Have you ever seen EE do a safe lane farming late carry storm?I swear I have never seen a Storm Spirit lose a pro game. Such a high impact hero.
Cause that lost a lot.
Have you ever seen EE do a safe lane farming late carry storm?I swear I have never seen a Storm Spirit lose a pro game. Such a high impact hero.
Damn.At least I'm not triple stacking yet.
Because it's a relic of quas wex Invoker where it has really good sinergy with both phase boots and wex, on an exort invoker you can make better items for mobility like force staff and blink and you don't care that much about the stats. Also you're gonna have midas, boots, tp and wand/stick most games, you can't afford to waste slots on items that don't really give you much of anything
I guess ursa is a hard counter to timbersaw? Versuta is getting wrecked 1v1 lane against ursa. 0-4 feed mode
Hero is utterly broken, there's a special place in hell for ES pickers and it's populated by former invoker/batrider/prophet/lycan/magnus pickers.
He's broken. But he's so goddam fun and active. Play like a boss.
I streamed a bit so you can here me play and curse at Dota at 12:00am (accidentally solo queued for Unranked for first ES game). Hopefully (or not) people can learn something.
Game 1 ES Unranked (Offlane support) (Really quick snowball push stomp) Our team had a lot of fun with it though
My 5 poke balls are coming Friday. Can't wait to see what trash I get instead of the DagonOpened up a luckbox, got a Heaven-Piercing Pauldron.
sometimes u just gotta end shit at level 3 #beastin'n'feastin
My 5 poke balls are coming Friday. Can't wait to see what trash I get instead of the Dagon
Which is a straight rip from medieval dragon legends.That's pretty awesome.
I want a heart of Tarrasque jewel/diamond type thing I could put on my desk.
edit: Which reminds me, I'm surprised that didn't have a name change. Its pretty much a straight rip from DnD and I'm sure a lot of valve employees know that.
I don't think Skadi and HotD stack.
My 5 poke balls are coming Friday. Can't wait to see what trash I get instead of the Dagon
I got pokeballs.They are no longer pokeballs, they now come in cute little boxes.
I got 2 Bloodseekers, a Tide, and a Earth Shaker. I was hoping for an Enigma or Warlock, oh well.
Which is a straight rip from medieval dragon legends.
So it all works out.
They are no longer pokeballs, they now come in cute little boxes.
I got 2 Bloodseekers, a Tide, and a Earth Shaker. I was hoping for an Enigma or Warlock, oh well. I figured I would actually open up one of the chests this time, and sell the rest, but got a pretty good roll.
I hope they make a third more exotic spelling.I thought as well too but the spelling is slightly different in the dnd version, which is the spelling dota 2 takes.
They ain't touchin me drow ranger though.
I'm honestly tired of complaining, but this game has some of the worst fucking people ever. I seriously can't believe people like this exist.
sometimes u just gotta end shit at level 3 #beastin'n'feastin
I hope they make a third more exotic spelling.
Gonna buy the shagbark hud tonight looks pretty!
sometimes u just gotta end shit at level 3 #beastin'n'feastin
I'm honestly tired of complaining, but this game has some of the worst fucking people ever. I seriously can't believe people like this exist.
I'm playing solo que ranked, this guy takes captain and picks what ever he likes without asking anyone, but its not the worst draft ever so whatever..
Captain picks Earthshaker and goes safelane with DK lane with no items at all, he takes one last hit from DK to get a bottle and DK starts going all crazy why are you taking my last hits
DK comes bottom where me (Lich) and Specter are, then Earthshaker starts roaming and he DK goes to jungle the entire freaking game, he doesn't give a fuck at almost any point to come and fight and Specter decides to go top for no reason and leaves the lane.
At some point when I'm going top, Viper comes to gank a Timbersaw and I join him.
We start attacking him, he's on low HP and he was going to try to Tibmerchain away so I use my frost blast to kill him
From that point on, this fucking Viper would not stop shit talking and crying that I steal kills from from the carries and "go carry, go kill them Lich" for the entire fucking game even tho I was the only one doing the actual support buying wards, getting a Mek and so on
He goes AFK for long durations, talks shit and calls everyone noobs for the entire game and of course everyone start talking shit to one another as it gets worse and were obviously losing the game.
Yeah, never retreat vs a SF with mana to nuke you down.
Back in my Lan pub days I actually found that mid level SF can be mindgamed by this, I used to pick Phantom Assasin vs these guys and going mid, at some point I just jumped at them and hit them till we both were low, for some reason they expected me to back up (both of us at 100 hp or something) I didnt. You could actually see the moment they got desesperate and tried to back up ("You are gonna back up and I'm gonna raze you. Any time now. Any time. Why are you not doing it!! Ahhhh! *stops fightin and tries to flee, gets slowed down and killed") They basically gave a free kill. Fun times.
As it should both 10th and 1st?
lol both 10th and 1st?
There is a video out there of Muir, Kasavin, and Shoemaker all playing together. Watching Greg get a kill as spirit breaker was hilarious.
Dota 2 topping game dev's lists pleases me ever so greatly. Future of vidyagaems is bright, gents and lasses.
And you guys think I'm richITS HERE!
I really enjoy playing a match of Random Draft where the enemy team drafts a Zeus, we draft a bunch of squishy heroes and no-one on my team even goes as far as picking up a naked cloak, no matter how much I beg them. Of course, feeding commences pretty quickly and by the end of the match Zeus goes full troll and grabs a Refresher.
It's so bad but I can't stop playingDota2 is a fantastic fucking game.
But we already knew that in here.