Is the "Blood Dragon" armor best in the game for the warrior? Can I find better ingame or at least similar?
Melhisedek said:Is the "Blood Dragon" armor best in the game for the warrior? Can I find better ingame or at least similar?
branny said:I don't see the problem. At that pointignoring Anders was supposed to be a blatant sign that she had some greater agenda, possessed or not, using it as impetus for an all-out war. My issue was that it painted her as obviously "evil" when the conflict between Mages and Templars is quite complex and deserves to be handled much better than that.
jackdoe said:Lame as fuck. I hate both sides.
glaurung said:Regarding armor designs...
I am now sporting the Fallen armor on my Warrior/Reaver, missing the gauntlets. That set looks pretty good, but I am sure there will be more awesome sets along soon.
What is the name of the armor that is worn in the prologue? The one that is also on the game cover? Do I get that again?
I suppose the rogue gets the best armor designs though. Gonna roll him for my next play.
Champion Armor, you get it after completing act 2.glaurung said:What is the name of the armor that is worn in the prologue? The one that is also on the game cover? Do I get that again?
glaurung said:Thanks for the info.
Is there properly, PROPERLY epic loot later on in the game? I am sporting the unlocked gear for most of my crew right now and frankly, all else looks like trash.
glaurung said:Thanks for the info.
Is there properly, PROPERLY epic loot later on in the game? I am sporting the unlocked gear for most of my crew right now and frankly, all else looks like trash.
Gifts: the only gift item I have found so far for Bethany ended up as a "quest" - I had to locate her in Gamlen's house, she had a double-arrow above her head, I talked to her and that initiated the gift giving sequence. Got the friendship bonus too.Moofers said:Regarding Gifts: How do you give them? I've bought a few from stores, but I can't find them in my inventory. In the first DA, you could give them from your inventory and see the +10 or whatever right away. How do you do it now?
Regarding Armor: I don't understand how "The Fallen" set is the best stuff in the game. In fact, armor seems totally weird and broken. Nothing ever has any stars for me anymore (lvl 50) and the weird lower-level looking stuff often ends up having higher numbers than all the premium crap I got from Signature Edition in the Black Emporium and my chest in Gamlen's house. I don't get it.
Moofers said:Regarding Gifts: How do you give them? I've bought a few from stores, but I can't find them in my inventory. In the first DA, you could give them from your inventory and see the +10 or whatever right away. How do you do it now?
Moofers said:Regarding Gifts: How do you give them? I've bought a few from stores, but I can't find them in my inventory. In the first DA, you could give them from your inventory and see the +10 or whatever right away. How do you do it now?
Regarding Armor: I don't understand how "The Fallen" set is the best stuff in the game. In fact, armor seems totally weird and broken. Nothing ever has any stars for me anymore (lvl 50) and the weird lower-level looking stuff often ends up having higher numbers than all the premium crap I got from Signature Edition in the Black Emporium and my chest in Gamlen's house. I don't get it.
Sir Garbageman said:I'm assuming I'm about halfway through Act II, specifically I'm. Anyway. I've gotten all the companion quests except for Isabella's. Is there a specific trigger for it or does it just appear after progressing the main quest line after a certain point? I don't want to miss it.about to head to the Hanged Man to question the guards about the missing qunari delegation
Jarlaxle said:Anyone know the answer to this? I'm in the same boat at the same spot too.
Jarlaxle said:Anyone know the answer to this? I'm in the same boat at the same spot too.
There is one unique armor set for each class in every Act. "... of the Fallen" is the warrior set for Act 1. I'm sure that each class gets the "Champion" set in Act 3.HixxSAFC said:Blood Dragon armour is pretty bad. There's tiers, I think the first good tier of heavy armour is 'of the Fallen'.
Sadly, runes don't seem to add any special visual effects to weapons anymore. Weak, I know.RPGCrazied said:Do runes not make your weapons glow or have effects on them? I have a fire one now, and its nothing. That would be sad if not.
Only elemental weapons spell make weapons glow and its ugly too.RPGCrazied said:Do runes not make your weapons glow or have effects on them? I have a fire one now, and its nothing. That would be sad if not.
JoeBoy101 said:Yup, I know the answer. Keep playing.
Ever notice how Isabella will never enter the Qunari compound with you? Her companion quest is going to tie directly with the main plot for Act II.
RPGCrazied said:I already posted my impressions, but man this game is a step backwards from Origins. I hope III will have a full development cycle and trash most of the ideas in the 2nd game. Its fun, sure, but there is a lot of things wrong with it.
RPGCrazied said:How far am I? I have yet to do the deep road thing, even tho I now have the funds to go do it.
Kyoufu said:Not far at all.
RPGCrazied said:So I can expect to visit the Wounded Coast a few more times? ;\
RPGCrazied said:So I can expect to visit the Wounded Coast a few more times? ;\
Nirolak said:I can't help but feel something was lost between the concept and the final model.
Devil's in the details. That concept art has a much more human looking face and there are extra touches like wrinkles, sunken eyes, gaunt cheeks, a bit of hair sticking out. It looks more like a twisted caricature of a human being. Rather than in the game it just looks weird and ugly. Plus in the game it self darkspawn play a very minimal role and you don't usually get a good look at them. But yeah I agree that the concept art is great.Nirolak said:I can't help but feel something was lost between the concept and the final model.
It was part of ZBrush's tech interview on the game: said:WTF I want that game!
I have a feeling that is what Bioware wanted, EA said "hurry the fuck up you've got 2 years, not 9 this time" and we get...well, yeah.![]()
A lot of that looks different from how it ended up in the game. As usual concept art is better than the final result. Kind of like how that Blur video for ME2 where Miranda looked so much better than the ingame model.Nirolak said:It was part of ZBrush's tech interview on the game:
I'm quite curious to see how close they can come with Dragon Age 3.Lostconfused said:A lot of that looks different from how it ended up in the game. As usual concept art is better than the final result. Kind of like how that Blur video for ME2 where Miranda looked so much better than the ingame model.
Being able to re use assets and having more development time is always a good thing, if used wisely of course. But that does nothing for my concerns about the core gameplay design. I hope that there has been enough of an outcry from gamers and journos about the combat that Bioware takes a second look at it.Nirolak said:Given that Gaider was also implying that DA3 has been in development for at least a few months due to content lockdowns and that they wouldn't be throwing out lots of art assets due to an art style change this time around, we should be looking at a 26-30 month development cycle for the next game with almost all of it thrown into improvements and additions instead of reinventing the wheel.
hamchan said:Watching the credits now. Uh, the ending was pretty damn abrupt unless there's something after the credits.
EDIT: Also game took me 22 hours and I did EVERYTHING except for reading the codex entries, so yeah the game isn't very long.
hamchan said:Watching the credits now. Uh, the ending was pretty damn abrupt unless there's something after the credits.
EDIT: Also game took me 22 hours and I did EVERYTHING except for reading the codex entries, so yeah the game isn't very long.
*shrug*De4th Strike said:Im clocking 36 hours which is really only 33 due to a time glitch and am a little ways through Act 3. I cant see how anyone can "do everything" this fast
I fast travel everywhere, from quest to quest. Finishing them all pretty quickly. i have about 9 side quests lined up in my journal now. Will probably hit 40 hours i should think.
No different to Dragon Age 1 or Mass effect 2 both finished in 40/41 hours. The only Bioware game i have played that was ridiculously short was mass effect in 25 hours.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:Why cant I use the bow with my warrior? WTF is this shit. Why does this game feel so much more limiting than the first one? Its the same crap that happened when we went from ME to ME2.
Nirolak said:I can't help but feel something was lost between the concept and the final model.
Nirolak said:I can't help but feel something was lost between the concept and the final model.