Only thing I don't like about all random is I don't get my random goldAP is random ALL DAY.
Ummm, yeah you do...
Only thing I don't like about all random is I don't get my random goldAP is random ALL DAY.
Nope now they have to work on balancing and by fixing this new patch
First by reintroducing fountain hooks. Chen is the least played character and people who use Pudge miss all of the time. The fountain hooks were almost never seen in tournaments anyways. Now Chen is played even less and is a useless hero.
First by reintroducing fountain hooks. Chen is the least played character and people who use Pudge miss all of the time. The fountain hooks were almost never seen in tournaments anyways. Now Chen is played even less and is a useless hero.
I don't want to be rude but you might want to look at OD's score
He really only became a problem in the last twenty minutes actually. Oh sure he got a few kills here and there but he was melting to us early on. Most of that is from some good ults he got off lategame
they even counterpicked your Invoker with OD
and that OD looks to have laid waste to all who opposed his might
there was no hope for you
im sorry
I need a mode that has bans that isn't captains mode. I can't always get a five stack together even with 120 Steam friends and there's no way I'm risking getting a captain who barely cares and just picks at random so he can play Void or whatever
Against that lineup? Only having one set of rax at 30 minutes isn't enough. :-(
The key is after taking all their outer towers by 20 minutes or so, ward up everything so they can leave safely to begin to catch up. Get Rohan an take a lane or two of rax. Keep them suppressed, then repeat.
I'd have to watch the replay for more thoughts.
How pipe dreamy does this sound. $250 Prize pool tournament for North America over the weekend of November 15-17?
Allow for 64 teams, Bo1 until Ro4, then make it Bo3, do the entire Ro8 on Sunday with one of the NEL caters.
Yea I hear you. I just feel like...idunno. They had the late game, so the priorities were in the right order.I'm not going to say we didn't make mistakes. But goddamn if any one hero requires that you be completely on point all game its that one. There's no give and take. Every inch you give you never get back.
Anyway, milk and I were talking and we have an idea we want to run by you all.
We want to have a mid-tier gaf tourney, and we were willing to throw some money into a pot for it. We think it would be a lot of fun to have the not-us teams play each other, since competition wouldn't be only rollovers, and you all could learn a lot from each other about drafting and playing cm and whatnot.
Anyone interested?
Anyway, milk and I were talking and we have an idea we want to run by you all.
We want to have a mid-tier gaf tourney, and we were willing to throw some money into a pot for it. We think it would be a lot of fun to have the not-us teams play each other, since competition wouldn't be only rollovers, and you all could learn a lot from each other about drafting and playing cm and whatnot.
Anyone interested?
Yea I hear you. I just feel like...idunno. They had the late game, so the priorities were in the right order.
What was the detection game looking like? With a bat rider and, aggressive wards, shoulda been no issue to pick him off repeatedly.
Also, with the big leadi assumed your team created, why is Morph so poor? He damn near go out farmed by everyone on the other team. Also, where was everyone else's farm? Should have been two free jungles created just for your team with wards.
Vision wasn't so great. Part of the problem may have been that we didn't make ganking Lancer a priority. I can't speak for the others but I felt that it would take too much time to keep him down in any consistent fashion and we needed to be moving faster then that. To make a significant dent in PLs farm I think you need to kill him at least once every five minutes and that was time we wouldn't be spending pushing out. As soon as I got my Wards as Shaman we basically began a barrel-down strat where three or four of us would commit to a lane and go in until we had taken the next tower. They would meet us and we'd go back and forth. They usually emerged on top in terms of kills, but not crazily so. At like 30 minutes I want to say they led us roughly 30-22 but we had taken at least six towers and the middle rax. The problem was, well, twofold: OD finally started wrecking us in the lategame and we had to bounce back and forth between pushing and defending to keep the PL army from singlehandedly taking one of our rax in the blink of an eye.
I'm not sure why Morph is so poor. A lot of the kills went towards me or Invoker I suppose because we had a lot of DoT and AoE
I'm waiting for Legion Commander/6.79. And I'm doing A-Z man-mode challenge on my smurf.
Check it:
Naga Siren: W
Morphling: W
Mirana: L
Meepo: W
Medusa: W
Magnus: W
Lycanthrope: L
Luna: W
Vision wasn't so great. Part of the problem may have been that we didn't make ganking Lancer a priority. I can't speak for the others but I felt that it would take too much time to keep him down in any consistent fashion and we needed to be moving faster then that. To make a significant dent in PLs farm I think you need to kill him at least once every five minutes and that was time we wouldn't be spending pushing out. As soon as I got my Wards as Shaman we basically began a barrel-down strat where three or four of us would commit to a lane and go in until we had taken the next tower. They would meet us and we'd go back and forth. They usually emerged on top in terms of kills, but not crazily so. At like 30 minutes I want to say they led us roughly 30-22 but we had taken at least six towers and the middle rax. The problem was, well, twofold: OD finally started wrecking us in the lategame and we had to bounce back and forth between pushing and defending to keep the PL army from singlehandedly taking one of our rax in the blink of an eye.
I'm not sure why Morph is so poor. A lot of the kills went towards me or Invoker I suppose because we had a lot of DoT and AoE
Anyway, milk and I were talking and we have an idea we want to run by you all.
We want to have a mid-tier gaf tourney, and we were willing to throw some money into a pot for it. We think it would be a lot of fun to have the not-us teams play each other, since competition wouldn't be only rollovers, and you all could learn a lot from each other about drafting and playing cm and whatnot.
Anyone interested?
Anyway, milk and I were talking and we have an idea we want to run by you all.
We want to have a mid-tier gaf tourney, and we were willing to throw some money into a pot for it. We think it would be a lot of fun to have the not-us teams play each other, since competition wouldn't be only rollovers, and you all could learn a lot from each other about drafting and playing cm and whatnot.
Anyone interested?
Does everyone on the team need to be on GAF? Brax and I had a team we were trying to put together a while back but one of the main members (at least) doesn't post here
Do we even have enough members of Dota 2 GAF to form more than 3 teams?
It ain't a tournament until Dreams picks Dusa.AWWWW SHIT now we got ourselves a tournament
If all else fails you could make into a solo mid tournament.
Does everyone on the team need to be on GAF? Brax and I had a team we were trying to put together a while back but one of the main members (at least) doesn't post here
u wot m8
It ain't a tournament until Dreams picks Dusa.
Naturally, I'm in.
To add onto bzm's post, it'd just be a cool little amateur tournament specifically for GAFfers. Me and bzm (and possibly a few others) will put down a small amount of prize money (somewhere around $75 - $200), no entry fee, just something neat and fun for the community over the course of one or two days. Would definitely be streamed and commentated. We get a kick out of watching GAFfers stream and this is like taking it to the next step.
Not sure on any details aside from the above (what mode, how long will it go for, format, etc.), but it's something we wouldn't mind getting off the ground in the near future.
How'd you decide who's copper tier and who's not?
If the Hungarians can do it with $150, I should be able to do it with $250. 64 teams is just an upper limit, I would call even 16 teams with a few that are decent a success.$250... prize pool... with 64 teams?
Yeah okay Kirbs, put down the liquor and go to bed.
If the Hungarians can do it with $150, I should be able to do it with $250. 64 teams is just an upper limit, I would call even 16 teams with a few that are decent a success.
I think it's pretty much everyone that's not Milkman, bzm, 1.09, Procarbine, Haly, and Anbokr.
I am also in. Skills have probably decayed a shitton with the lower rate of play, but I'd sink a ton more time into this for a tourney.Anyway, milk and I were talking and we have an idea we want to run by you all.
We want to have a mid-tier gaf tourney, and we were willing to throw some money into a pot for it. We think it would be a lot of fun to have the not-us teams play each other, since competition wouldn't be only rollovers, and you all could learn a lot from each other about drafting and playing cm and whatnot.
Anyone interested?
I wasn't thinking about that being a requirement, as I don't think there are enough people to make enough 100% gaf teams. The more the better, of course, but so long as its headed by a gaffer I think it should be fine. Also I'd appreciate it if you all kept it casual and didn't go out to find some supXgosu`PRO type player to carry you. I'd rather this be more about friendly competition than winning/money or whatever.