SD is awful.
your SD is awful
SD is awful.
Get back to me when your SD has a better score than 1-2.your SD is awful
play some fucken rd u nardsRelax, nothing's ending yet. A lot of players getting burned out from the same picks over and over, some getting salty from losing mass games, others from self-perceived "swindles," and some finding the new-ness wearing off. Also it's a weekday, people are a lot more active on weekends. I wish Captain's Draft (as opposed to CM) was in the game already, but other than that just take it easy. Might do what Anbokr posted and schedule some games here and there.
I hope for this to start again soon, then.
IHL lobby up, only need a few more!
IHL lobby up, only need a few more!
Post if you do another please.
whereNew lobby up
who's casting this game
edit: nevermind its pro
edit2: bro get that noob taskbar off my viewing screen
I'm not casting old man.
need a better way of organizing people since no one ever pays attention to the neogaf channel. Might want to try getting some people organizing IHL games at X time on X days, see if that helps turnout and avoids the burnout.
All we need to do is utilize the announcement feature in the IHL Steam group. Not everyone is monitoring the thread or has the game running, but many leave Steam running while doing everything else. Simple.
Yes, it's a wonder why less people are playing inhouse games.
All we need to do is utilize the announcement feature in the IHL Steam group. Not everyone is monitoring the thread or has the game running, but many leave Steam running while doing everything else. Simple.
Yes, it's a wonder why less people are playing inhouse games.
What I usually do is open Dota and search for games with the neogaf password, will that reliably bring up an IHL game if its open?
I highly, highly doubt this will ever happen. There are a lot of players in the league and a lot of them don't play consistently.BigAT, it's not as if we just have our friends sit down on one team and new people on the other. Thor and I drafted from the same pool of players, and this is what came out. As trasher said, it's hard to balance well when you don't know how good people are, and even then you leave it to the captains to balance the game via their picks. Once we get a good sense for skill levels, good players won't get slept on and new guys won't be put in awkward positions. The system isn't perfect and not everyone gets to play as much as they want to, but we make a strong effort to work in the new guys. The rule in player drafting is that those that haven't played must be chosen first for the next game, which will eventually get everybody in. And also, it's dota, stomps happen to everyone sometimes.
I highly, highly doubt this will ever happen. There are a lot of players in the league and a lot of them don't play consistently.
Spirit breaker needs tinker missles to be competitively viable.