Shaper Divine

I feel like this current meta is my worst so far
Also screw valve for not remodeling void
I feel like this current meta is my worst so far
Also screw valve for not remodeling void
Void won the vote, but nobody wants him remodelled, and there are no good ideas for what a reworked Void should look like. If there were a simple 109-way (I think?) vote for a remodel, there's no way that Void would have come top. But we didn't get a 109-way vote. We got a series of run-offs, and Void ran the run-offs. He doesn't have the worst model; he just compared unfavourably in a bunch of smaller comparisons.
I think at best he's going to get a slightly refined model and some small changes to his torso and legs (avoids ruining existing Void hats), maybe some particles or other fanciness, and that'll be that.
I think they are going to ditch the loin cloth.
I can't get past this panel because she reminds of me someone
mary louise parker? no....
You can use Dazzle heal on couriers. That means you can use the courier to heal bomb.
Just so you fuckers know. I was maining CM support before it became cool to play CM. 130 matches and counting and just outcarried a 700GPM SF with her. So there.
Just so you fuckers know. I was maining CM support before it became cool to play CM. 130 matches and counting and just outcarried a 700GPM SF with her. So there.
I guess I just don't understand how it did 4x damage instead of just the two (one for dazzle one for courier)
You can use Dazzle heal on couriers. That means you can use the courier to heal bomb.
I guess I just don't understand how it did 4x damage instead of just the two (one for dazzle one for courier)
It's actually multiple couriers. Sadly, units stack in this game so you can't see it very well in the webm, I made another one that shows the battle log but I haven't managed to find a way to select multiple units in spectator mode.
I can't get past this panel because she reminds of me someone
mary louise parker? no....
Nice, more lore. Snoprat and Botfrit looks like Brewmaster's race.
I was over the comics the last time they did it. I miss the gigantic full page teaser spreads.
This CM is very different from the CM I imagined lol.
same, they gave her way more personality than I remember from the VO in the game. I wonder if they will update it to fit. probably not, but it's cool to learn more about her character.
edit: actually, listening to her voice lines, I can totally see it.
Its called black monolith in the current game and its about $3 on the market