Yeah, I was way overshooting my roll-jumps because I played through 1 and some of 2 a bit in anticipation for this one. After world 1, I had it down. The speed and length of the roll-jump in this game makes for some awesome speed-running and platforming segments, though.
I've taken it way easy on the game. Haven't even picked it up today. I'm in world 5 now, and I'm probably going to sink an hour into it soon. I don't want to finish the game too quickly

Thanksgiving break from work and school is approaching, so I'm sure I'll finish the game then, and then begin completing it. I hope to have the game at 100% (or at least all the secret levels completed) by winter break.
Are these so-called "K" levels the secret ones or something? Haven't found any yet, or I've just not been paying attention to the names. Only noticed "B" for the boss levels so far.