I should be able to raise my MMR playing solo. Hence the solo MMR and the party MMR.
Yeah, theoretically you should be able to, but my point is it's easier to win games when you have other people to coordinate with.
In my opinion they should just make solo players only play with other solo players. Solo Q is so dumb when you get matched up against stacks. If you're going to implement two different MMRs, then why not keep them separate as well?
I don't mind the stacks, I mind the people who queue USW/USE that don't speak/understand a lick of EnglishAlways on my team, never on the other it seems like.
Not saying they are bad players, but it is impossible to communicate clearly to setup plays when they don't speak the language of the server they are on.
What are some guidelines to leveling up Storm Early? I mixed remnant first last game, then overload and then maxed vortex, but I didn't feel useful until I was like level 14. Also I really suck on last hitting as storm, slightly more then other mids. I swear I have no actually "won" mid once this year.
What are some guidelines to leveling up Storm Early? I maxed remnant first last game, then overload and then maxed vortex, but I didn't feel useful until I was like level 14. Also I really suck on last hitting as storm, slightly more then other mids. I swear I have not actually "won" mid once this year.
So I did the EE build, great. At least EE's cheeky teleport move is useful. Used it twice, along with denying my self to neutrals twice, enemies likely were mad.
Also, I held off on the 2nd level of my ult until 14, because I was really being crushed in the early and mid game (I as like 2/6 working on a Drum). I feel that actually helped a good amount.
1-1-3: Heavy damage. Going for early aggression and harass. Good against squishy targets that can't escape easily. You can Overload an attack while its in the air (start attack, then remnant), so it's useful for surprise damage.
1-3-1: Lockdown. The damage output of this build isn't so great but you get a much more reliable stun. Works well when you have a partner coming to gank, or if your target can get away easily if they're not shut down such as QoP.
3-1-1: Clowny ass EE build, focused on flash farming with Remnant damage.
You don't go Drum on Storm.
Treads -> Orchid -> Bloodstone/Scythe
BKB if you need it.
Bloodstone is very poor on him, because it doesn't really provide any damage whatsoever which is what he needs most of all during 1-11. It is good, however, at snowballing so if you have an amazing start or something you could Bloodstone but Orchid's is generally safer.
EDIT: You're supposed to kill them before they kill you!
Last hitting on Storm is suffering yes.
Here, check out my sicknasty Storm: 578266004
Last hitting on Storm is suffering yes.
Here, check out my sicknasty Storm: 578266004
YesDoes BKB dispel empower?
"Hey guys I can win in smurf potato league with storm! look at my stats!"
This fuckin haly
Any tips for Gyro? Played him today and felt sort of lost.
1.How should I use my skills in a fight?
2.What's the reasoning behind the popular item builds?
3.Why is MKB mentioned so much for gyro?
what your post amounts to, haly, is: the problem lies with the ranking, not the game balance. that's ok. it has to be one or the other though.
also, even though i understand there's a history behind how the game got here, what matters is the present, not what happened when dota was a wc3 mod people played on 56k. i mean, as long as people realize this isn't ok and needs to be fixed, it's a start. accepting something faulty because it was "always like that" is not something i can agree with, however
either way, i don't really see how this can be debatable. if 2/5 positions aren't viable for climbing the ladder, then something is wrong, like i said, with either the game itself or the system used to grade the players. whatever historical reasons behind this are irrelevant to me because i'm playing this game today
edit: assuming people playing 4/5 can't climb. which is the premise here. it's possible he could do it with position 5 heroes too. who knows. i've seen that opinion posted often though. and even professional players have expressed it in the past
EDIT: Here is a link to Pro's 5k MMR ranked game: http://dotabuff.com/matches/572729119
You can tell it's high level from Earthshaker's future build.
1v1 sidelane against a windrunner is no fun man
Well he's gotta learn somehow, a few bot games won't teach you anything. You're gonna have to go offlane and feed cause its youre first time but damn it you will LEARNDon't play Phoenix if you don't know how, lol.
Ok ill try this out
1.Ult to initiate when they bunch up
Use missile on a fleeing enemy/their carry if he has no BKB
Rocket Barrage if youre 1v1 because it does broken ammounts of damage
Stand back and Falk Cannon for massive AOE damage
2. Gyro needs survivability and damage. Flak Cannon is one of the strongest late game abilities if you have enough farm, because you can do 1000+ damage to every enemy in 5 attacks. This is why you see Helm of the Dominator + MKB/Rapier on Gyro
3. MKB is easily one of the best items for Gyro. As I said before, his Flak Cannon is his bread and butter.
Flak Cannon lets 6 of your attacks hit every enemy in a 1000 radius
So even if you are attacking an enemy in front of you, everything next to and behind you will still take damage. MKB is one of the highest damage items in the game, and Gyro needs damage to do anything if note
Lastly, never ever buy Shadow Blade on Gyro. It just delays your damage items. Aghs is SUPER situational as well, as its only good for spamming your ult to push the lanes
Dual offlane kill lane or mid, yes.Well he's gotta learn somehow, a few bot games won't teach you anything. You're gonna have to go offlane and feed cause its youre first time but damn it you will LEARN
Well he's gotta learn somehow, a few bot games won't teach you anything. You're gonna have to go offlane and feed cause its youre first time but damn it you will LEARN
EDIT: Here is a link to Pro's 5k MMR ranked game: http://dotabuff.com/matches/572729119
You can tell it's high level from Earthshaker's future build.
Man TB is squishy as shit early
It was vs Slardar Veno so it wasn't as easy :[That's why you put him in a safe lane and let your support use a stun or disable a hero and just tear shit up while in Meta. He deals the most attack damage of any hero in the game early on.
Easy kill at lvl 2 as well using his Q.
It's actually in the top 3 damage items (only Abyssal Blade and Rapier are higher).I thought MKB was primarily a counter to evasion from butterfly/PA/Void, not a damage item, the more you know I guess.
It's actually in the top 3 damage items (only Abyssal Blade and Rapier are higher).
Isn't the main reason you get MKB over daedalus on Gyro that the true shot works for all flak shots (and thus being great for attacking the base) vs the crit only working on the "main" attack?
Isn't the main reason you get MKB over daedalus on Gyro that the true shot works for all flak shots (and thus being great for attacking the base) vs the crit only working on the "main" attack?
Also you still get higher damage per bullet with an mkb.
Whoops, i actually read that as mkb in general, not on Gyro which makes a lot more sense. Still worth noting that for some reason (wc3) truestrike doesn't work on buildings so even if you have mkb you're gonna miss some attacks on the t3s from the low ground.
Damn, these inconsistencies and changes make me dizzy.
Apparently evasion works against flak cannon aoe bullets in dota 2, therefore MKB is a good choice against evasion as you can't just shoot at another target like in dota 1.
And I know that MKB used to work against buildings in dota 2, but I thought they changed that?
Damn, these inconsistencies and changes make me dizzy.
go back to lol you scrub