Nemesis Prime
I will never understand the hatred around it. Sure it fucked around the the original aesthetic of DMC and changed the way Dante and the characters looked and acted, and yeah this Dante was a bit too edgy and they kinda went overboard with that whole punk style.
But I fucking loved it... the combat was seamless and simple. Weapon switching was smooth, quick, and responsive, the action was fast paced and fun, and it was far easier to stylishly switch between weapons and combos and strategies making you feel like you're achieving these incredible feats that look so stylish. The game rarely felt like a chore due to the improved combat controls system, and I actually appreciated the new aesthetics, characters, and narrative.... it was colorful, exciting, and clever.
This game is super underrated, and if you take away the Devil May Cry name its one of my favorite hack n slash games of all time. I think it got unfairly attacked due to it leeching off of the original IP, and while I did enjoy DMC 4 and 5, I thought this game was more fast paced and provided a better spectacle, where in 5 there were areas that felt like a chore and I just wanted to blitz my way towards the end. I haven't even begun to talk about the music....
I really encourage you to give this game a shot, especially the new Definitive Edition that brings in 60fps on consoles, fun new game modes, and cool character costumes. I still haven't tried the Vergil DLC but I think I might pick it up soon, this game is a blast to play. It's sad Ninja Theory never got a shot at making a number 2, and hellblades combat was a huge step down from what they achieved here, but it's clear they have the talent to do something special if they choose.
I'm not that good at the game, but I thought it would be better if I show off some random old clips (they're not that good) I recorded when the DE came out to show off how fast paced and fun the game can look and feel without being a god at the game.
But I fucking loved it... the combat was seamless and simple. Weapon switching was smooth, quick, and responsive, the action was fast paced and fun, and it was far easier to stylishly switch between weapons and combos and strategies making you feel like you're achieving these incredible feats that look so stylish. The game rarely felt like a chore due to the improved combat controls system, and I actually appreciated the new aesthetics, characters, and narrative.... it was colorful, exciting, and clever.
This game is super underrated, and if you take away the Devil May Cry name its one of my favorite hack n slash games of all time. I think it got unfairly attacked due to it leeching off of the original IP, and while I did enjoy DMC 4 and 5, I thought this game was more fast paced and provided a better spectacle, where in 5 there were areas that felt like a chore and I just wanted to blitz my way towards the end. I haven't even begun to talk about the music....
I really encourage you to give this game a shot, especially the new Definitive Edition that brings in 60fps on consoles, fun new game modes, and cool character costumes. I still haven't tried the Vergil DLC but I think I might pick it up soon, this game is a blast to play. It's sad Ninja Theory never got a shot at making a number 2, and hellblades combat was a huge step down from what they achieved here, but it's clear they have the talent to do something special if they choose.
I'm not that good at the game, but I thought it would be better if I show off some random old clips (they're not that good) I recorded when the DE came out to show off how fast paced and fun the game can look and feel without being a god at the game.