i don't mind the custom games thing but...
when the hell are custom games coming
i also wonder when is IHL2 coming out..?
i don't mind the custom games thing but...
when the hell are custom games coming
Pay 2 Play ?
Man. Since Arc Warden is getting hinted at I wonder what they're planning with Pit Lord.
I wouldn't get your hopes up. Every single patch has a bunch of little hints to future stuff and it's never a surprise further content for this patch. It's always next time or later.
Just think about the wyvern hints, void remake speculation, and the weird Zeus thing with the PA event.
i don't mind the custom games thing but...
when the hell are custom games coming
I dont see the CM at allLook at this from the PA event
Left is Wyvern
Right is CM arcana
So Winter Wyvern question, those that are in test client:
With his ult, can the allies attacking the ally in the middle proc Axe's Counter Helix? I'm assuming if yes, it doesn't damage them, but would damage enemies. I await hilarious fails with this if you can actually do it.
So Winter Wyvern question, those that are in test client:
With his ult, can the allies attacking the ally in the middle proc Axe's Counter Helix? I'm assuming if yes, it doesn't damage them, but would damage enemies. I await hilarious fails with this if you can actually do it.
I wouldn't get your hopes up. Every single patch has a bunch of little hints to future stuff and it's never a surprise further content for this patch. It's always next time or later.
Just think about the wyvern hints, void remake speculation, and the weird Zeus thing with the PA event.
Zeus had that crit strike effect over his name after he was knocked off the list.
I'm ok with paying for the best custom game modes. The creators deserve some compensation for the time and work they put in.
I think it will be similar to the operations, but with out then ever going into match making for free.A paygate will also limit their community though which means they will be ghost towns and you wasted your money on it. Operation Payback type shit would make a lot more sense.
i don't mind the custom games thing but...
when the hell are custom games coming
I wonder if Warden will come out before TI5 or if we'll have to wait eons between New Bloom and our next hero like we did last year.
Zeus had that crit strike effect over his name after he was knocked off the list.
I wonder if valve will actually take any creative freedoms and create a new hero instead of recycling heroes
Winter Wyvern model seems a bit too large. dat wingspan
or older sister
I sort of don't mind the prediction items not being tradeable/marketable; it's still cheaper than actually buying the chest. Provided that I do get the 3 wins.
I don't mind the risk. Now, if the items are godawful ugly on the other hand...well :|
Yea, that works for me. I don't intend to sell my stuff anyway.
I wonder if valve will actually take any creative freedoms and create a new hero instead of recycling heroes
man i want that cm arcana
her face looks weird tho tbh
Erik Johnson told IGN last year they would.
They also told some publication that viper remodel and legion commander would be out before TI3
******** is more reliable that Valve's word at this point.
I think you guys leave Zeus off of lists like this just to piss me off.When has this ever not been the case? Remember "Episode 3 should be out 6 months after Episode 2"?
Viper remodel is needed so badly though, I think now that SF is knocked out for remodel, it should be in this order:
Void (I guess because he won, but that's the only reason, as his model is fine)
I think you guys leave Zeus off of lists like this just to piss me off.
Zuus > Jakiro > Slardar > Viper
Jak might not need a remodel, he's got good animations. It's mostly his textures that are completely whack
also his spells are ugly (macropyre looks like boiling vomit. which it is I guess)
Actually I forgot Zeus, put him between Viper and Slardar.
Fuck that. Zeus looks *awful*.
*shakes fist*
Pay 2 Play ?
Pay 2 Play ?
There goes my hype for custom maps, I hope its really limited and thought out well, or it will probably backfire and no one would touch custom maps. The reason I didn't buy SC2 was because they said there will be purchasable custom maps.
My friends will probably avoid it so who would I play these maps with?
Oh god, I always thought he had four eyes and now I can't stop seeing two.Zeus still looks better than Viper.
I always thought he had two eyes and the things between his pairs of eyes were his pupils. Then someone pointed it out to me.
That tweet implies it will be like CS:GO - Valve will host the best game modes on their servers, but you are free to play any you want on your own. Also means custom game mode creators will get paid for their work.