Well TIL you can get hit by requiem multiple times. At least this Axe game is proving educational.
Culling blade creep, force staff to stay in range of chain frost - Kuroky dota
Na'ix, AM, Sylla's Bear, Sniper, Ursa, Lycan, Bala, Slark, Riki, Jugger, PA are all solid choices for Basher.
deviantart trash
iz lejit
What the fuck is that abomination. Leave Axe alone.
EGM? (or joke idk) subbing for Take 5 against EG
My Axe t-shirt in tainted now. I hope you're happy.
is this what my thread has devolved into? frightening fanart?
Oh shit my brother's playing! I've never seen him play. Hype.
Which one is he?
Troll first pick material.
Let the nerfage begin.
That courier strat
This is like DTL posts, but worse because i actually care about dota.
Someone cleanse me.
streaming some work on the BH set, got a lot to get done ;_;
should be on for a few hours