You need to join more guilds and get with playing the same people regularly instead of spinning the wheel with randoms. It's a much better experience. The GiantBomb guild sometimes has inhouse matches, which are the most fun I've had with the game. You haven't lived until you've gone all Pudge. Once I finished building a mech, our team went on an insane hook charge that turned into fly buzzing madness.I don't think this is the game for you, literally 70% of my matches are like this.
My sweetest friend.Is this what Dota has become?
To be fair it's not like the matchmaking can know before hand if you are gonna play try hard, or have fun with a hero you never played.Finally broke my 8 game losing streak... By having my entire stack pick our best heroes.
Is this what Dota has become?
Nope my team dissolved Kirbs
wut a shame ur offlaner was top tier na player prolly on navi now right?
So a couple of questions to any lurking Lone Druid experts here.
1. Is there any hard and fast rule as to where the bear will show up when you use Return on it? I tried to pull some Sylar shit when I was getting tower dived (I was on Dire, so I was running north) and used Return, and instead of bodyblocking my enemies, I accidentally bodyblocked myself which got me killed.
2. I feel like I die a lot more than I should in teamfights, and I feel like this is due to my positioning of Sylla. Should I basically just have him stay back and have the bear do the fighting, or both attack the target, or what? I usually have both attack the target and I feel like it's painting a big target on Sylla and then either we lose the teamfight, or we win it and don't survive so we don't have as strong of pushing power.
3. Regarding items, is there any point I should be moving everything to Sylla or just leaving it there? My usual build is Phase Boots for the bear, Maelstrom for the bear, and from there I go either AC on Sylla (because the aura spreads to the bear), or Basher on the bear.
4. True form. I know pretty much once I have it I should stay in it unless I really need to be ranged or need the movement speed. I guess this ties back into the item question. What exactly am I doing with Sylla? I know LD is a carry with extreme pushing power, but everyone always says things go on the bear, but the bear has no attributes and does not gain anything by Sylla leveling up.
wut a shame ur offlaner was top tier na player prolly on navi now right?
The Scammers Strike Again With Hilarity, part 2, electric boogaloo
But srsly nothing makes me madder than hell then people who don't play for the team. Those who last pick random medusa with 3 carries already on the team and act like repick is a foreign concept, then try to evade all blame when your ancient is getting pushed in. People who take 100% cs then ask you to get wards, or ask why you're dying when you're still sitting in brown boots with gg branches. I buy wards as 1-3 all the time if my support isn't getting enough gold from towers/assists. I think most people have the mechanical skills to play dota well, they lack the foresight to pick a good balanced team is what causes extremely lopsided games.
Yeah fucked up picks probably piss me off more than poor play though I'd rather have an extra carry than a last pick Pudge...when you already have 2+ heroes that can go mid and are in desperate need of a support.
I mean I guess the mentality is something like "fuck you, I'm playing what I want to have fun", but they're griefing the other people on the team by not picking into at least a somewhat balanced lineup with a good shot at winning.
Finally broke my 8 game losing streak... By having my entire stack pick our best heroes.
Is this what Dota has become?
fishwife sucks
These Dota 2 announcers get crazier every time.
1. I'm not exactly sure, but it always seems like if Druid is moving while the bear is recalled, it will be behind you. So if you're trying to recall the bear to body block while you hide in the trees, that should work as long as your moving.So a couple of questions to any lurking Lone Druid experts here.
1. Is there any hard and fast rule as to where the bear will show up when you use Return on it? I tried to pull some Sylar shit when I was getting tower dived (I was on Dire, so I was running north) and used Return, and instead of bodyblocking my enemies, I accidentally bodyblocked myself which got me killed.
2. I feel like I die a lot more than I should in teamfights, and I feel like this is due to my positioning of Sylla. Should I basically just have him stay back and have the bear do the fighting, or both attack the target, or what? I usually have both attack the target and I feel like it's painting a big target on Sylla and then either we lose the teamfight, or we win it and don't survive so we don't have as strong of pushing power.
3. Regarding items, is there any point I should be moving everything to Sylla or just leaving it there? My usual build is Phase Boots for the bear, Maelstrom for the bear, and from there I go either AC on Sylla (because the aura spreads to the bear), or Basher on the bear.
4. True form. I know pretty much once I have it I should stay in it unless I really need to be ranged or need the movement speed. I guess this ties back into the item question. What exactly am I doing with Sylla? I know LD is a carry with extreme pushing power, but everyone always says things go on the bear, but the bear has no attributes and does not gain anything by Sylla leveling up.
Interesting jpg. If I may...
Competition against other humans is designed with the expectation that you (a) want to win and (b) are willing to try. If the challenge of proving your IQ and ability against someone else and standing atop their broken remains isn't the reason it's fun, why not just play bots? To me it's like basketball. You can play against other guys or you can play at a hoop by yourself. If you want competition (that is, partaking in a battle of wills and skills in an effort to claim temporary victory), you play with the people and your goal is to win.
Hell, even when I'm trying a new hero against real people for the first time, I'm pissed if I lose. I'm almost always positive and encouraging as I'm a really nice guy in general, but ...
...losing just isn't part of my DNA. It's not acceptable, ultimately. If I'm losing, it becomes my mission to figure out what I'm doing wrong, correct it, and shit down the next guy's throat. I go to the lab (usually in lobbies all by myself or against bots or 1v1's with friends) until I've worked out the problems or understand the matchups that caught me slipping better so that next time I can be successful. I'm watching replays to see what I'm doing wrong or what others are doing wrong and I take those mental notes. Notes about the big picture, the ebb and flow of the match. Notes about the little picture, individual lane matchups and execution. If I lose, I think about what I needed to do to win. If I'm winning, I think about the shit I could have done better to win more decisively. Even in in-house matches. It's all fun and games, but I still want to crit your face for 1.2k on the way to a stomp.
Failure is only temporary. Success is inevitable with proper repetition and expectation. To that end, if losing is a satisfactory conclusion for you (not you, but in general) on a given day (or every day), I'm not the guy you want in your party because we don't have the same goals...and not having the same goals usually ends badly. Some of my friends I never play with because they just play for something to do and even after thousands of matches, their game hasn't improved. Don't have time for that. So yea if losing ever became a satisfactory conclusion for me, I'd quit the next day.
Now understand...I get no enjoyment out of losses (they can be entertaining, but in the end they're empty at best and fucking frustrating at worst), but I always take the time to learn as much as possible from every moment of every loss. There is always, always much to learn. It's why I hate people who have a built-in desire to quit before games are truly over (this is a bigger problem in League than Dota since there's no quit option unless you're in a lobby). Often times, it's the losses when you learn the most and see the biggest flaws in your game. Teachable moments abound, if you will.
So yea, it's A for me. Or perhaps it's D, because a game can be a "good game" even if it's a loss. But I'm won't be "happy" or completely satisfied, if that makes sense. But I've had very few performances, win or loss, that I was completely and totally satisfied with my performance in.
Swaps between A and B/C.
$15 for Arcs of Manta - sell now, or do these things have legs?
No game of dota is a good game because dota is a dead game
I kind of love how ridiculous HoN is at this point.
So a couple of questions to any lurking Lone Druid experts here.
1. Is there any hard and fast rule as to where the bear will show up when you use Return on it? I tried to pull some Sylar shit when I was getting tower dived (I was on Dire, so I was running north) and used Return, and instead of bodyblocking my enemies, I accidentally bodyblocked myself which got me killed.
2. I feel like I die a lot more than I should in teamfights, and I feel like this is due to my positioning of Sylla. Should I basically just have him stay back and have the bear do the fighting, or both attack the target, or what? I usually have both attack the target and I feel like it's painting a big target on Sylla and then either we lose the teamfight, or we win it and don't survive so we don't have as strong of pushing power.
3. Regarding items, is there any point I should be moving everything to Sylla or just leaving it there? My usual build is Phase Boots for the bear, Maelstrom for the bear, and from there I go either AC on Sylla (because the aura spreads to the bear), or Basher on the bear.
4. True form. I know pretty much once I have it I should stay in it unless I really need to be ranged or need the movement speed. I guess this ties back into the item question. What exactly am I doing with Sylla? I know LD is a carry with extreme pushing power, but everyone always says things go on the bear, but the bear has no attributes and does not gain anything by Sylla leveling up.