The ones where I can execute on my plans during clutch moments.What moment are you, as a player, having the most fun in Dota?
I kinda feel this. Love AFK farming on Medusa lol.
Sometimes you just wanna relax and make money, yo.
Uhhh, good question. The Twitch app sucks. Try searching "Hylian7", not sure if that will work though.
I was looking through some old screenshots from the trench and man oh man, there were some hardcore shitter builds
Drow with nothing but 1 tango and a Bfury
Weaver with 3 bashers and a MoM
Naix with TWO bkbs and a Daedalus
Refresher Meepo
6 boots Skele King
Uhhh, good question. The Twitch app sucks. Try searching "Hylian7", not sure if that will work though.
Why should I, as someone who is not chat banned, EVER be forced to play with someone who is?
Post your setup and stream settings (All of them) if you want me to have a looksie
Play Silencer, OD, or gank him.
1 point in stun isn't enough to stun, roll, silence and you can self disrupt or disrupt ES if you are facing him. He has to do a different combo and can't r-click you.
If it's just pull+silence then yeah you are boned if you have no options. Just try to LH as much as possible and bully his HP down with raze and call on your team to help control runes.
How does support Alch work?
How does support Alch work?
DeMoN to replace ERA for Fnatic at D2L lan finals in Vegas! =O
oh wow. That's a big deal. Is DeMoN just close friends with a lot of these teams or do they really like what he's bringing to the table?
You know you can't trust someone like Demon with Fnatic.I dunno man, hasn't he been picked up by a fair few teams for subs in the past few months? He seems like he is still a big deal. Plx dont thoe game
How does support Alch work?
I dunno man, hasn't he been picked up by a fair few teams for subs in the past few months? He seems like he is still a big deal. Plx dont thoe game
You know you can't trust someone like Demon with Fnatic.
What is it about Europe that causes super janky servers? I swear in any large game, Europe is the region to have some of the most unstable servers.
I wonder if removing Wraith Night will come with some surprises like visual remakes or new hats![]()
Max Stun and Acid, get a medallion. You throw stun and acid plus medallion before it hits. Massive burst damage early game. Get utility items after that. You can farm ancient stacks later to transition into semi carry.
1) Unstable Concoction does like a Million Damage. Charge it up and toss it at them.
2) Acid Spay give minus armor. Put it under the dood you tossed you stun at while it is in the air to make it do two million damage.
3) Try to get a quickish soul ring so you can toss Unstable Concoctions for days.
4) Your ult gives a zillion HP regen. You basically can not die to a single source of damage with it up, use it do be a tanky asshole and use it for fun things like tower diving or simply tanking for your creeps.
After you start getting some levels (Like to 10+), feel free to farm up a bit, since Alch can catch up really fast and grab supportish items, like Vlads, Heaven's Hailbird, a Pipe, Malestorm, really anything to be honest.
He's the most broken support in the Trench. He's got huge burst and minus armor for days, and once you hit 6, he loses two of the weaknesses of most supports (squishiness and mana regen).
If the enemy team gives you enough time, you can transition into a core for your team and climb up to the #4 or #5 highest net worth on the map.
I've won every game I played Alch support in, but lost when I played him as a carry.
If they just fix the kill assist gem, this will be a 10/10 best patch of the year.
Also, there really should be a tower damage done gem.
One more alch tip, he has no armor, make sure you have picked some up by the 15-20 Mark. Mek, Vlads, MoC, Ac, even casual platemail, just get something.
Replacing the best Lifestealer player in the world with... DemoN.
Oh boy.
I still think the best way to hedge your bets for the next event is to pop the gem out and stick it in a ward so it catches every demon kill.I'm curious to know what the corrupted quality items will end up doing. Got the corrupted WR eyepatch which is kinda dumb looking compared to all the other awesome dos I have for her. Looking to get the Drow beret off the market though when I can access it again -stupid Visa gift card business![]()
Replacing the best Lifestealer player in the world with... DemoN.
Oh boy.
So today I played my fifth solo ranked calibration match. I like to play bounty because I figured I'm not going to be counter picked too hard. I've now played him three times in ranked and all three times I finished with drums, desolator, butterfly and vlads so I can't be doing too bad, but today has been the first time since a long time that nearly made me stop solo queuing again. Shadowfiend mid gets killed by pudge and tusk and blames me for not calling missing even though tusk was gone for about 3 minutes and I called multiple times. After I got track, I started roaming and tried to keep track of pudge only to be called useless by our SF.
As Bounty Hunter, is it my job to solo kill other heroes? Because I did not think I could have. First, because at the beginning I didn't have enough items and second, because they started to 5 man and I couldn't catch any pick offs. SF kept pinging me out when I was roaming and trying to find anyone but wtf are you supposed to do when you can't find anyone and they're just 5 manning?
No, unless you are farmed and are hunting supports, though if they are smart they will be hugging their cores at that point in a game. BH is a teamfight hero, as the more people there are around for Track kills, the more gold you gain from them. You gank other lanes, boosting the GPM of teammates via track. Also you counter invis or splitpush.
Good to hear. The guy had double the amount of games played I have, but I don't understand how you can play so much and still be like that. That game had everything, from annoying pinging to staring at each other over the river. They also had sentries everywhere and always had dust so it wasn't even like I could just walk up and jinada some guy. Tracking was kinda difficult because pudge could just hook me if he was fast enough.
I know playing Dota everyone is bound to get bad teammates, but this is by far the worst teammate I've had and the first time I've almost keyboard raged at someone (I typically never rage at games). Best lich ever.
On a positive note, I owned sniper this whole game for the most part. Thanks for the tips gaf. I've yet to do really well vs him with a melee character but at least this is a start.
Also this was my second game as Mirana having played one against the bots prior to this game. Definitely one of my favorite heroes now.
I know playing Dota everyone is bound to get bad teammates, but this is by far the worst teammate I've had and the first time I've almost keyboard raged at someone (I typically never rage at games). Best lich ever.
On a positive note, I owned sniper this whole game for the most part. Thanks for the tips gaf. I've yet to do really well vs him with a melee character but at least this is a start.
Also this was my second game as Mirana having played one against the bots prior to this game. Definitely one of my favorite heroes now.
Good to hear you are getting into things. The Lich likely had no idea how the game worked, you get that at lower levels sometimes. Also, friendly tip, you usually don't want to get two of the same item, except in rare cases like a daedulus for instance. I don't know what the best build for mirana is as I never play her but someone else here could probably help.
So my game was just a glitch? How weird
Okay it was just sad when I saw the K/D. But when I got over and saw the Quelling Blade and the Ogre Club it became hilarious