As most of us are probably aware, rumors have circulated for a long time of two different next gen Xbox's. Now that MS has confirmed the name Series X for what I assume is the previously discussed Anaconda system based on the way they touted its abilities, I think we can make educated guesses based on the potential implication of the name.
Obviously, the use of Series in the name is strategic. MS is not picking names from a hat. Some dictionary definitions of strategic as a noun are:
a number of things, events, or people of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another.
"the explosion was the latest in a series of accidents"
a set of related television or radio programs, especially of a specified kind
That leads me to my first guess (unless you doubt that MS has a strategy when selecting a name). And that guess is Lockheart is coming without any further doubt in my mind. Series strongly suggests a number of related things, or a set of related things. Using Series as part of the branding is a clever way of opening doors for multiple consoles with almost identical cpu's (or identical), and different gpu outputs.
Which leads me to guess number 2. For some time now we have had the option to purchase an Xbox One S, or Xbox One X. Microsoft has been very consistent that current generation will be forward compatible (at least to some extent), next gen will be backwards compatible, and have given me the impression that they see consoles more like evolution instead of revolutions. Taking their messaging into account, it seems logical to expect some level of consistent branding to reflect that the platform is an eco-system of old and new, and not a clean break from the pass.
As such, my final guess is that Lockheart will be called Series S. Consistent with prior gen branding, consistent with the Series X branding, and so close to Series X that people will look at them as mainly the same.
Obviously, the use of Series in the name is strategic. MS is not picking names from a hat. Some dictionary definitions of strategic as a noun are:
a number of things, events, or people of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another.
"the explosion was the latest in a series of accidents"
a set of related television or radio programs, especially of a specified kind
That leads me to my first guess (unless you doubt that MS has a strategy when selecting a name). And that guess is Lockheart is coming without any further doubt in my mind. Series strongly suggests a number of related things, or a set of related things. Using Series as part of the branding is a clever way of opening doors for multiple consoles with almost identical cpu's (or identical), and different gpu outputs.
Which leads me to guess number 2. For some time now we have had the option to purchase an Xbox One S, or Xbox One X. Microsoft has been very consistent that current generation will be forward compatible (at least to some extent), next gen will be backwards compatible, and have given me the impression that they see consoles more like evolution instead of revolutions. Taking their messaging into account, it seems logical to expect some level of consistent branding to reflect that the platform is an eco-system of old and new, and not a clean break from the pass.
As such, my final guess is that Lockheart will be called Series S. Consistent with prior gen branding, consistent with the Series X branding, and so close to Series X that people will look at them as mainly the same.