I want to respond directly to your statements, "...you all didn't want to allocate the resources and time to aid in the development..." and "...why didn't you help them more to stem this? Were no other developers willing/interested..."
Those statements make clear a large part of the disconnect I see between expectations and what goes on inside of a small developer. Every employee has to be funded by something: A publisher deal, a kickstarter, an outside investor, or the sales of our games. The last item is not a huge amount, and sometimes not there at all, so really the answer is the first three.
All of the resources you're asking me to throw at Spacebase are currently funded by one of those first three things. How would Midnight City feel we took a programmer they paid for to work on Costume Quest 2, and sent them to work on Spacebase? Would it be right to take someone paid for by the Massive Chalice backers and put them on Spacebase? Or one of the programmers Indie Fund paid for to work on Hack N Slash?
People on Spacebase have to be funded by Spacebase. Or any money that we have sitting in the bank, which in our case is not much. Still we have put a lot of that kind of money into the game as well.
And the biggest difference between Prison Architect and Spacebase? A lot more people bought Prison Architect. If you really want to compare Spacebase to another early access game, you need to find a similar story of a game that did not sell as well as was expected. How did they handle the lack of funds? We've tried to handle this difficult situation as well as possible.
Thanks for your questions!
Correction to the above-- Spacebase was funded by Spacebase revenue AND its initial investment by Indie Fund. So the game did have a chunk of development paid for, but then how far it went beyond that depended on how well the game performed. Also, my example of borrowing someone from Hack N Slash is a little funny considering they were both funded by Indie Fund.

But it's still true--we assume they would not like us shifting people around like that without consulting them first.