Looking at my last match on Dotabuff, the other 2 people who allowed their history to be shared are:
Luna: 559-543 W/L record.
Jakiro: 236-252 W/L record.
My record: 108-106.
volvo y u no match me with people my own level
Ok Jungle tresdin officially sucks. Too much strain on your team and you come online too late , you don't do much even with a 6:30 min blink, you're no bat or enigma who can wreck teamfights, you're a carry that need to snowball. She's much better in a lane with heal and nuke, nuke dispelling shields and whatsnot is really decent. I'd like to try her mid, but she has the usual problem of being fairly useless in teamfights even with some early levels.
For starters, you don't build a blink on Tresdin as a core item. She has an ability that makes her run fast as hell in her Q, so you can catch up to guys and duel them. Obviously like any jungler, it's best if your team can accommodate it (have someone capable of soloing safe or off lane) so you're only putting strain on your team if they're incapable of dealing without you.That's how I see it. You can put her in the jungle and she won't starve, but she's the perfect example of a snowball hero, I think. She has solid skills for laning and ganking and her ult is snowballing personified. Win your duels and she has automatic crazy damage late game.
Anyone up for some wraith night? Getting tired of teammates who don't defend towers and struggle at the 2nd round...
yea. she just needs a proper comp. like, a safe lane with a disabler like Lion or Sven. ganks become free and easy as hell.For starters, you don't build a blink on Tresdin as a core item. She has an ability that makes her run fast as hell in her Q, so you can catch up to guys and duel them. Obviously like any jungler, it's best if your team can accommodate it (have someone capable of soloing safe or off lane) so you're only putting strain on your team if they're incapable of dealing without you.
She doesn't have the mana pool to spam nukes in a lane, not to mention if you want it to do worthwhile damage with it you have to push the lane a LOT. That said, she can probably lane anywhere easy enough as long as it's not a solo side lane. Jungling with her is just a good way to spread the xp/farm out until you hit level 6 and can start ganking.
She's definitely useful in a lane before level 6, but jungle farming is EASY (at level 1 you can take hard/med camps while AFK) and more profitable unless you're getting free farm in a safe lane, so ganking from the jungle at level 6 with 1221 and Treads is totally viable and you will still snowball.
yea. she just needs a proper comp. like, a safe lane with a disabler like Lion or Sven. ganks become free and easy as hell.
For starters, you don't build a blink on Tresdin as a core item. She has an ability that makes her run fast as hell in her Q, so you can catch up to guys and duel them.
Don't listen to Ikuu he's a bad LC.
150 range > 0. And how is it not dependable? Even if you just hit your target with it 9% for 7 seconds is more than enough to catch most heroes unless your positioning sucks. Also unless you're playing 5 carry Russian Dota, it's usually not hard to find at least one person on your team with some kind of slow, stun or disable that can help you gank. If you're having that hard a time you can try Phase boots over treads, but I honestly haven't had any trouble initiating duels without blink.Blink is core, the Ult has pretty much zero range and your Q isn't always dependable.
And how is it not dependable?
Pro-tip for LC players:
Don't open with Duel unless you know you can kill them by yourself or you're using it as a stun.
Duel is for half life or lower depending on the HP of the target and everyone's relative positions. You can't just open with Duel and expect it to stick.
Pro-tip for LC players:
Don't open with Duel unless you know you can kill them by yourself or you're using it as a stun.
Duel is for half life or lower depending on the HP of the target and everyone's relative positions. You can't just open with Duel and expect it to stick.
so people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204646092
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
so people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204646092
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
so people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204646092
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
Pro-tip for LC players:
Don't open with Duel unless you know you can kill them by yourself or you're using it as a stun.
Duel is for half life or lower depending on the HP of the target and everyone's relative positions. You can't just open with Duel and expect it to stick.
Here is my worthless opinion. I dont like it. Only for one reason, and that is the face. I cannot get beyond the face but I think its a great courier aside from that but I would never want this courier in its current state. Thats just my 2 cents
so people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204646092
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
Yeah, I think the execution on this is too specific, and frankly kind of creepy. Bronto Thunder's ixmike CM set is great because it took the idea and made it more subtle but still noticeably silly for any in on the joke.so people apparently hate this so far, but it was fun to make and I was happy to help ixmike out for their new tournament in january: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204646092
i'm curious to hear your opinion, guys.
my (personal) stance is that I've spent enough time on couriers as well as silly/happy submissions. I have one more courier I'm working on now but then I'm going to be doing some "serious" entries - Earth Spirit and Shadow Demon are coming, both before the end of January, as well as some singles. After that, got a pretty big one planned.
but yeah. Mike - love/hate? too silly? too colorful? too LoL? doesn't fit with lore? gg no re kthxbai~?
it's supposed to resemble a specific pro player.
i managed to say "im never playing carry in all pick again" and "im never playing support in all pick again" in the same night
its time to uninstall
There are people who do this??![]()
stop playing all pick then
woah bro dont tell people what to playstop playing all pick then
Cowards not listening to their Commander, should be shot for desertion.
Saving this here in case I ever wish to look back and compare in the future:
solo_competitive_rank: 4556
solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 752
yeah no worries about offending me, because I am honestly just interested in real talk, what you guys have to say about it, so I can take note and keep things in mind going forward. In this case it was specifically requested and approved by Mike & co. I can totally see this drawing a line for some people, hopefully its exaggerated enough to not be marked incompatible by Valve but if it is, then so be it.I can't stop thinking about penguin and justin beaver though.
the ideal situation imo would be for it to make it in, and people just don't buy or use it if they don't like it, as normal, but I'm also afraid of stretching the line too far... considering I honestly DO like my dota more serious.
howd you guys check that
Fixed bug where "Demons Imprisoned" would not increment.
From notes:
When exactly is it supposed to increment?
new patch, whats up with that