you sure showed them
I got to play Lone Druid a lot the last couple of days and I really like him, but I had some horrible games except for one where I did really good. Even if I do get the items, it seems like its just not enough..
What items do you usually get? I always get a Stout Shield on the bear first, then Tranquil/Phase boots early as well as the Orb of Venom. For some reason, most of the games I had with him except one go terribly wrong for the entire team and I find that I need to get Maelstrom so I can farm up faster (this last game I got a Midas as well since I decided to jungle)
After that I usually get AC and a Basher, but during team fights me and the bear can still lose a lot of health. Is Vlads a good idea? should I put it on the bear or me? I've been thinking of also getting a separate Hyperstone on the bear
IT'S SO FLUFFY!!! on the Silencer has 1000ms ping and says so. We pause, the other team's Huskar unpauses. Silencer is stuck standing there under our tower. They kill him and get first blood. I kill Crystal Maiden, and then this happens.
Karma is a bitch.
53% is good.
Can anyone tell me how matchmaking works? If I have a party of three with vastly different skill and experience levels, does it match us up to a group of the same, or does it just match to the party leader's level or what?
Sounds like somebody with a bad win rateOr a good winrate is "stop worshipping the winrate" as it means so little in relation to individual skill. It's not necessarily set in stone indicator of player skill as this is a team game. You could be that guy that screws it up for your team, your whole team could screw it up, or someone else on your team could screw it up. It happens.
KDA is a little better on some heroes, but not on all of them (supports for instance).
Sounds like somebody with a bad win rate
Pretty sure he was joking.Not really
You know that H7 has a good win rate?Not really
Why doesnt valve add bonus mmr to stacks yet?If you're queueing as a team then you need to add 10% to 50% to be "good".
Why would they add bonus?
cos stacks have
a slight advantage being familiar with each other, less likely to rage at each other etc
cos stacks have
a slight advantage being familiar with each other, less likely to rage at each other etc
i stacked with 109 and he didnt rage at me
compared to a random set of 5 people, they have a higher chance to win because of X reasonsI don't understand what you mean by bonus then.
Can anyone tell me how matchmaking works? If I have a party of three with vastly different skill and experience levels, does it match us up to a group of the same, or does it just match to the party leader's level or what?
i stacked with 109 and he didnt rage at me
compared to a random set of 5 people, they have a higher chance to win because of X reasons
ie, if the average MMR of stack team is 1800 without bonus MMR, they will face a team of randoms with an average of 1800 MMR - but the stack has a higher chance to win. Since the MMR system is supposed to give both teams a 50% chance of winning - the value of the stack team needs to be adjusted so that both sides have an even win chance.
So, the MMR stack team has an actual average of 1800 + 5 bonus (for example) for stacking, and face a team with an average MMR of 1805.
They've said the match maker uses a weighted average of your groups individual mmr's, weighted towards the higher mmr's. Early on they didn't use the weighting, and just used the mean if your group, but they found that to not actually give the results they wanted. What would happen was that if they had 2 groups with the same mean mmr's, but one had a higher spread, the one with the higher spread won noticeably more often. That change happened quite some time ago. More recently they tweaked the matchmaker to be more likely to match groups against other groups of the same size, and to more take into account the lowest mmr in the group.
Stacks are already more likely to be paired up against stacks of the same size.
what, the trailer looked trashFam, go see Gravity. Go see it ASAP.
Nothing stops this hypetrain
Is Lifestealer jungling really *that* good? I played with a friend who insisted he should do that instead of taking the safe lane, I'm not really convinced, but I've played the hero all of like twice though.
Fam, go see Gravity. Go see it ASAP.
what, the trailer looked trash
Looks so fake. Reality tv movies aren't for me.
Is Lifestealer jungling really *that* good? I played with a friend who insisted he should do that instead of taking the safe lane, I'm not really convinced, but I've played the hero all of like twice though.
Fam, go see Gravity. Go see it ASAP.
When people say random rares in trading, do they mean ANY and ALL rares or do they mean all rares except for the usual WD, Axe, Jugg, Omni and Morph?
Its situational. He's better in lane frankly. But if you have another carry who really wants to farm the safelane then he's technically workable in the jungle.
laning is always better if its available.
:/Looks so fake. Reality tv movies aren't for me.