get outta my way scrub
get outta my way scrub
sentries and dust, sentries and dust. for sniper, you need some ccs and gap closers. can't let the game go on too long either, since he'll inevitably start critting and ministunning like a madman.
In actuality Sniper is hilariously easy to kill early game. If he's solo mid, which he surely will be in a pub match, just beat him up repeatedly in the early game. Many mids can kill him solo but even weaker mids will do it with a support gank.
moody just booty tickled that i slaughtered him
Finally passed 48% winrate
ok good to know. I've struggled so far in the early game with ranged heroes. My natural reaction is to back off when in a battle early game because I don't wanna feed but I guess in this case I should be more aggressive huh?
Cyborgmatt picked Nature's Prophet at Hero of the year? Shock and Awe.
I'm not gonna let something like the fact that it was a vote by the entire editorial team get in the way of my joke!
Many of the pubstomp heroes thrive off of intimidation. You don't want to be aggressive to Sniper or Viper or Drow because you remember that last game when he was absolutely destroying you late game. But early game he's got about 35 HP and doesn't hurt much. Getting right up in his face with Clockwerk or somebody is exactly what you actually want to do.
That being said there's nothing wrong with being cautious as a new player. If you aren't confident, try to get a support with a good stun to come help, and you should be golden. Eventually you'll get a better feel for how aggressive you can be in a given hero matchup. I've gotten dozens of solo level 2 or 3 first bloods mid as Invoker or others vs Sniper. It's very satisfying.
Cyborgmatt picked Nature's Prophet at Hero of the year? Shock and Awe.
I'm not gonna let something like the fact that it was a vote by the entire editorial team get in the way of my joke!
Was Earth Spirit not this broken in Dota 1? I don't understand why this all seems to be a surprise. Did they not have time to balance him in Dota 1 before bringing him over?
Earth Spirit only existed in Dota 1 since June of this year. He hasn't been in very long plus not as many people play Dota 1 now, so it makes sense that most of his balancing is in Dota 2.Was Earth Spirit not this broken in Dota 1? I don't understand why this all seems to be a surprise. Did they not have time to balance him in Dota 1 before bringing him over?
Was Earth Spirit not this broken in Dota 1? I don't understand why this all seems to be a surprise. Did they not have time to balance him in Dota 1 before bringing him over?
Rock behind enemy + Grip rock + Roll + Kick into tower/silence if necessary = easy killGotcha.
I guess I better play him for the first time before the nerf bat hits him upside the head.
Why is there no courier of the year or item of the year or other smaller more insignificant but fun things of the year?
Is phoenix still being reworked every patch or has the frog settled on that beast?
So do we have any indication as to which hero/es to expect next?
I would like to see 3-4 in one go again.
It's weird that you neglect to talk about your games where you go 0-8, get triple boots, but your teammates carry you to victory.
Signs point to Pit Lord. If we're good boys and girls though we might get an all new hero though in the Monkey King himself.
Rock behind enemy + Grip rock + Roll + Kick into tower/silence if necessary = easy kill
Ult is the icing on the cake after you hit 6
Since when is "I bought it at the end" an excuse for having three pairs of boots?
New crummy hero idea, the magus apprentice/the channeler. Hero has 5 spells that can be ranked up to 5, all spells require channeling.
Spell 1, global mega man blaster. He can charge up a nuke skill shot that will travel quickly until it hits an enemy unit. Uses up mana as it is channeled, can channel upto 10 seconds.
Spell 2, channeling cyclone. Can keep an enemy cycloned for up to 10 seconds.
Spell 3, channeling visage like static link thingy. Drains attack and move speed and gives them to you.
Spell 4, long range dash thing. You charge up a dash, that will have an aa like tracker dart to show you where you will go. Drains mana as you are changing, spell gets cancelled and put in cool down if you get stunned while charging. Stun any enemies you dash though.
Spell 5, create a consumable item. You channel for a few seconds, and create a consumable that will heal hp and mana, and purge self. Consumable drops 500 units in front of you, can be used by enemy. Item well take up an inventory spot, does not stack, amount healed scales with levels.
Sound fun enough to play?
New crummy hero idea, the magus apprentice/the channeler. Hero has 5 spells that can be ranked up to 5, all spells require channeling.
Spell 1, global mega man blaster. He can charge up a nuke skill shot that will travel quickly until it hits an enemy unit. Uses up mana as it is channeled, can channel upto 10 seconds.
Spell 2, channeling cyclone. Can keep an enemy cycloned for up to 10 seconds.
Spell 3, channeling visage like static link thingy. Drains attack and move speed and gives them to you.
Spell 4, long range dash thing. You charge up a dash, that will have an aa like tracker dart to show you where you will go. Drains mana as you are changing, spell gets cancelled and put in cool down if you get stunned while charging. Stun any enemies you dash though.
Spell 5, create a consumable item. You channel for a few seconds, and create a consumable that will heal hp and mana, and purge self. Consumable drops 500 units in front of you, can be used by enemy. Item well take up an inventory spot, does not stack, amount healed scales with levels.
Sound fun enough to play?
At the end of the game when I win I can do anything I want right? Sometimes I don't end and I just go back to open as many couriers as I can. Sometimes I sell all my items and buy sentry wards
Right, so further confirming that you are the kind of player who is the problem with this game's community, rather than the other way around.
why does it matter what you buy when you already won the game?
Nothing you do is wrong brah... don't let these guys bully you!
It's everyone else that is the problem!
you're wrong
This guy is clockwerk's wet dream.
That's the spirit!