We need to have some off-the-record AR matches every once in a while. I'm sick of seeing and playing against the same heroes every IHL game.
I feel like this is a pretty unfair statement. Out of those two games you played one with me which was mostly silent with generalized direction, no micromanagement at all from what I remember. I remember good jobs being tossed around after good fights, but it was mostly silent because the game was running smoothly.
You will be held to a higher standard than in public games though, and people with criticize you in their own ways. The vast majority are civil, don't let the handful of players (<5) that go nuts when they're losing give a bad name to the body of 150+ players.
Yeah, that's my experience just by playing 2 games. I guess I will just keep playing single drafts until I know better what to do or don't in the game without people yelling at me.
Maybe tonight I'll finally unveil my "Waifus 5ever" strat.Maybe you should step up to the plate and captain some new strats![]()
Maybe tonight I'll finally unveil my "Waifus 5ever" strat.
dats cuz they r 5 waifus
lik dis if u uguu everytim
I have to say that after playing almost 16 consecutive hours of IHL that....
I have fallen into depression and haven't been able to touch a video game for days.
I keep having trilane nightmares of pillow and yuber insulting my magnificent Tide skills.
I get night terrors and shivers.
Haven't had an erection ever since then either.
I'm taking medication to help me sleep and ease up my nerves.
Dead girls ain't uguu.Death Prophet not uguuu enough?
That's a load of bullsquash and you know it. Death Prophet is definitely waifu material.Dead girls ain't uguu.
Swiftlame made it on there for going 0-15 on Omni, I posted the link to it in the DOTA2 OT but nobody saw it because the next post started a new page.
yo applejacks hat message me in game we've got some work to do
berezm hilton message me in game we've got some work to do on that sf gpm bro
just checked stats.dota2.be
my avg sf gpm is 530
yours is 460.4
edit: challenge this, n00b
yo this anbokrus maximus would never almost choke and lose to a PL, he'd go that manly skadi helm of the dom build, none of this un-manly Daedalus shit.
just checked stats.dota2.be
my avg sf gpm is 530
yours is 460.4
edit: challenge this, n00b
yo bro difference between low tier games and top .000001%, i have to play rycho everyday u kno? #challengeverything
edit: RIP IHL 7/23/12 - 8/1/12, lasted longer than HoN ihl no???
yo bro difference between low tier games and top .000001%, i have to play rycho everyday u kno? #challengeverything
edit: RIP IHL 7/23/12 - 8/1/12, lasted longer than HoN ihl no???
I didn't think my absence would have that much of an impact....
After playing a couple of games today I would say to any novice player to not play in the inhouses. People telling you what to do at all times and getting angry about it is not noob-friendly at all.
because if you get matched up against them ur teamates are probably going to shit on you for whatever reason they can find (Ikuu, PuppetYubber, doombass, swift,etc etc etc).
I'm going to have to echo this sentiment. I would never recommend a noob player, even a diligent one, to play in one of these. Way too angry nerds trying way too hard. I'm not even bad and I get shit on every little mistake. Every time I watch the stream, it's nothing but shitting on people. Though personally I love it
However, the people that matter and are actually good and fun to play with are very kind and welcoming to all players as far as I can tell (procarb, milk, pillow, ksan etc). Hopefully they are on your team though, because if you get matched up against them ur teamates are probably going to shit on you for whatever reason they can find (Ikuu, PuppetYubber, doombass, swift,etc etc etc).
I think mixing players of very different skill levels was a mistake, is anyone actually pleased with how that turned out?
Milkman said:WELCOME TO GAF'S FIRST DOTA2 INHOUSE LEAGUE1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111 omg so cool! This is a several-week-long battle for BIG rewards! Free to enter, free to play!
Honestly I have no idea why IHL died at the beginning of this week. I play Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for a few days and suddenly all games stop.
Honestly I have no idea why IHL died at the beginning of this week. I play Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for a few days and suddenly all games stop.
SD is awful.