because if you don't people use that to dodge
? The leaver still get an abandon dude. Nice job dodging then you go low prio.
because if you don't people use that to dodge
I'm really unsure for it's future, you can pay to unlock rare item crafting chances and that really doesn't sit well with me.Interesting, I'm getting ads for strife on my phone (it is apparently a second generation moba), isn't it a bit early for ads, I thought that the game was still dev only.
? The leaver still get an abandon dude. Nice job dodging then you go low prio.
it used to be the way you're describing and it was changed because people abused it. deal with it
stevewinwood is the worst drafter ever. you always ban meepo
Guys, I keep having problems playing Kunkka.
After laning phase and after getting Phase + Shadowblade + Crystallis, I feel I drop off from the game so much. I should be doing loads of damage but I'm not, and I feel something is missing from my playstyle. I try to land boats + torrent + shadow blade and tidebringer, but I'm so squishy that if the enemy team uses dusts and focus on me I do shit.
If I try to farm to buy better items (Heart, AC, etc) I usually get ganked so hard it's not even funny.
I don't have problem farming with other heroes, but for some reason it goes absolutely horrid with Kunkka, every time.
The fuck am I doing wrong?
Guys, I keep having problems playing Kunkka.
After laning phase and after getting Phase + Shadowblade + Crystallis, I feel I drop off from the game so much. I should be doing loads of damage but I'm not, and I feel something is missing from my playstyle. I try to land boats + torrent + shadow blade and tidebringer, but I'm so squishy that if the enemy team uses dusts and focus on me I do shit.
If I try to farm to buy better items (Heart, AC, etc) I usually get ganked so hard it's not even funny.
I don't have problem farming with other heroes, but for some reason it goes absolutely horrid with Kunkka, every time.
The fuck am I doing wrong?
Guys, I played invoker and didn't feed mid and lose!
Well just had my first loss (I've only played 3 games). Is d/c'ing a common thing in dota? Thought we did ok considering I had to try and communicate with two players who didn't speak english. We lost but I don't think we got totally crushed ( I went 4/5/6 with cm. That's probably the best I've done so far)
I hate this game.
I can't tell if I just really suck with Invoker, or have bad luck. I'm just going to go with that I really suck with Invoker, and my Midas "rush" is likely just detrimental. At least I have a better idea of how play to Tinker, you just blind the enemy every few seconds like an ass so he can't last hit.
See, getting Midas makes a lot of since to me, Invoker really needs levels to function well in a team fight. But then you are sort of pigeonholed into staying mid, and not helping other lanes, since you need anther 5 minuets to get the items you skipped to get the midas. This may not be so bad if I could get Midas at like 5 or 6 minutes, but my timing tends to be closer to 9 minuets and up, and I have had many games it can take a solid 15 minutes to actually get a midas, and I am wondering if I just wasted my time.
Any of you have advice for last hitting in general, or a good way to practice?
yeah i think with invoker you kinda need to stick to the old midas rule of get it fast or don't bother.
I just played a game where 4/5 people on the other team had Shadow Blade. What is the Trech, DotaGAF?
Actually I have to disagree with this. The concept behind this is that getting it early gives you more time to breakeven on the gold cost of the item and to also have a more meaningful impact on the midgame. However, unlike most heroes, Invoker buys Midas more for the 2.5x exp it provides than for the 190 gold. He is a lot more level-dependent than item-dependent and hence it really doesn't matter when you buy it. The exp bonus will always matter and delaying his items is not a big deal as long as you are grinding out the levels.
the problem is that if you're taking forever just to get your midas up and running and then still need to get other items to be useful, you're potentially negating the bonus exp/gold by missing out on other sources.
Those items seem good for the most part. Did you guys push to end the game around 25 or 30 minutes? LD has his peak once you get radiance, then again when you get AC. The longer the game goes, the weaker LD gets since the bear can be focused down really quickly when everyone is really farmed.I like Lone Druid a lot, but every game I play with him, even if I have a ton of farm, I keep feeling weak and that I can't do much in team fights.
I played this game yesterday with a bunch of cool gaffers
Went mid against WD, he couldn't do much and I had good farm, no one came to gank me and I got Radiance at 18-19 minutes
As far as other items, I got Vlads cause I felt the aura and stats would be nice, and had a bunch of gold leftover so I got another basher on me as well
In most team fights I tried to keep my self out and let the bear do the work, but I don't feel like I did enough damage even with all those items.
I'm seeing a common element in all these games.
dw i crushed his dick into a small meat cube in the next game after that one
this mmr system is trash, there's so much data outputted by the game and the lazy ass devs decided to implement a system based on wins/losses
So like every other MMR system?
Those items seem good for the most part. Did you guys push to end the game around 25 or 30 minutes? LD has his peak once you get radiance, then again when you get AC. The longer the game goes, the weaker LD gets since the bear can be focused down really quickly when everyone is really farmed.
I still don't get mmr
or maybe there is just nothing to 'get' since it's shit
I have two accounts, one mmr is 2600 and the other is 3300. My performances are always similar, but my 2600 account is the one I used to learn dota with (first moba), so I guess on average that one is worse? who knows
this mmr system is trash, there's so much data outputted by the game and the lazy ass devs decided to implement a system based on wins/losses
it's a system designed for 1v1 games. It doesn't translate to team games.
the community kept asking for a mmr system, and valve saw a decline in player activity so they spent 5 minutes putting together this piece of shit solution while they focus their efforts on hats or whatever brings in the most money these days (not semi competitive players)