Yeah, they definitely do not play it convincingly, and IG read it too well during the draft apparently.But is it really worth losing the game for?
Yeah, they definitely do not play it convincingly, and IG read it too well during the draft apparently.But is it really worth losing the game for?
You gotta look to the future man not the past.Ok, I think I'm going to lay off the invoker for a while, likely 6.85 when he is OP again. What other hero should I practice on? Maybe Timber would be fun. Or maybe Pugna.
That delicious milkman mmr +37 tyty
Have you guys seen DOTA2 in 4K before?
Look at the minimap
Mind = Blown
I got two lockless luckboxes, do I open them or sell them?
Do you want an Armlet and a DP crown or 30 in steambux?
That delicious milkman mmr +37 tyty
Bit late on this but what was the bkb for milk? Looks like they only have the venge stun and you can dark pact everything else. Just curious if I might be able to use it more myself.
In theory they could chain Magic Missile into 2/3 familiar stuns, Krob silence fucks Slark up hard and you're also negating all of Timberlake's damage potential plus a lot of Visage's through Soul Assumption.
holy shit 4 hero cogs by rOtk oO
Man, I just checked the items, not really anything for heroes I like to play. Shadow Blade would be nice, but with my luck I'd probably get that ridiculous Invoker collar. CM staff would be kinda cool, but I prefer the Force Staff or Eul's.
I'll just sell them and rage later when my friend opens his and gets both Shadow Blade and Dagon.
That Invoker collar is awesome wtf.
And that CM staff has a unique particle effect not found on any of her other staffs.
I love the mechanics of this game but oh so tired of russians players invading eastern euro servers, it fucking ruins my will to play it. I literally get paired up 1 game out of 2 if not more with russians only people, usually very obnoxious, they straight up claim mid, start talking in russian. My last game the guy was calling N-words, constantly pinging, drawing shit on the minimap you couldn't even see a damn thing in terms of enemy movement, just straight up bs.
This game is based on teamwork but it's impossible to play with people like that.
I choose english and eastern europe servers in settings for a reason yet doesn't seem to work out. I'm usually not one for this but this is a game that I'd like to be enforcing matchmaking based on IP.
People will freak out everytime someone buys sny, doesn't matter the hero.
Undying + Bristleback is the best #yolo offlane
I love the mechanics of this game but oh so tired of russians players invading eastern euro servers, it fucking ruins my will to play it. I literally get paired up 1 game out of 2 if not more with russians only people, usually very obnoxious, they straight up claim mid, start talking in russian. My last game the guy was calling N-words, constantly pinging, drawing shit on the minimap you couldn't even see a damn thing in terms of enemy movement, just straight up bs.
This game is based on teamwork but it's impossible to play with people like that.
I choose english and eastern europe servers in settings for a reason yet doesn't seem to work out. I'm usually not one for this but this is a game that I'd like to be enforcing matchmaking based on IP.
So then what is so bad about it?
You forgot the part where they only choose Viper, Spirit Breaker, Ursa and Drow.
I love the mechanics of this game but oh so tired of russians players invading eastern euro servers, it fucking ruins my will to play it. I literally get paired up 1 game out of 2 if not more with russians only people, usually very obnoxious, they straight up claim mid, start talking in russian. My last game the guy was calling N-words, constantly pinging, drawing shit on the minimap you couldn't even see a damn thing in terms of enemy movement, just straight up bs.
This game is based on teamwork but it's impossible to play with people like that.
I choose english and eastern europe servers in settings for a reason yet doesn't seem to work out. I'm usually not one for this but this is a game that I'd like to be enforcing matchmaking based on IP.
My man.Undying + Bristleback is the best #yolo offlane
Obviously, the farther you move west, the fewer Russians there are. USEast > EUWest > EUEast in terms of Russian population.I love the mechanics of this game but oh so tired of russians players invading eastern euro servers, it fucking ruins my will to play it. I literally get paired up 1 game out of 2 if not more with russians only people, usually very obnoxious, they straight up claim mid, start talking in russian. My last game the guy was calling N-words, constantly pinging, drawing shit on the minimap you couldn't even see a damn thing in terms of enemy movement, just straight up bs.
This game is based on teamwork but it's impossible to play with people like that.
I choose english and eastern europe servers in settings for a reason yet doesn't seem to work out. I'm usually not one for this but this is a game that I'd like to be enforcing matchmaking based on IP.
It's just a generally average item, gives decent movement speed, decent damage etc. but the passive maim is pretty useless. Doesn't mean you can't pick it up, but when you compare it to the utility and stats of a Halberd or Manta Style, it's often not worth it to buy SnY instead.
That gif is absolutely massive.
There's a lot of bandwagon hate when it comes to item builds. A lot of it seems pretty arbitrary to me.
If you buy drums for the MS it's fine, but buying S&Y for the same reason is bad. Buying drums for the hp is fine, but buying Vanguard for the same reason is SwiftRage. Or like how Alchemist has to get a shadowblade (and not a blink) but Tiny has to get a blink and not a shadowblade. (Someone once literally called gg when they saw our Tiny had shadowblade.) Legion Commander can still get away with one or the other, but Sven isn't supposed to get either.
In fact I find item build nerdery in general is just annoying, it's really lame in particular when the losing team trash talks the winning teams items. "OMG bloodstone Death Prophet/MoM Sniper/Shadowblade Slark so bad" etc when the player they are talking about can practically 1v5 them at that point.
I might be out of line but I feel like item build "book learning" is a easy way for players to make themselves feel superior to others without actually having to get better at the game. It's something I used to do myself a lot where I'd console myself after a bad game, "hey I lost my lane and contributed nothing but at least I went for an approved item build not like those idiots on my team #totallynotabadplayer"
And I just think builds and stuff are nothing like as important as people think they are. If you had to break down what decides a game of dota for me it would be something like:
-30% draft (most of which is having good lanes)
-10% item and skill build stuff
-60% general execution, decision making and team coordination
Like I remember one game where we had a Luna who was the only carry on the team. Her item build was Treads, PMS, Aghanims, BKB, Heart, Mjolnir. For me this is a weird ass build. I don't think you should get Aghs when you're the only carry, I don't see why you'd get Heart instead of Satanic or why you'd Mjolnir instead of Butterfly. But we still won that game, mostly both teams had team fight heavy lineups and we got a few good initiations off late game and also Rubick kept stealing Black Hole.
tl,dr: please no rage when I buy Eye of Skadi on everyone.gif
Why do I always get the worst rares when opening my level up crate :/
An ancient 3 cent Nature's Prophet Staff last time, an old bushy Riki tail this time...
Fuck its value. Do you like the item enough to equip it? Then you won.