Because it encourages the PA and the PA-target to tunnel-vision each other instead of doing what's best for the team.
The russian version only costs like $23, but it will fluxuate because you can't bet exalted items on Dota2Lounge.
So essentially all the arcana pre-orders are for playing only.
After 7/12 they will not be exalted but at the same time will not be 20% off. Expect another correction if and when the PA arcanas are allowed on D2L for betting.
Would anyone be kind and test blademail interaction with Oracle ult? Does it reflect the delayed dmg while its being applied and then a 2nd time when the ult ends?
Also, combos:
Oracle ult +
-Dazzle: Shallow grave the target when ult is about to end
-Abaddon: Use ult when Oracle ult is about to end
-Terrorblade? (Haven't tested it out yet, but sunder tho)
-Nyx: ALL DAMAGE IS APPLIED IN ONE INSTANCE AFTER ULT. Eziest spiked carapce of my life.
-Ursa: Ensure max dmg with his ult since your hp will always be topped off.
-Storm Spirit: Ball lightning right before ult ends? (dunno if this works, I hear invulnerability doesn't block delayed dmg? Same question about other invulnerability giving heroes also shadow demon)
-Spectre: Wonder if dmg is still reflected by Dispersion?
-Wraith King: With ult you'll never fully die.
Tested some of these:
-shallow grave works as expected
-borrowed time must be activated manually (even if ult is up, if damage would be lethal he will die)
-nyx will not reflect the damage and will take it instead. If carapace is activated during FP it will reflect and stun, but nyx will also take the damage at the end of FP
-blademail never reflects (neither if activated during FP or activated when damage triggers)
-Euls, storm, not SD will save you from FP damage (which is different than when I tested it earlier)
-Damage disperses normally
aww, so many funny videos lost. Thanks for testing it btw.
Damage dispersion, does it reflect the damage before the ult end and does it reflect it again when the ult ends?
only disperses during the ult
if its able to be redone i bet it would be like the hammers and have like 5 chargesvalve could give a new statue to craft every 1-2 levels but they won't do it
if its able to be redone i bet it would be like the hammers and have like 5 charges
Because doing what's best for the team is what pub Dota is all about.
This isn't really a good excuse at all. Given the choice between a huge target out of position/stunned/etc, or a Pugna with no mana running away, even the worst players would probably kill the huge target
...unless Pugna was the contract for that game, and now the huge target gets away because PA was off chasing Pugna
Valve shouldn't encourage poor game play decisions with hat rewards.
Thats weird. I remember dying after an Oracle ult and the damage report indicated total dmg from the ult divided by heroes who dealt it.
Who's copping Smash Wii U?
Who's copping Smash Wii U?
I'm legit salty. I don't like seeing my second baby Dusa lose.
Do you guys think if all 5 had just stayed and focused the throne instead of trying to stop a solo WK they win that race? Second rapier was almost to Dusa and they dropped the T4's in seconds.
MVP playing Void + Sniper combo against Team Tinker, wow.
Also, Sniper was stronger prior to his headshot change.
thats how its supposed work... no?
Lone Druid is voiced by Nolan North wtf?
Does he voice anyone else?
You can literally play a 5v5 of all Nolan North characters.Lone Druid is voiced by Nolan North wtf?
Does he voice anyone else?
Earth Spirit
Keeper of the Light
Lone Druid
Ogre Magi
Shadow Demon
Troll Warlord
You can literally play a 5v5 of all Nolan North characters.
Totally better. You can't outdps anyone anymore, it's tragic. People just walk in your face and kill you even with your better range, while before they had an hard time attacking because of all the ministuns canceling attack animations. IF nice nerf zzzz
This needs to happen
Not sure when I'll be able to use Lone Druid properly, my micro is pretty poor. Don't know how best to keep Druid out of trouble, and close to the bear either. Especially when the bear is faster than him.
I need to equip both with a TPS to get both around the map quickly, right?
Earth Spirit
Keeper of the Light
Lone Druid
Ogre Magi
Shadow Demon
Troll Warlord
Earth Spirit
Keeper of the Light
Lone Druid
Ogre Magi
Shadow Demon
Troll Warlord
You can literally play a 5v5 of all Nolan North characters.
5v5 Nolan North heroes vs the guy who did Slardar, Anti-Mage and all those other characters.
Dang there are a lot of people who've done like 5+ heroes.
Axe and Kunkka were done by the same guy who did Duke Nukem, amazing.
(obviously not this update but still)
Fun fact about Jon St. John is that he came to my college for a terrible organized panel that devolved into him doing prank calls with the Duke Nukem voice. We asked him to call a friend as one his Dota heroes, and he said that it had been a while but he'd try. We coached him on Axe and Kunkka, which he abandoned 20 secs into the call to say those guys were pussy nerd shit and just did the Duke Nukem voice.
The End.
Me in one and a half fucking weeks fucking NoEWho's copping Smash Wii U?
Jen Taylor is more than just waifurangerCortana from Halo is Waifuranger!
Fun fact about Jon St. John is that he came to my college for a terrible organized panel that devolved into him doing prank calls with the Duke Nukem voice. We asked him to call a friend as one his Dota heroes, and he said that it had been a while but he'd try. We coached him on Axe and Kunkka, which he abandoned 20 secs into the call to say those guys were pussy nerd shit and just did the Duke Nukem voice.
The End.