Will my save from the vanilla game carry over?
You will have to start a new game.
PC: Steam | GOG | Larian Vault (Developer’s site)
Console: Available on PS4 & Xbox One
Larian has released a short video demonstrating the improvements here.
For those that would prefer to read:
Interface & Gameplay
Console Specific:
A Reactive world:
Companions & Henchmen:
They can be found here.
The updated editor for Divinity: Original Sin Extended Edition will be released at a later date. But, the instruction videos made for the original editor have been listed below:
Editor Announcement trailer featuring Cow Simulator 2014.
Editor Guides:
Step by Step Guide:
Scripting Guide:
Editor Footage:
Old footage:
You will have to start a new game.

A world that is filled to the brim with choice and consequence situations, reactive NPCs, and a considerable amount of surprises. A world that captures the feeling of playing pen and paper RPGs with our friends…

PC: Steam | GOG | Larian Vault (Developer’s site)
Mac/Linux versions have been delayed to an unspecified date. Console: Available on PS4 & Xbox One
Divinity: Original Sin - EE can be purchased at local B&M stores or online from PSN | Xbox Live

Larian has released a short video demonstrating the improvements here.
For those that would prefer to read:
- Additional and rewritten dialogue, all of which is now voiced.
- Completely new ending storyline and related locations.
- New characters, quests and other content.

- Controller support for PC
- New gameplay difficulty levels:
Classic:If you prefer Story and exploration over being challenged in combat, this is the difficulty for you.
Tactician:The classic Divinity experience; you’ll need your wits about you both in and out of combat.
More on Tactician mode.The foes you’ll meet will be cunning, relentless and come in greater numbers. They’ll bombard you with nasty tricks and surprises that the Explorer and Classic modes don’t feature. Not for the faint of heart!
Failure is not an option. Up the stakes by adding but a single save game to the already highly challenging Tactician Mode. If your entire party perishes, the save game will be erased and your quest will be well and truly over!
- The addition of grenades, magical wands, and dual wielding.
- Redone enemy AI, skills, and tactics.
- Better interfaces for the map, inventory,out of combat skills, bartering, and journal.
- Reworked loot systems and drops to improve variety
- Overhauled visuals and sound effects, including better support for a 360 camera.
Console Specific:
- The console versions are locked to 30fps.
- People who have played the console versions report that the controller interface functions well.

A prequel to Larian’s Divine Divinity, Divinity: Original Sin will see players discovering the early years of Rivellon’s history. As source hunters, you and your companion will seek out users of sourcery, a forbidden magic.
A Reactive world:
In the game, reputation matters. Kill the wrong person, get caught stealing, the NPC’s will remember and react accordingly. Don’t be surprised when the guards are summoned post haste. On the other hand, if a whole town has run afoul of your sensibilities, why not get rid of them permanently? D:OS is free form, with multiple ways in which to complete quests if main NPC’s suffer from "accidents"... so if you tire of others, why not eliminate them?
Multiple side quests on top of the main quests will present themselves as you forge a path in Original Sin. A forgotten lighthouse. A daugher seeking peace for her father. The survivor of a slaughtered people offering riches to murder the child of those that took his family. Will you carry out his contract? Will you turn him in? Or are you smart enough to make a profit by playing both sides?
Stole from a cat, which proceeded to electrocute us in a pool of our blood. The blood on the ground from our battle was used as a catalyst to electrocute us.
- Sykotik
Besides the NPCs, the world’s objects are very interactive. Everything not nailed down can be manipulated by your party, provided they have the requisite strength to do so. Stack or destroy boxes and barrels to reveal hidden paths and objects, or circumvent vents pumping poison into the room. Perhaps you want to liberate the NPC’s of their weapons and armor, and most importantly their gold cutlery, paintings, and other valuables?
Crafting is a major component of Divinity:Original Sin. Iron ore, Arrowheads, brooms, pixie dust, pots and pans, nails everything has it’s use. Try various combinations to see what you can create, or read texts in game that will give you hints as to what combines effectively. Not to be limited to just armor and weapons, food is also craftable. Certain talents will even reward the player for eating food instead of buying copious amounts of healing potions.
[Note that these formulas have not yet been updated to reflect the EE update]
Companions & Henchmen:
In the first city, you will find companions willing to join your cause. Be careful though, as these adventurers have their own allegiances and will react to your actions in the world and will try to influence them. As they adventure with you in the world, control how they specialize and what abilities they improve. If you find the banter or judgement of the companions tiresome, or they simply do not interest you. Larian has also provided a multitude of henchmen, mercenaries who will fight for you without heed of personal goals or morality.

You are not alone...if you don't want to be. D:OS includes a full drop in/drop out co-op experience, on split screen or separate screen co-op, so you can adventure throughout Rivellon with your friends or with strangers. Either command your friends character or build your own by joining at the character creation screen. But just because you are in the same game does not mean you are restricted to following each other. Walk to the ends of the world on your own, or fully participate in each other’s experience. Disagree with your companion or co-op partner? Larian has implemented an adversarial mini-game to help resolve conflicts over what action your party should take throughout the game. Use your charm abilities, reasoning; or if you want to be blunt, intimidation to help stack the challenge in your favor.

Divinity: Original Sin is a turn-based isometric RPG. But unlike some other RPGs, Divinity: Original Sin is a classless game. Be it the ability to turn invisible as an assassin, and sneak up to your enemies to deliver a lethal backstab. Or, manipulate the four elements often to exploit inherent weaknesses. Mix these skills or, create your own opportunities using the environment. Summon a oil slick under your enemies and they will become slowed. Then ignite the oil with a fireball to watch them burn. Knock down your enemies with a swift charge, then use a talent that increases your damage against fallen enemies. Teleport your enemies beside you to open them up to a backstab. Freeze your enemies before you charge them. The combinations are only limited by your imagination. This class flexibility extends outside combat. Learn to lockpick, teleport others, pick pockets, or talk to animals. Your choices will influence how quests are completed and where you can go.

They can be found here.

Divinity: Original Sin Soundtrack
Composer's older work:

The updated editor for Divinity: Original Sin Extended Edition will be released at a later date. But, the instruction videos made for the original editor have been listed below:
Editor Announcement trailer featuring Cow Simulator 2014.
Opening the editor and main story mod will spoil the game! Do not open the editor/Main mod if you would like to finish the game without spoilers! Do not save when the main mod is opened. This can break the game and data/levels!
Editor Guides:
Step by Step Guide:
Shaping a Terrain
Building your first house
Setting up the AI Grid
Painting Instances
Placing Items and Prefabs
Changing Atmospheres
Triggering Atmospheres
Building your first house
Setting up the AI Grid
Painting Instances
Placing Items and Prefabs
Changing Atmospheres
Triggering Atmospheres
Scripting Guide:
Scripting a Quest: Part 1
Scripting a Quest: Part 2
Scripting Combat
Scripting Databases: Part 1
Scripting Databases: Part 2
Basic Dialog Setup
Scripting a Quest: Part 2
Scripting Combat
Scripting Databases: Part 1
Scripting Databases: Part 2
Basic Dialog Setup
Editor Footage:
Old footage: