and it manages to look better. that's a damn shame.
Yeah, this blows my mind. Riot is a skilled company. Shame their PR and culture is in the toilet.
and it manages to look better. that's a damn shame.
Yeah, this blows my mind. Riot is a skilled company. Shame their PR and culture is in the toilet.
it looks decidedly more like the more recent Android OS, with heavy influences from modern web design styling like you'd find on looks like an obsessive Apple fan got a hold of Dota
I wouldn't even say they're especially skilled. They're using Adobe Air for their main client, for fucks sake. But they're trying harder than Valve and have a bigger team than Valve has on Dota 2, so here we are. Stuck with our clunky and inefficient main UI and clunky and inefficient in-game UI.
I wonder if Source 2 will allow us to alter the in-game UI to our own preferences like we see in TF2.
why are you worried about how much time it might or might not take to implement? that's not our job and a professional team of developers don't need you covering and excuse-making for them. "it might be hard" is not a valid excuse to decline better UI design. The UI has looked like this at the main menu and in-game for about 3 years now and they both need updates badly. The main menu wastes too much space and the in-game UI is bigger and bulkier than it ever needed to be. It could shrink by 30% and everyone would appreciate the reclaimed space.
also, I'm sure some faded rocks or some shit can be added to better fit the tone of the game as necessary.
Take notes, Valve. Even Leeg has a better looking landing screen that Dota 2.
why are you worried about how much time it might or might not take to implement? that's not our job and a professional team of developers don't need you covering and excuse-making for them. "it might be hard" is not a valid excuse to decline better UI design. The UI has looked like this at the main menu and in-game for about 3 years now and they both need updates badly. The main menu wastes too much space and the in-game UI is bigger and bulkier than it ever needed to be. It could shrink by 30% and everyone would appreciate the reclaimed space.
also, I'm sure some faded rocks or some shit can be added to better fit the tone of the game as necessary.
Take notes, Valve. Even Leeg has a better looking landing screen that Dota 2.
All I want is a minimal HUD, slightly faster client, and stable servers.
I don't care about client redesign at all or changing in game stuff to have fades everywhere. Game is extremely readable as is.
Ewwww, those look awful, don't take away the organization of the item squares. I use Alt+QWEASD, don't ruin that for me.
You value keybinds that you shouldn't have to look at over being able to see more of the map? Dude please.
Nope you can still see his stupid goofy head, best helmet is the SK one, no need to see his ugly mug, the same goes for DK.
Am I one of like 3 people who likes the UI we have? I mean for christs sakes remember this?
Am I one of like 3 people who likes the UI we have? I mean for christs sakes remember this?
It's been worse, but that doesn't mean it can't be better. I still want it to use the space more efficiently, there's tons of empty space everywhere.
BTW, for pubs, Blink or Lothars for LC?
Because I work as a game developer and that sort of is my job at the moment, hehe.
All I want is a minimal HUD, slightly faster client, and stable servers.
I don't care about client redesign at all or changing in game stuff to have fades everywhere. Game is extremely readable as is.
All I want is a minimal HUD, slightly faster client, and stable servers.
I don't care about client redesign at all or changing in game stuff to have fades everywhere. Game is extremely readable as is.
Looking through Unreleased Content stuff on the Wiki and there is some cool shit I want in the game
I wish we got this dopey-Polkaroo-looking dragon camp:
soooooo part 2 today i guess?
Am I one of like 3 people who likes the UI we have? I mean for christs sakes remember this?
damn, i want that hud skin... so minimal...
Until they decide to stop selling HUD skins we will never get a good, minimalist HUD in Dota.
Its called black monolith in the current game and its about $3 on the market
Saw this on reddit. Thoughts?
I kind of hope they just make the HUDs scalable, and make it apply to all the custom HUDs. Have them all split into parts you can adjust the size of, etc.
it needs proper 16:10 support too. You actually get *less* real estate if you're gaming on 16:10/1920x1200 or a derivative of that. Game cuts off a ton of pixels on the sides and zooms in farther to compensate. 16:10 is actually at a disadvantage to 16:9. People on the edge of the screen *will* see you before you see them.Volvo needs to give proper 21:9 support
making it scalable is not enough. That will make some elements too small to be legible. No, there are gratuitous amounts of *dead space* in the in-game UI. Space that could be reappropriated to give us more in-game real estate. You know what Dota 2 doesn't have enough of? Map real estate. I want to be able to see as much of the map as possible and as little of the HUD as possible. Every modern game design studio is doing their best to *decrease* the footprint of HUDs to as small as possible to give the gamer more of the actual game to see. Leeg has more on-screen real estate (and a scalable HUD). SMITE has more on-screen real estate. HoS has more on-screen real estate. The fucking iOS MOBAS have more on-screen real-estate. Us being used to it doesn't make it acceptable.
Dota 2 has the largest, most offensive UI of any game I've played in the last 5 years. It could be so much better in ways that many a UI designer have made mockups in hopes of facilitating some sort of change. But I'm not sure if Valve gives enough of a fuck to improve it.
it needs proper 16:10 support too. You actually get *less* real estate if you're gaming on 16:10/1920x1200 or a derivative of that. Game cuts off a ton of pixels on the sides and zooms in farther to compensate. 16:10 is actually at a disadvantage to 16:9. People on the edge of the screen *will* see you before you see them.
Honestly I think another part of the issue is keeping it like Dota 1, where the UI was roughly the same size. I'm guessing for the same reason you can't zoom out while playing.
yea probably but fuck Dota 1. This is Dota 2. That 2 needs to mean something. They need to be about evolving shit like this. Not taking UI design queues from a game released 13 years ago (WC3). And again, this is far from a new topic. We've been talking about this for 3 years.presumably the UI takes up about that much space because the original dota (war3) ui takes up about that much space?
I wish I could zoom it out just slightly though, but I understand that that would change the game.
They were far more conservative 2 years ago so to not scare the dota crowd out of dota 2 but now that the game has established itself, they've been a bit more daring. If enough people make a fuss about the UI, I can totally see them make some significant changes.