She is the best pub support in the game.
I'm not surprised.
I still prefer SS or SD because I can be super aggressive and annoying. I've lost count of the number of times I've gotten first blood with SD...or SS...
I see it on Reddit like 3 times a week, so oh well.I suggested it last year on the dev forums and people lost their shit over it.
I don't play support in pubs, but when I do I play KotL. Stay mana thirsty my friends.She is the best pub support in the game.
I don't play support in pubs, but when I do I play KotL. Stay mana thirsty my friends.
That is usually the case when I play him. Plus I've just never liked playing CM, not sure what the issue is.But CM answers mana problems too! I actually almost kind of like her aura better then KotL's Chakra, since it helps everyone at the same time. Although KotL's Chakra is better if you specifically have a really spammy lane partner I guess
Holy shit I just had the most legit roaming duo on my team (POTM + Bane). I should try more things like this when I'm stacking.
One of the most annoying roaming combos in the game. So hard to deal with.
Holy shit I just had the most legit roaming duo on my team (POTM + Bane). I should try more things like this when I'm stacking.
Holy shit I just had the most legit roaming duo on my team (POTM + Bane). I should try more things like this when I'm stacking.
Sounds like a nightmare (har de har)
What sort of combo are we taking about?
Nightmare, position mirana a good distance for easy long stun arrow and then jump on them?
Sounds like a nightmare (har de har)
What sort of combo are we taking about?
Nightmare, position mirana a good distance for easy long stun arrow and then jump on them?
I don't play support in pubs, only earth spirit
TBH I still don't have the balls to join inhouse(
This was the first one at a reasonable time for me in ages and I was watching Sherlock![]()
Well it's an hour gamelol'd @ treads/aghs CM
Why is Mirana so easy to win games with? I have a 70% win rate with her. Shes like Pudge but not slow and boring
TBH I still don't have the balls to join inhouse(
whatever you cant be worse than me in those things
Holy shit Sing just got the godliest rampage as PA. Fucking crits everywhere.
Man he really is wrecking. 1 HKO on SD
3.2k crits
I can confirm this is most likely not true. DOTA GAF 3 stronk 5 me. My support ability is probably not up to par![]()
tbh we usually have around 3-5 veterans at most and the majority of the time they are trolling, jungling, or experimenting (unless it's milkman). I can't say how much of a learning experience it is for the lower level peeps that join in, but I know for me personally, HoN IH's (where 80% of the people were much better than me) were huge for me. You're often told what to do and what not to do, and you simply learn first hand by watching/playing with much better people in lane and in teamfights.
..Goddamnit bokr. Best advice 2014.
Fine, I'll man up and play, I take it most people in the IH use mumble?
And they were keeping up at best until that fight. Dude got like 5 crits in a row. From there he just took over the game.
I can confirm jungling with heroes that should not be jungled happens in GAF IH
Holy shit SingSing on Clockwerk hooking like nobody's business even with AM throwing hard.
That match was just sick. Role model Clockwerk right there
tbh we usually have around 3-5 veterans at most and the majority of the time they are trolling, jungling, or experimenting (unless it's milkman). I can't say how much of a learning experience it is for the lower level peeps that join in, but I know for me personally, HoN IH's (where 80% of the people were much better than me) were huge for me. You're often told what to do and what not to do, and you simply learn first hand by watching/playing with much better people in lane and in teamfights.
+1 MMR points ♥
tbh we usually have around 3-5 veterans at most and the majority of the time they are trolling, jungling, or experimenting (unless it's milkman). I can't say how much of a learning experience it is for the lower level peeps that join in, but I know for me personally, HoN IH's (where 80% of the people were much better than me) were huge for me. You're often told what to do and what not to do, and you simply learn first hand by watching/playing with much better people in lane and in teamfights.
I can confirm jungling with heroes that should not be jungled happens in GAF IH
Not sure what furion is thinking. Spectre is literally the latest of late game heroes