Having a great time playing this game, still not high enough level to do matchmaking yet though. Why is everyone online cunts? Its "fuck you" this, "noob" that, "YOU SUCK, LOL". It's really annoying and childish.
Even aliastar has a 5400 mmr. :lol
Mute them or get used to it.
Having a great time playing this game, still not high enough level to do matchmaking yet though. Why is everyone online cunts? Its "fuck you" this, "noob" that, "YOU SUCK, LOL". It's really annoying and childish.
LOL!That delicious milkman mmr +37 tyty http://dotabuff.com/matches/447931507
Why do I always get the worst rares when opening my level up crate :/
An ancient 3 cent Nature's Prophet Staff last time, an old bushy Riki tail this time...
iu want my 37 mmr back
legit worst magnus in history of world
Obviously, the farther you move west, the fewer Russians there are. USEast > EUWest > EUEast in terms of Russian population.
Yes just bring up the score and mute themIs there a way to mute their text?
Is there a way to mute their text?
or1.open scoreboard
2.right click on the player
3.ignore player
If you mute them, you won't see what they write either.
happy new years dotagaf <3
damn, that best of 7 grand finals tomorrow have a huge cash prizes.
WPC Prize Pool Breakdown:
¥ 1,000,000 (~$165k USD) (DK or IG)
¥ 300,000 (~$50k USD) (DK or IG)
¥ 100,000 (~$17k USD) - (VG)
I feel so bad for lgd, fourth place is like 3k or something, I think.
joindota teaching you how not to button your suit jacket
like honestly wasnt there a grown up around
Better version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omSypV0-6gshttp://youtu.be/vPPHsj5An9U
joindota teaching you how not to button your suit jacket
like honestly wasnt there a grown up around
Magic 2014 or Dota hats, decisions
I think you know that hats are almost always the correct decision.
Magic 2014 or Dota hats, decisions
Holy shit at Tobi's eyes. Guy needs to sleephttp://youtu.be/vPPHsj5An9U
joindota teaching you how not to button your suit jacket
like honestly wasnt there a grown up around
Holy shit at Tobi's eyes. Get some rest jesus.
Magic 2014 or Dota hats, decisions
Magic 2014 or Dota hats, decisions…
It's called you've gotten better.Got an AR game as Sand King, resuming his rightful throne.
It's super noticeable now how players are much more aware of an Epi blink and don't group up like idiots, sad times.
Milk, where did you run off to before, you took so long to get back I had to just bow out.
play all random unrankedSo sick of Legion Commander.. I hope Valve adds some sort of draft other than Captain's to ranked mode. Ranked all pick at my level is all Legion Commander all the time..
Ah yes, South Americans, the Russians of the NA servers. Fun times.But then you move in to Spanish territory, so nothing is solved. If they start talking shit just imply that they're Mexican (which they're invariably not), and they'll get super pissed. Some guy yesterday kept going "taco taco taco taco" which is apparently how other Latin Americans make fun of Mexicans.
What's the etiquette about jungling priority when teammates random both Enchantress and Nature's Prophet?
So three solo lanes?Dual jungle.
It's the only way.
Luckily didn't happen to me, but my friend I introduced to Dota 2 had a bad time because of it and asked my opinion who would get priority (he ended up laning as Enchantress).Don't random.
Depends what the lanes end up being. I find enchantress would be better in lane.
You send one to lane, np can off lane, enchant can midWhat's the etiquette about jungling priority when teammates random both Enchantress and Nature's Prophet?
Ah yes, South Americans, the Russians of the NA servers. Fun times.