Marauder Shields

Navi got bunker rushed
Okay when did I miss Blade Mail NP becoming a thing and why is it a thing?
Okay when did I miss Blade Mail NP becoming a thing and why is it a thing?
Okay when did I miss Blade Mail NP becoming a thing and why is it a thing?
Bounch wat are you doing?
Too anime for me
Guide linked on Reddit, duh. Don't remember who it was from. But yeah, all null talisman and blademail.
Navi will never ever beat EG it seems.
So how do I destroy a tower as Phantom Lancer without my team and without the creeps?
I won my first TA game today, you can watch me snowball so fucking hard. Also they were bad and the TA pick was like a super hard counter:How do you snowball as TA? I always have a really good start and win mid (yeah I know, but really I did), gank once I have traps to slow, and get phase boots and blink at a decent rate. But eventually I just melt in fights and can't keep up even though I'm really outleveling and outfarming them.
Abuse your early damage and refraction and make sure you det traps by clicking on them
So how do I destroy a tower as Phantom Lancer without my team and without the creeps?
Welcome to the All Hero challenge.
I need to get through Axe but I'm terribly at initiating.
LP is doing wonders for my confidence
EG looking so damn good
I won my first TA game today, you can watch me snowball so fucking hard. Also they were bad and the TA pick was like a super hard counter:
Abuse your early damage and refraction and make sure you det traps by clicking on them
Watch Wagamama games too
Unless you want to activate a trap that isn't the closest one to you, you don't have to do this anymore. Last patch equalized the manual and automatic trap activation cast time.
Shit now I don't feel pro anymore, dunno where I missed that. I blame the 50 patch updates.Both methods of trap detonation now have the same cast point, so it's really only useful for precision now. Nothing wrong with that method, just clarifying!
Do you guys remember gyrochopter? He used to be a dota hero
How about a tooltip called use fucking SoF on ember so we don't lose a 20 kill lead and the gameI like the new zen tooltips.
"Remember: everyone has bad games. Everyone makes mistakes."
Thanks tooltip guy!
How about a tooltip called use fucking SoF on ember so we don't lose a 20 kill lead and the game
How about a tooltip called use fucking SoF on ember so we don't lose a 20 kill lead and the game