel's lines seemingly being written by Ice-T (in the first few acts) just kinda turned me off his character. I'm sure they'll get better. Fuka is your generic, whiny cliche. At least I can look forward to Fenrich being a dick to her the rest of the game. I hope.
??? her 'rounding the bases attack' kills pretty much anything. Desco has been a wash.PepsimanVsJoe said:I dunno. Fuka is pretty terrible most of the game.
This is definite.
Master Milk said:Desco is awesome.
Is her equipment up to date? Equipment from 3 chapters ago is the only reason I could see her sucking that bad. xDBobTheFork said:At 10 level over the enemy, none of her attacks will even take half an enemies life. I haven't used her in the last three chapters at all.
lljride said:scy, I can't login to Gamefaqs at work, but I just wanted to say that stat cap thread you posted over there is incredibly helpful. The only piece I'm not totally clear on is the Cabinet boost, probably because I've ignored it completely until now.
Well I suppose since I didn't think she was great to start I haven't used her or updated her equipment. I haven't upgraded Fuka much either but she is just tearing it up.Master Milk said:Is her equipment up to date? Equipment from 3 chapters ago is the only reason I could see her sucking that bad. xD
Gvaz said:I have D3, but apparently they made this as well. Why should I buy this if I have 3? This genre doesn't really change that much and idgaf about the story.
One of many new sardines enthusiasts created by this game I'm sure.BobM said:Sardines!
BobM said:Sardines!
This is a better game. It doesn't sound like you like the genre too much though, so you probably shouldn't bother.Gvaz said:I have D3, but apparently they made this as well. Why should I buy this if I have 3? This genre doesn't really change that much and idgaf about the story.
Dedication Through Light said:
BobM said:![]()
Nose Master said:I was seriously considering buying some sardines last night. How gross are they?
If you can stand canned tuna, they're not a whole lot different. Mustard sardines were awesome IIRC.Nose Master said:I was seriously considering buying some sardines last night. How gross are they?
AkumaHokoru said:4. The random pirates are up they have some crap gear (well its good for their levels) should be easy to beat though
Freshmaker said:If you can stand canned tuna, they're not a whole lot different. Mustard sardines were awesome IIRC.
WutNose Master said:Yeah, only Chapter 3. I think Emizel's lines seemingly being written by Ice-T (in the first few acts) just kinda turned me off his character. I'm sure they'll get better. Fuka is your generic, whiny cliche. At least I can look forward to Fenrich being a dick to her the rest of the game. I hope.