They are done via the Raging Demon motion now.
Ah, I see. Thanks, was surprised when I hit select and it brought up the item screen.
They are done via the Raging Demon motion now.
Ah, I see. Thanks, was surprised when I hit select and it brought up the item screen.
ARe you recording/saving your broadcast?
Press the triangle button. It's filtering to show only your score.
I know which is what I'm saying its not uploading my scores. Or the server isn't posting them or something. Even switching to the "Global" filter and searching where I should be viewing with that filter nothing shows.
My bad. Not sure what the issue is for that, it worked fine for me earlier.
Maybe I'm unlucky, but I've noticed a decent bit of tearing. I think the game looks ugly in some parts and good in others, really spotty quality. Gameplay is fun, but not on previous DMC levels. Can't wait for 4SE, it will be amazing.Wow really impressed, looks gorgeous at 1080/60 gameplay/environment wise and plays so much better than PS3 version
On chapter 5 and only had 1 situation of noticeable tearing on X1 - glad I bought that version from Eurogamer comparison since I love some of the colorful textures (felt odd passing up PS4 version on multiplat
My favorite DMC as someone who is just a casual fan of the series
Maybe I'm unlucky, but I've noticed a decent bit of tearing. I think the game looks ugly in some parts and good in others, really spotty quality. Gameplay is fun, but not on previous DMC levels. Can't wait for 4SE, it will be amazing.
Man, not at all digging the characters or the angsty, teen fantasy tone of the story, despite the solid gameplay. Completely lost interest.
Anyone having issues with leaderboards on PS4? I'm just doing a standard playthrough to get my feet wet after not having played the game since its original console release and rolling through the game on Devil Hunter at the end of the mission it says score submitted but then I just get this....
You can obviously see a score at the bottom but nothing is showing up on the actual leader boards and I finished this level like over 24 hours ago so I don't think its just a matter of waiting for the servers.
He was joking. There is no taunt in this game.
Seems like it would have cost more money to reserve a mocap studio and record new mocap. Most of the changes they made were gameplay tweaks using existing animations (like triple angel evade).lol what the fuck
Are some of the trophies bugged? There's at least two trophies I know I should have right now, but never got for some reason.
Seems like it would have cost more money to reserve a mocap studio and record new mocap. Most of the changes they made were gameplay tweaks using existing animations (like triple angel evade).
Upgrade points are given based on mission ranking and style ranking during combos. Because Hardcore is so stingy with everything you get less Upgrade points as a result of getting lower mission rankings.One thing I appreciate with the HCM is that it's now harder to get upgrade points. I maxed out everything in Vanilla DmC pretty quick, but now I'm about halfway through DMD mode and I still have plenty of stuff to upgrade.
He was joking. There is no taunt in this game.
lol what the fuck
He was joking. There is no taunt in this game.
Style ranking is fine, it's just tuned for high level play which is how it should be anyway.They really over did the style ranking nerf. Not only is it really difficult to keep up, you lose it way too fast and what you get more or less points from is way too imbalanced.
I honestly hope they get at least one patch in, balancing the style ranking and doing a little something more regarding the color coded enemies
You should finish a combo when it will lead into a kill. Otherwise keep stringing together different attacks and keep an eye on the opponent's life (the lock on displays their health).Quick question: is it better to finish a combo before starting another? Been trying to throw launchers inbetween for some air combos to boost my ranking. some times I wind up with SSS a lot, and sometimes I can barely maintain S-SS rank. I'm trying not to reuse any combos.
It works during some cutsenes but not others.Question, do the skins work during cutscenes too or only during gameplay ?
You should finish a combo when it will lead into a kill. Otherwise keep stringing together different attacks and keep an eye on the opponent's life (the lock on displays their health).
The longer your combo is, the bigger bonus your combo finisher will do. You know you did it right when you do a really long combo, you finish the air combo with like a Helm Breaker which kills the enemy and you are rewarded with "Awesome Combo" below the Style meter. If you are getting a lot of these "Awesome Combo" accolades then that means you are doing it right.
It takes a while for the score to register on the list. I notice that any time I get a score, it won't update until I do another mission and get a score in that. I go back and the previous one has been posted. This happened to me in the vanilla version too.
Because stuff like Demon Dodge and parrying has been "nerfed" in terms of the timing plus the Style goes down faster it has increased the skill cap of DmC dramatically as all of these things work in tandem with each other.
Things get pretty damn difficult in GMD mode when enemies spawn with DT and the only way to do real combos on them is to break their DT which for most enemies means parrying them. There comes a big pressure on constantly parrying and of course if you miss the parry you will lose half life.
Question, do the skins work during cutscenes too or only during gameplay ?
It works during some cutsenes but not others.
Lolwhat. Are there in game pseudo cutscenes as well as prerendered ones ... or is it as nonsensical as it sounds.
Stuff like this is why we need a more elaborate stun system in DMC games.
Yes, there are some prerendered cutscenes, though most are rendered in-game.
Some of my scores are updating but not all of them. I've got scores now for 1,2,3 and 8 yet I'm on mission like...12 or something now? Not horribly worried about it yet as I'm still just doing my initial run. But once I get around to SSS ranking everything it would be nice if the scores actually posted. =\
I know all of this but good luck trying to complete that combo on DMD or higher when enemies are attacking non stop.To be honest, it's still very easy to exploit the style meter.
Launch(no rank)
Rebellion air combo one (3/4 D Rank) >
Rebellion air combo two (1/4 C rank) > J/C >
Osiris air combo one (B Rank) >
Rainstorm > J/C
Helm breaker > (A Rank)
Full Stinger xx Trillion Stabs (S Rank)
Means you can make Must Style mode that much easier since you can do damage relatively easily.
Not sure how you would get around this but acknowledging repeated combos would be possible.
Also, on the fly switching and jump cancels don't give you any rewards as the game doesn't consider a jump cancelled combo to be completed. The level of technical skill in combos isn't rewarded![]()
Oh wow haven't encountered that before.
I'm going through regular Dante Must Die mode now (on final mission) and I'm up to 5th in the world Total. That's the scrub leaderboard though, my Hardcore mode run of DMD is where the JUICE is.
I'm going to fail spectacularly
Happy to have returned to DmC. I've always said I would not be against a sequel to this but it's very unlikely at this point and I do want a DMC5 first and foremost. As an action fan I'd take both universes running alongside eachother but yeah, that's not happening.
Why? It's a good action game. Certainly can do a lot worse for $40.I can't believe I just bought this game.
Loved the game, just beat it. Started Virgil and got stuck here:
I'm probably being incredibly dumb, but I have no clue how to get through this gate. I walk into it and its like I'm just walking into a wall.