This Chaos Knight mount is so sweet.
Also +1 RD
I was ES again and man it felt good wrecking a DP in mid.
Looked at the replay...
Explain the Sage's mask then.That must have to be a miss click, I refuse to belive someone would do that.
Explain the Sage's mask then.
This should be around 3400 MMR. Mind is boggled.
Also our Spectre went Vanguard first, but whatever. Got so fat it didn't matter.
6-0-3 at 11 minutes and one of those I let Spectre LH. Rotating and killing everythinggggggg.
Anyway, ES again mid and man it felt good wrecking a DP.
Looked at the replay...
Also +1 RD
Dont know if this is just something that happens but some guy randomed Ember Spirit and it came up as Goblin Techies.
Screenshot here
Dota 2 is such a pretty game.
I love Luna after the changes... I think its also because I dont get low on mana as often as before, so I can spam Lucent beam more. Also sooo satisfying to find my teammates fighting the enemy away from creeps and I just get there from behind and activate Eclipse.
What has changed about her?
Is there no way to check your mmr rating before the 10 games now?
There is a way.
In console type:-
developer 1
press enter and then type:-
press enter to see results.
They disabled this I think.
Worked for me last week and others.
They really don't.Love Dota but they really need the 3x3 to get matches that dont last one hour going![]()
They really don't.
I am so absolutely fucking sick of playing against Mirana. Literally 90% of games have her in it. Invariably the players are bad. And invariably that doesn't matter because she has a 5-man invis.
#whereistechieswhat dota needs is all techies mode.
I'm guessing it's gonna get patched soon.So it seems abandoning does not effect the mmr you gain from winning/losing, which I find amusing. Some guy on reddit abandoned at 10 minutes, but because his team still won, his mmr went up.