wikipedia said:The game is set in a parallel universe in the Devil May Cry series. It starts with Dante recovering from a hangover when he is attacked by a Hunter demon. Dante learns he is in Limbo City, a dreary city that appears calm at first, but transforms into a twisted parody of itself with demons and other monstrosities who frequently attempt to kill him whenever he is seen by the demons. After confronting a demon, Dante meets a girl named Kat who sends him to meet the leader of "The Order", an organization labeled by the press as terrorist. The Order is fighting against Limbo's demons and its leader Vergil expects Dante to join them. While fighting enemies Dante learns he is Nephilim the offspring of a demon and an angel. During the game, Dante is frequently taunted and stalked by the demon Mundus, who seeks to have Dante killed.

Dante - A Nephilim (Demon-Angel hybrid) born of Eva (Angel) and Sparda (Demon), he's Vergil's brother, but mostly got stuck in orphanages/foster homes and demon run places after his parents were out of the picture. Welds familiar weapons such as Rebellion and his pistol set Ebony & Ivory (also the shotgun is back as well). Has a potty mouth.

Vergil - Dante's brother and also Nephilim, Vergil got adopted by a rich family compared to Dante's constantly getting fucked over by demon run instiutions. Still, he hates the demons. Ontop of being adopted by a rich family, he wrote and sold a "security encryption program" before he even left school, making him even more rich. Uses his money to run The Order, of which he is the leader.

Kat - Human psychic who uses squirrel spunk/semen infused paint to create a door between dimensions.

Mundus/(also known as Kyle Ryder) - Mundus is essentially leader of both demonic version of Limbo City, as well as the human realm's version. Mundus uses Raptor to look like a rich Philantropist, and wants to rule the entirety of the Human world, but Dante and the Order are serving as obstacles to his goals.

Lilith - Owner of the Devil's Daliance, and Mundus's demon mistress, has a lucious head of hair.

Bob Bardas - A talking head for Raptor News Network, takes every opportunity to shit on Dante and the Order.

Must Reads
DmC Demo Tips and Tricks for Newcomers by Dahbomb
DmC Frequently Asked Questions also by Dahbomb
ANY DmC related media will be posted here, so if you find any worth posting, feel free to post it and I'll put it here (gifs and youtubes only please)

alr1ght said:Reviews
Preorder Bonuses

Hall of Shame
To be clear thismassive shitstorm was basically due to them changing Dante's hairstyle right? Anyone complaining bout that needs to get a life seriously
I want people to read this. It's not a review, but I feel it's still relevant.
That's only just a small portion, but it's the part that should kick in the balls of most people still throwing a hussy fit.
Disclosure: I worked with Brenna for 18 months at VG247 before I left it and she is sickeningly one of the best writers I've ever known in the games industry and I think this backs it up.