and fuck da haytaz. hold dat shit, china.
Fear drafting again on EG?
They're beasting again
Scumbag team vs power of Zeus. Zeus carried team old man fear plays wolf
Thanks!Literally fell asleep in the last game, nice to see the final lineup though.
@snack the final is at 10:30CEST tomorrow morning
Fear with a crazy good day. Great drafts, great play by EG today. 8-0 versus 3 top tier teams and another pretty good one.
Many Dodgerinojacky mao said:We haven't scrimmed once against Team Tinker, we have tried but they don't wanna play.
EG seems very fluid with their lane roles since fear came back.Fear is position 2?
What time are the finals, I want to watch the end of TI4: The Directors Cut
RTZ was what cost EG at TI4.
EG seems very fluid with their lane roles since fear came back.
If by that you mean the target he had painted on him for the entire main stage event and a lack of diversity in proper carry picks that left them unable to pass the batton to the rest if the team, then yeah you are right.
Or I mean lol Midas guys, right.
In terms of individual skill or in terms of interacting and communicating with the team?
[Fata] has pretty damn high individual skill, 6.9k MMR and stuff like that. But definitely the big upgrade is the communication. It's not just the communication, it's more like he will be more responsible for the play. Like if we lose a game, he will blame himself and try to look at things he did wrong to improve. Or he'll practice heroes we want to practice and he will think of new ideas to incorporate into our team, and he will talk about our team.
whichever you choose, you seem to be agreeing.
Cloud 9
Evil Geniuses
Team Tinker
Single Elimination
All Bo5
Prizepool: $15,000
1ST -$7,000
2ND - $4,000
3RD/4TH - $2,000
4:30 am, geez. Maybe I'll go to bed and get up early.
Any good Ember builds that aren't Phase - drum - BF/Daed?
Drum-Yasha-Skaadi? Maelstrom?
Ruined my sleep schedule and still slept through half those WEC games. EG vs C9 finals. That's pretty funny.
edit: http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2fnd90/the_nvidia_game24_invitational_15k_all_bo5_feat/
People sarcastically ask where Ayesee is, there you go haha.