Heavy's Sandvich
anyone wanna play
with you? no thanks
i cant do anything but post on sites, recovering from surgeru.
anyone wanna play
I have that exact Jakiro Dual Breath pose
It looks so nice in game, especially when the game bugs out and gives the statues colour
Centuar is his Win animation
ES is his Enchant Totem attack im sure
I have that exact Jakiro Dual Breath pose
It looks so nice in game, especially when the game bugs out and gives the statues colour
Centuar is his Win animation
ES is his Enchant Totem attack im sure
Im from the future and i work in the US Embassy in Romania. In June a US Citizen named Jimmy Ho infiltrated our facility and burned the VISA request of Pittner "Bone7" Armand. Mr. Armand couldnt visit the United States and Jimmy Ho stood in for Cloud 9 at the International 4. Unfortunately he missed the Grand Finals cause he went to the Gym.
we just had an earthquake here in dallas tx YIKES
Also wtf at the concurrent today. 966,000 when last weekend only peaked at like 898,000. That's unusually large growth. Dreamleague might be partly responsible, but it ain't no TI, and you need a ticket for in game.
New hero + mini event that lets you potentially net items.Also wtf at the concurrent today. 966,000 when last weekend only peaked at like 898,000. That's unusually large growth. Dreamleague might be partly responsible, but it ain't no TI, and you need a ticket for in game.
New hero + mini event that lets you potentially net items.
I didn't see it. Thus,Dreams, pls give your opinion on that gust.
I didn't see it. Thus,
function wasItAGoodGust (numHeroesGusted, killedErryBody)
var good_shit = 0
var fuckinawful = 0
if ( numHeroesGusted > 2 || killedErryBody == true ) {
echo('Dreams is proud of you.');
} else {
echo('Retire that fuckin Drow, homie.');
or something like that. lol
how does darkseer have such low GPM? all you have to do is run around and occasionally cast a spell and you get farm..
he had no clue what was going on
neither did our disraptor
Well atleast you were playing a high impact support. I've basically decided I can only play core or supports that can carry if i want mmr.
omniknight aint no supportWell atleast you were playing a high impact support. I've basically decided I can only play core or supports that can carry if i want mmr.
gaben took your battle boosters awayYo dota-GAF I haven't played in ages and when I opened game I got like 5 treasure redemption tokens? no idea why
gaben took your battle boosters away
On my 4th cup of Johnny Walker black label at this club and I feel like I can barely see straight. Got the number of the finest girl at this club. I know that much. Salsa dancing game is tight. My vision is struggling atm. Dfuck. Thank god for autocorrect on this phone.
On my 4th cup of Johnny Walker black label at this club and I feel like I can barely see straight. Got the number of the finest girl at this club. I know that much. Salsa dancing game is tight. My vision is struggling atm. Dfuck. Thank god for autocorrect on this phone.
On my 4th cup of Johnny Walker black label at this club and I feel like I can barely see straight. Got the number of the finest girl at this club. I know that much. Salsa dancing game is tight. My vision is struggling atm. Dfuck. Thank god for autocorrect on this phone.
That seems like the standard. We had Medusa, Void, PL, Enigma and another support. I even ask the medusa if she wants safe lane. Void immediately runs to safe lane and won't respond to any sort of communication. We win, but he ends the game 0-8-something.
Playing against PA's that stay in lane for 2 levels and then just go farm jungle cuz they didn't get first blood is great.
It's effectively 5v4 for the whole game and as it starts to tip towards us, they just quit playing and go hide.
It's fun because it becomes a hunt late game to try and find her before the creeps destroy the base.
Wad that a legit ddos or just valve server crash?Holy shit that Medusa game on Bulldog strim just now.... Hour long comeback and DDOS at the end!
Fake edit: RECONNECTED TO WIN IT! No MMR but an hours worth of Rocky music and the most epic comeback ever. Best strim of all time.
When do that PA contracts get over, I don't like playing in any game which has a PA.
If PA is in my team, everyone only supports PA.
If PA is in the opposite team, everyone in my TEAM literally stops playing the game after PA gets the contract kill.
Fuck this contracts..everyone in non-ranked PUB's (especially abusing LP games) only playing for items.