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Do you smoke weed?


Used to smoke a lot when I was younger. Regret it now, so many brain cells lost and so many better things I could have been doing with that time.

Weed doesn't kill brain cells. It can however kill your motivation to do anything productive. Not a good idea when your in school/college or trying to get a job.




Don't kid yourself.

There is no link to it killing brain cells, a quick google search will tell you that. But the impact on a young mind still learning is unquestionably bad. Not only for the reasons in that article but also the hindrance on learning due to it's affects on a short term and long term memory (the latter being temporary). Which will result in you not remembering anything you studied, thus doing shit on tests and exams. Plus the fact that the weed will not make you give a shit about doing bad in school as well. But any adult doing the stuff is fine, and you won't lose brain cells. I mean that article mentioned nothing about brain cells dying, it was about it's affects on a developing young mind. Alcohol killing brain cells is a bit of a myth as well. Although it's abuse can be far more damaging to the body.


In my own personal experience it just slightly amplifies your personal traits, and relaxes you. If you’re already unmotivated and lazy, it’s probably not going to help. Conversely there are high functioning people like Carl Sagan or Graham Hancock that used it quite a bit. It also makes you cognizant of your physical existence and morality in a different way, that’s why a lot of people who try it feel anxiety or even paranoia. It makes you confront yourself.


I never liked weed. I detest the smell and taste, but I also don't care for how it makes me feel. If I ever want to change my state of being artificially I just drink beer because I can get to exactly where I want to be which is just feeling a bit loose. Weed takes me further than I enjoy being.

My wife likes it though which is fine. She smokes it in the garage because I don't like the smell, she comes back and we watch a movie. Although most of the time I end up going down on her or banging because it makes her horny.

If they legalize it in my state im fine with that. I don't see it causing more issues than alcohol does. It's only illegal for bullshit reasons anyway. Was made illegal because hemp was poised to take a chunk out of the timber industry's bank account so wealthy timber folks got it banned. Then it was kept banned from bad PR from parents and ignorant people and was lobbied as a stance by politicians to keep it banned so they could get votes from parents and ignorant folks. And the hippies and anti establishment ass wipes didn't do much to give weed a good name.


I used to when I lived abroad, but, here in Sweden it is illegal to have THC in your blood, it's the same as holding a large supply to sell, and you get the same sentence, so until something changes, I ain't taking the risk, unless I go on a very lenghty vacation and then also shave off all hair. :p

Sweden has a very narrow view on drugs, and if you are caught, your life will never be "normal" again pretty much. It will probarly be the last country in Europe that approaches legalizing marijuana.. :\

I used to when I lived abroad, but, here in Sweden it is illegal to have THC in your blood, it's the same as holding a large supply to sell, and you get the same sentence, so until something changes, I ain't taking the risk, unless I go on a very lenghty vacation and then also shave off all hair. :p

Sweden has a very narrow view on drugs, and if you are caught, your life will never be "normal" again pretty much. It will probarly be the last country in Europe that approaches legalizing marijuana.. :\

At least you still have surströmming


Weed doesn't kill brain cells. It can however kill your motivation to do anything productive. Not a good idea when your in school/college or trying to get a job.
As a person who smokes weed everyday i find this to be false. I got a computer science degree high, i train in muay thai high, I go to work high (been working here for 2.5 years now as an analyst), currently trying to start a sandwich business with my mom HIGH, I have i lot of motivation thank you very much.


As a person who smokes weed everyday i find this to be false. I got a computer science degree high, i train in muay thai high, I go to work high (been working here for 2.5 years now as an analyst), currently trying to start a sandwich business with my mom HIGH, I have i lot of motivation thank you very much.

Out of curiosity, how long have you been a daily smoker?

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
Weed doesn't kill brain cells. It can however kill your motivation to do anything productive. Not a good idea when your in school/college or trying to get a job.

Gonna have to also disagree here because I have personally experienced differently.

What I will say is that not everyone is like that. The motivation has to come from elsewhere, the plant simply provides means to achieve goals.

** I haven't smoked in a while. Like, months.**
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My wife likes it though which is fine. She smokes it in the garage because I don't like the smell

Different strains have different smells and pungency. May be get her to try something like "Banana Split"? It has a light, sweet smell. It's certainly one of the less noticeable strains I've tried.
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I started to smoke regularly my junior year of college, I've been a daily smoker ever since (about 3-4 years ago). didn't do much smoking when i was in highschool, I didnt have many friends so i just played video james every weekend.

I think if you were brought up well and have a good work ethic, and don't really touch the stuff until you are in the late teens, it might not be much of an issue - you've already got good habits and weed isn't so crazy it's going to rip your life apart. I think starting too young is the problem.

I started smoking pretty much daily in high school. I feel like it absolutely had an impact on my motivation levels going forward, I think highly motivated, longtime daily smokers are rare. I always think about Kevin Smith when this topic comes up, he always said he never touched the stuff until he was in his late 30's. He had a good work ethic and spent his teens and early adulthood working on his craft. Then when he was a bit older he ventured into recreational drugs, and there's little downside there I think.


Gold Member
have any of you tried a vaporizer? the high from vapour (at low and mid temps) is usually less stoney and more celebral high.

you can assume weed withouth the couchlock effect if you want.
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As a person who smokes weed everyday i find this to be false. I got a computer science degree high, i train in muay thai high, I go to work high (been working here for 2.5 years now as an analyst), currently trying to start a sandwich business with my mom HIGH, I have i lot of motivation thank you very much.

Gonna have to also disagree here because I have personally experienced differently.

What I will say is that not everyone is like that. The motivation has to come from elsewhere, the plant simply provides means to achieve goals.

** I haven't smoked in a while. Like, months.**

Some people are more functional while high I guess. I know my sister is. I shouldn't be generalizing due to my own experiences. For me, it really messes with my short term memory big time. I usually smoke before going to bed, but I have to make sure I do everything I need to do before bed before smoking because I probably will forget something (particularly my medication). Also while high I temporarily forget things like peoples names or how one of my favorite songs goes. Plus it makes me way too accepting of a shitty situation and a friend of mine said it killed his motivation to do stuff as well (thus my comment about lack of motivation). But that's just my experience. Maybe I smoke too much or it's the weed strains I tend to prefer. I tend to go for the more heavy hitting indica strains due to their stronger pain relief. I know there are strains that allow you to be far more functional, but I found them too weak in regards to pain relief. Anyway I didn't mean to offend.


yall know Carl Sagan was high when he thought "let's make a gold record for aliens and send it into space". but they did exactly that!

No. It makes the user smell just as if you were drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

I'm fine with it being legalized for medical use to help with seizures or other serious medical afflictions but not for recreational use. If you want to broaden your horizons or be enlightened, you can read a book, travel the world, or volunteer in your community.


lol yes "travel the world" what an easy thing to do. hey kid, forget about that $20 bag of weed, you should set your sights on a world tour that costs tens of thousands of dollars & could put you in far bigger harm than if you stayed home and got high for 4 hours.

got home from a long hard day at the office and i'm ready to unwind.... time to call up Delta and book the first available flight!
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No. It makes the user smell just as if you were drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

I'm fine with it being legalized for medical use to help with seizures or other serious medical afflictions but not for recreational use. If you want to broaden your horizons or be enlightened, you can read a book, travel the world, or volunteer in your community.

Those are all great to do. High.


No. It makes the user smell just as if you were drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

I'm fine with it being legalized for medical use to help with seizures or other serious medical afflictions but not for recreational use. If you want to broaden your horizons or be enlightened, you can read a book, travel the world, or volunteer in your community.
Do you even vape bro? No smell... I do it inside movie theaters, in my car, randomly walking around... Not one person has commented on the smell.
you should set your sights on a world tour that costs tens of thousands of dollars & could put you in far bigger harm than if you stayed home and got high for 4 hours.

got home from a long hard day at the office and i'm ready to unwind.... time to call up Delta and book the first available flight!
That part of my post was in response to the argument that smoking weed broadens your horizons, that it somehow makes you more enlightened than everyone else, as if the people like myself who choose not to smoke weed are a bunch of dumb dumbs.

But you bring up a good point about what's more harmful because there's people who smoke synthetic weed that don't know what the hell goes inside the stuff and how it can fuck them up. Obviously when you book a flight to travel outside the country you already did the research beforehand so that you know what you're getting into.

When I get home from work, I can choose to unwind with some TV, video games, movies, YouTube, whatever... but I have no reason to smoke weed. Even with my depression and anxiety, I would rather take the medication prescribed to me by my doctor.

Anyway I'm pretty sure the question of the thread was "Do you smoke weed?" not "Why aren't you smoking weed?"
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Do you even vape bro? No smell... I do it inside movie theaters, in my car, randomly walking around... Not one person has commented on the smell.
That's very considerate of you but unfortunately most people in my city, especially black youth, do not vape. The smell is just as intense as the people who go through a pack of cigarettes daily.


That's very considerate of you but unfortunately most people in my city, especially black youth, do not vape. The smell is just as intense as the people who go through a pack of cigarettes daily.
Its a bit different than just blowing a huge cloud of vapor, most of the time you hold it in, so the visual can be pretty small. I agree second hand herb smell can be very pungent and often skunky or stinky. I get ya.


I thought everyone smoked blunts in their rap cars.
I honestly don't like joints and blunts very much. It burns way too much herb and is annoying to control how high you want to get. I don't mind mixing herb/tobacco and smoking that sometimes, I prefer wax/edibles. Or if its very good bud, a bong can be amazing.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
Some people are more functional while high I guess. I know my sister is. I shouldn't be generalizing due to my own experiences. For me, it really messes with my short term memory big time. I usually smoke before going to bed, but I have to make sure I do everything I need to do before bed before smoking because I probably will forget something (particularly my medication). Also while high I temporarily forget things like peoples names or how one of my favorite songs goes. Plus it makes me way too accepting of a shitty situation and a friend of mine said it killed his motivation to do stuff as well (thus my comment about lack of motivation). But that's just my experience. Maybe I smoke too much or it's the weed strains I tend to prefer. I tend to go for the more heavy hitting indica strains due to their stronger pain relief. I know there are strains that allow you to be far more functional, but I found them too weak in regards to pain relief. Anyway I didn't mean to offend.

Not offended at all my dude we're straight. It's just a weird thing because everyone is different :messenger_fistbump:


What I really trip out on is people that are really against marijuana but drink a bunch and take prescription drugs like Adderall or something. C'mooon now. Why does anyone care what anyone puts in their body at all? I'm an adult so I'm gonna smoke this blunt and pound a 40 oz Mickey's.

I get stinking up a place with some skunky weed. I'm very good about that.

When people look down on you about drug use and say I'm high on life they're usually a wreck. If they say they're high on life and are cool with anything you do they are usually awesome people.


Neighbours from Hell
No, but my IBD is getting really bad and the only medication that worked great for me for me I developed an allergic reaction to and can’t take anymore. But I heard so many people say it was a miracle cure for different forms of IBD. I’ve wondered if it was a placebo, but I’ve heard too many people swear by it to think that anymore.

I’ve never smoked weed, and still haven’t even after these issues for a few reasons.

I don’t like altering my brain and not being in control. I hate the feeling.

I react really poorly to all types of medications. Allergy meds practically put me in a coma, I always react poorly to antibiotics, and anesthesia makes me violently ill. It runs in my family, the worst side effects for all drugs is what I’ll get, so I’m gonna be that dude who calls 911 after a few hits thinking he’s having a heart attack because everything’s moving so slowly.

Doctors told me studies say it may interfere with meds I’m currently taking, but those aren’t working so.... there’s a few more left to try and if those don’t work I guess I have nothing to lose.

Lastly, I’m really prone to being lazy and I have to fight everyday tooth and nail to exercise and do all the stuff I want to do. I do it because I have to. Everyone I’ve ever known who smokes weed makes them lazy as shit, I don’t wanna be any more demotivated to do stuff, though I have heard some people say it makes them more creative and actually makes them more active. So who knows, I guess it depends on the person.
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No, but my IBD is getting really bad and the only medication that worked great for me for me I developed an allergic reaction to and can’t take anymore. But I heard so many people say it was a miracle cure for different forms of IBD. I’ve wondered if it was a placebo, but I’ve heard too many people swear by it to think that anymore.

I’ve never smoked weed, and still haven’t even after these issues for a few reasons.

I don’t like altering my brain and not being in control. I hate the feeling.

I react really poorly to all types of medications. Allergy meds practically put me in a coma, I always react poorly to antibiotics, and anesthesia makes me violently ill. It runs in my family, the worst side effects for all drugs is what I’ll get, so I’m gonna be that dude who calls 911 after a few hits thinking he’s having a heart attack because everything’s moving so slowly.

Doctors told me studies say it may interfere with meds I’m currently taking, but those aren’t working so.... there’s a few more left to try and if those don’t work I guess I have nothing to lose.

Lastly, I’m really prone to being lazy and I have to fight everyday tooth and nail to exercise and do all the stuff I want to do. I do it because I have to. Everyone I’ve ever known who smokes weed makes them lazy as shit, I don’t wanna be any more demotivated to do stuff, though I have heard some people say it makes them more creative and actually makes them more active. So who knows, I guess it depends on the person.
Can you just take CBD for it? It's non psychoactive so you wont get the high feeling. I kind of want to supplement it myself. CBD cream has replaced Bengay and Tiger balm for my sore, beat up muscles. It's great.
I deep down knew my first post would be something weed related.. lol

Daily consumer for the last 15 years or so, half of that with a prescription. And the last couple has been just vaping concentrates as it allows much more discretion. Tolerance is shot..

For any younger heavy consumers, I recommend learning to take tolerance breaks early on. I didnt and now its stupidly difficult. Only really have success when i leave the country. lol Brain never learned to cope properly from abusing it.


Do you even vape bro? No smell... I do it inside movie theaters, in my car, randomly walking around... Not one person has commented on the smell.

That shit is awesome. I have a vape pen and use to get THC concentrate flavored like pineapple and fruit punch. Was so easy to control the dosage I was getting as well. Plus it was so easy to use, especially in the the middle of the night when you don't want to go roll a joint and smoke outside. The downside being it was too friggin expensive. I'm using a "dry herb" vaporizer now where I just use regular weed in it. Doesn't smell as much as smoking (although still smells a bit), but it's harder to control the dosage.

Even with my depression and anxiety, I would rather take the medication prescribed to me by my doctor.

Nothing your doctor will prescribed will work as well for anxiety than weed. My doctors literally tried me with every anti anxiety drug out there (and they fucked me up more than weed ever did), nothing worked. Coming off Paxil was one of the worst experiences in my life. Fucking opiates nearly killed me as well, my fingers and lips would often look blue due to the lack of oxygen due to respiratory depression. Of course that isn't completely the doctors fault, that was due to me taking more and more due to it working on pain less and less. Coming off those was just as bad as coming off an anti-depressant. Don't assume everything a doctor gives you is safe. Doctors and Pharmaceuticals would rather push poison like anti-depressants/anxeity drugs and opiates for pain than explore the possibilities of marijuana. They could have strains with high pain killing or anti-anxiety properties with much less of a high, and refined enough to be taken in pill or other forms (CBD drops are in the right direction).
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Neighbours from Hell
Can you just take CBD for it? It's non psychoactive so you wont get the high feeling. I kind of want to supplement it myself. CBD cream has replaced Bengay and Tiger balm for my sore, beat up muscles. It's great.

Not sure. I’m just going by word of mouth that people say weed has been the best treatment for IBD that they’ve ever had, but I’ve never heard anyone just talk about CBD supplements. That doesn’t mean it won’t work, I guess if weed does logically it should. But I’m not sure.


Not sure. I’m just going by word of mouth that people say weed has been the best treatment for IBD that they’ve ever had, but I’ve never heard anyone just talk about CBD supplements. That doesn’t mean it won’t work, I guess if weed does logically it should. But I’m not sure.
I feel like someone alot smarter than me can chime in about CBD use.

Edit: I found this

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i visited my grandma earlier this year. she lives in Florida with her very old, very sick 4th husband. she was feeling very bad when we visited, and was constipated, taking like 20 pills a day, and she was on opiates. it was making her tired and nervous all the time. she could get around but got very tired from just a little walking.

ever since then she stopped taking them and actually switched to CBD oil. she came up to visit a month ago and she was standing up and going to all these parties and stuff, and she seemed like a totally new person. i was glad to see what it had done for her. i think legalization will help a lot of people in pain.
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Haven't smoked weed in 10 years, just came to the conclusion that smoking was a waste of time/money and didn't fulfill me anymore and I have no desire to smoke again.


I decided to play some Mario Kart on Switch lol

My GF:
I'm first!!!

Hold that position, I'm coming behind ya with a banana.
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